Monday, August 28, 2023

Bernd Baumann, July 6, 2023, Criminal Clans

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14233-14234. 

Frau President. 

Across all Europe, the consequences of a catastrophic migration policy are setting in. In France, the inner cities burned for one week long. With us, such an outbreak of violence has not yet arrived. Yet migrant violence and parallel societies are long since here also. Example NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen]: 500 armed men go at one another with iron bars and knives, countless victims lie in the streets with serious wounds. In the midst of our homeland, newly immigrated clans from Syria fight against long established Turkish-Arab clans. It is a fight for territory, a fight for mastery in entire quarters of the city. The Germans can only look on helplessly, they fear what is happening to their homeland. All of you here are to answer for this situation, ladies and gentlemen! 

The latest numbers indeed show: Clan criminality is rising; in Lower Saxony alone around 40 percent in just one year. 

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Please use absolute numbers! Absolute numbers!

How could it have come so far? In Germany there is just one, single scholar who for decades  researches the theme of clans: Dr. Ralph Ghadban. He is an Islam researcher and political scientist and himself comes from Lebanon, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Therefore he is an expert?

the place of origin of many clans. In the past weeks, he was questioned from ARD to ZDF. Ghadban said: The large families or clans form the basic unity of social life in all countries of the Near East and North Africa. Here, a man’s loyalty is directed primarily to his own large family. They thus form complete unities. Ghadban, further: When these large families come to us, then they bring these structures. Perhaps single individuals can still be integrated; in regards complete, large families, that is scarcely imaginable. 

Ghadban himself has lived it – at the end of the 70s, as a social worker – how several of the large families unfortunately developed as criminal. He himself saw how they began their predations; first, in a small grocery store with their, as Ghadban says, herd tactics [Rudeltaktiks]: One diverts the owner, the others rob him. When the police arrive, all are long since gone. Ghadban saw this and warned the Politik. Yet the multicultural fanatics, he said, did not want to acknowledge this, they looked away. – You are responsible for what has happened here!    

The clans learned therefrom: So easily does money come to hand in Germany. Now they rob quite large supermarkets. The criminal police wrote heated letters [Brandbriefe] to the Politik, demanded support. Yet the Politiker did nothing. Worse still: They did not once permit the police to even name the ethnic origin of the perpetrators. That for once needs to be brought forward, ladies and gentlemen. 

That of course strengthened the clans. They now entered into drug dealing, forced prostitution, extortion of protection money, spectacular break-ins, as in the Dresden Grüne Gewolbe. Through open borders, they coalesced into giant mafia organizations with hundreds of thousands of members. They live in luxury villas without ever having worked. They drive ostentatious limousines through German cities while on the side of the road pensioners, who toiled a lifetime, search for bottles in the trash. – What have we come to, ladies and gentlemen? Guilt for this frightening development is borne by those who permit all of this: CDU, SPD, FDP, Greens. Those are the ones responsible! 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): The Linke also.

More than a year ago here I put forward an 18 point plan [Drucksache 20/7576] for fighting the clans. Much of which the criminal police also demanded. Yet all of you here in the Interior Committee rejected every single point. 

Recently, the Interior politician Sebastian Fiedler of the SPD, 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Very good man!

himself a police officer, was asked in a ZDF talkshow: “ Why then have you politicians all the years done nothing about it?” Do you know what he answered? “We all of us simply did not dare to name the thing by name.” 

Herr Fiedler, did not dare? You as a police officer have sworn to defend the population, and as a Member to avert harm from the German people. Here is seen how irresponsible and cowardly the Politik can be. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Do not scream so! 

           Johannes Fechner (SPD): Do not bellow!

Take an example from Herr Ghadban! Ghadban named the thing by name – and for that, needs to live for decades under police protection. His courage shows that many migrants help us in Germany more than all the cowardly governing parties put together! 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): And you harm our country!

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Horrible! You can pat yourself on the back if you want.                                        No fine speech!

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): Impossible!



[trans: tem]