Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Bernd Baumann, May 11, 2022, Clan Criminality

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/33, pp. 3018-3019.

It happened a few days ago in the middle of Germany: 100 men fighting with firearms on the public streets; in the center of the firefight, Turkish-Arab clans – this time in Duisburg. And this is no single instance. Clan criminality explodes. The police, left alone by the politics, are powerless. And all of you here for decades are deadly silent on this problem. It was us of the AfD who for the first time spoke on this theme in the Bundestag. I myself made the speech on this and thereafter for months required police protection. We call that courage for the truth [Mut zur Wahrheit], ladies and gentlemen, which you do not have.

The current numbers again show how necessary this is: Let us take just the largest Federal State, NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen]: In 2019, the State Criminal Office there identified around 100 clan families with, up to then, 14,000 criminal acts, in part the most serious. Today, just three years later, it is already more than twice as many: 32,000 in NRW alone. Typical crimes in this regard: Serious crimes of violence, murder on the public street, assault and robbery, extortion of protection money, theft and fraud. The clans deal in weapons, in drugs, in women whom they force into their bordellos. 20 billion euros, so high is the police experts’ estimate of the loot from organized criminality each year alone in NRW. Clans have a large share of that.   

Ladies and gentlemen, something like this must be fought consistently, and you for years have not done that – not even in this house. Mere police raids are simply of no use, are hollow shows. The citizens in front of the televisions should just be pacified; it will anyway be done. The clans laugh at that. The numbers prove that. Here, the Interior Ministers of all parties failed all along the line, and that for years and decades, ladies and gentlemen.

We need instead to fundamentally improve the legal, personnel and technical outfitting of police and justice, even so the networking between Bund and States. The BRICK initiative which you have made is much too little. Lead criminal clan members without a German passport need to be deported, and that right quick, ladies and gentlemen. We need a complete strategy. Meantime, the clans have over 200,000 members here in this country. Soon, that is as many as the police in Germany altogether. That is more than the Bundeswehr has soldiers. We need to push back the attack of oriental large families. Vote for our 18 point plan [Drucksache 20/1743]!

How dramatic is the situation is seen in that individual police commanders have already resigned. The services leader for Organized Criminality Office in the Federal State of Bremen said – I cite:

The problem is not be solved by means of the police. The structures here are already too solidified.

How is this? We in Europe have to do with a quite new phenomenon. Experts like the president of the German-Arab Society, Michael Lüders – formerly with the SPD foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation – said, I cite: The societies of the Near East are quite different than in Western  Europe. They are – verbatim – “Determined by clan and tribal [Stammes] structures”. Police practitioners also confirm this, some of whom are from the Nordrhein-Westfalen State Criminal Office. They say verbatim:

            Here … behavior patterns from the areas of origin will continue to live                                    in Germany.

The police speak of ethno-cultural criminality, of ethno-clans, of imported criminality. It thus does not depend, as many here in parliament assert, on a failed integration policy, on alleged exclusion, on a lack of participation. No, the essential problems lie in the culture of origin. If you do not grasp this, you will never solve this problem in this country.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have here just now spoken of ethnics, of ethnic otherness [Fremdheit], of ethnic criminality. The Constitution Defense defines such statements as hostile to the Constitution. We however say: Naming the truth can never be hostile to the Constitution. It is particularly the core of our free order. The clan problem also shows this. It becomes time that we defend the Constitution from the Constitution Defense. And if Haldenwang now looks for me – I am later over there in my office.

            Lamya Kador (Greens): He well knows where you are.


[trans: tem]