Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Bernd Baumann, December 2, 2022, Immigration and Residence

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/74, pp. 8745-8747.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The government today puts forward two draft laws and has a third ready in cabinet.With these, it wants to make immigration to Germany even easier, it shall become even simpler to receive a German passport. In current polling, two-thirds of the people reject that. Respect that! Stop this policy!

            Kassem Taher Saleh (Greens): No!

Hundreds of thousands of migrants ought already to have left Germany because they have an obligation to depart. Their asylum grounds have been ultimately rejected because they were often only feigned. The Ampel now does not want to deport them all; it now wants to ultimately keep all in the country. From illegal shall become legal – what a mockery of the state of law!

Worse still: Tens of thousands of officials needed to work for years on the asylum procedures. Magistrates, state attorneys, police thereby spent millions of work hours and now comes the left-green government and says: All of that simply no more interests us. All asylum seekers remain here. What disdain for the state’s servants, ladies and gentlemen!

The government’s new cabinet draft goes still further: Foreigners no more need to have lived in Germany for eight years until winning a German passport; in the future, five years suffices, in many cases even three. Why so short a time period? Because the Syrians of 2015 can also quickly become German – almost one million –

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Who now already have been naturalized!

in addition to hundreds of thousands of Afghans, Iraqis, Moroccans, Somalis, Senegalese. All shall become German – the total sell-out!

That is nevertheless not allowed to be, ladies and gentlemen.

To make German citizenship even more tasty for the migrants, they are allowed to retain the old passport. Dual citizenship becomes the norm. Even for the illiterates, there are new rules for quick naturalization. Even Oriental marriage relations with countless wives are no more reason for prevention.

            Helge Lindh (SPD): Man, man, man!

All of the laws aim in the same direction: All may come, all may remain, to become German. What a flagrant invitation to the entire world! No other country does it so, ladies and gentlemen.

Why do you do it thus? Skilled labor comes, you have said. In that regard, all the numbers prove the contrary: Almost 70 percent of Syrians live on Hartz IV, and seven years after their arrival; for Somalis, Afghans or Ghanians it is similarly dramatic.  

Thus: Why do you do this? “Humanitarian grounds”, you have said. We need to help those seeking shelter. For the Ukrainians, that is right; here, women and children flee. Yet most of the migrants of the last years come from the Orient and Africa, predominantly young men.

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Fake news!

Even EU commissioner Johansson now concedes: The great majority require no shelter; they come for economic reasons, like for example Faisal S., who lately said in the press: “I came in ten days from Damascus to Dresden for 6,500 dollars”, – verbatim, he further says: “Everyone now wants Germany, if he can raise the money” – for the traffickers. Such people come to Germany.

            Petra Sitte (Linke): Fake news!

There are all too often no humanitarian grounds. In the mass come neither skilled labor nor those in need of shelter. Yet the Ampel government opens further the sluices, against the will of the Germans: 80 percent demand better border defense. Agree to that! Respect that!

There remains the pestering question: Why do you do that? Even as a member of the Hamburg parliament I had wondered, as a Green member spoke thereon, that in a few years the Germans will be in the minority in their own country.

            Christina Baum (AfD): Yet that is what they want!

And they add, verbatim: That is good so.

Frau Göring-Eckardt, for many years Green delegation chairman here in the Bundestag, said during he 2015 refugee stream – I cite: “Our country will change, and indeed drastically. I am glad of it.”

            Bruno Hömel (Greens): Yet it is so! All changes!

And the chief of the Grünen Jugend spoke of a – I cite: “disgusting white majority society” which she no more wants.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): The misanthropy definitely comes from you                                    and not from us!

Alone since 2014, over eight million foreigners came to Germany. The Linke and Greens rejoice; here, for them, a great project will be implemented for which they long: A transformation into a quite different republic which threatens to dissolve all that we name “our homeland”, ladies and gentlemen.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Rubbish!           

           Clara Bünger (Linke): Conspiracy theory!

This transformation is more radical than most citizens can imagine and from it, if it continues, there is no more a return. It is the ideology of an anonymous, diverse world society, a leftist utopia, a health concept of which the motto runs: “No borders” – keine Grenzen mehr – , “no nation” – keine nation mehr, primarily no German one – “one world” mit mehr Diversity, that is, diverse.

            Erhard Grundl (Greens): You cite John Lennon!

All in all mingled, limitlessly colorful, mixed, all achieved by open borders, migration and accompanying quotas, compulsory quotas. We do not want this great transformation [Umgestaltung], this leftist chimera. We do not want it and it ought not to be in Germany, ladies and gentlemen.

This left-green experiment of a rainbow world society also proceeds with speech bans, with cancel culture against all critics, meanwhile with allies in all social organizations: In churches and schools, in print media and public broadcasting, in parties and parliaments and now even in sport. The German national team has been ruined by hours-long discussions concerning a rainbow on the upper arm. We do not want that the German nation is also ruined, ladies and gentlemen.

Two-thirds of all people in Germany say they no more trust to openly state their opinion. University professors cry out because they can no more freely do research. Actors and writers are openly pressured, they should show an attitude in the sense of an ideology. And over all waves the rainbow flag.

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): You have forgotten the Einhorn!

Which plainly does not stand for the state of law, which does not stand for freedom and human rights. It is the leftist symbol of a diverse, colorful, compulsory society. The colors of the leftist rainbow do not stand for the freedom struggled for in German history; for that stand black, red gold. Those are the colors of freedom and democracy. Those are our colors, ladies and gentlemen.

            Bruno Hömel (Greens): For whom do you speak? You do not speak                                        for the Germans!

            Thorsten Frei (CDU/CSU): Yet neither you!


[trans: tem]