Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Karsten Hilse, May 19, 2022, Climate and Government

German Bundestag, May 19, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/37, p. 3519.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

One first must be as bold as you of the Union: Just as you in your apparent opposition role suddenly notice that, for example, unreined immigration or the abolition of nuclear power plants are not the best of ideas, so you now place a motion for the acceleration of planning and approval proceedings – quite as if you had not sat in the government for the last 16 years, but moreover had not done everything with ever new laws and prescriptions for the “climate protection” to drive the citizens, who for example wanted to build a house, to madness, officials and unions to despair, and the costs to unimagined heights.

Freely according to Konrad Adenauer: “What interest to me is my idle talk of yesterday?”, only with the great distinction that he who grapples with real problems on that account needs to alter his opinion so as to successfully deal with and solve the problem. You however hunt after, in common with the green Communists of the Ampel, a phantom problem by the name of “man-made climate catastrophe" and want to drive forward the transformation of our industry, of which alone emigration is a consequence, and with it the loss of millions of high value creation workplaces. Adenauer acted in the interest of Germany, you in the interest of corrupt lobbyists, as we unfortunately also find in this parliament.

Naturally it is right to accelerate planning proceedings. Nevertheless, some of the means put forward by you are not only inappropriate; they also recall in fatal ways proceedings unworthy of a democracy, as for example in the former DDR or today’s China.

Not for nothing has Herr Habeck confidently posed in an interview the seriously meant question of whether our democracy or state dirigisme à la China would be better suited to enforce [erzwingen] measures against the alleged climate catastrophe. Against the will of those affected; cost what it will, and when that is one’s own people. In the interview, Herr Habeck indeed acknowledged democracy; we naturally appreciate that.

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): You could also do that!

Some of the measures moved are nevertheless milestones in the direction of a Chinese situation.

And the Union makes proposals to which we most quickly come. So as to break the resistance, for example, against the nature-destroying, bird-killing, sick-making monster, complaints shall only be allowed to be presented at the superior administrative courts and the complaints shall no longer have a delaying effect. Should all demands in your motion be implemented, you would not thereby maintain prosperity, but to a considerable degree annihilate it, bring a blackout a great step closer and destroy our nature to a never thereto known extent.

Dismiss the climate ideology. Make proposals so we may invigorate our economy, maintain our prosperity and protect our nature. Then you have us on your side. However, as long as you participate in the de facto annihilation of Germany, we will fight you and your plans, naturally with democratic means – for the preservation of our homeland and for the well-being of our people.

I am grateful for your attention.


[trans: tem]