Friday, May 20, 2022

Alice Weidel, May 19, 2022, Economy and War

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/37, pp. 3495-3496.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Germany is stuck, politically, economically and financially, in one of the worst crises since the Second World War. Inflation has arrived at a long-term high level and strangles the Mittelstand and middle class. Today, not a word of that was mentioned. Our energy supply stands on the brink. In the autumn threatens a general collapse. The migration crisis is unresolved, the onset of illegal migration over the Mediterranean and over the land routes reaches new record levels. Russia’s aggressive war against the Ukraine is a catalyst which has heightened the crisis and reveals the deficit of our military and security policy. That your coalition cannot for once agree to put the 100 billion euros foreseen for the Bundeswehr actually into our own army shows that you still have not got the message.

The origin of the crisis however is quite other, and is in fact a false, misguided policy. The energy transition with the simultaneous withdrawal from atomic power and the use of coal has put the energy prices into high gear and caused the one-sided dependency on Russian natural gas. You sat in the government, Chancellor Scholz. Irresponsible debts policy, forbidden monetary state financing and the ECB’s zero interest rate policy, the consequences of which are the devaluation of the euro and thereby increased import prices, are nevertheless the actual origins of the inflation. And nothing of that was made mention of here today.

The repressive Corona policy and the not thought through sanctions have ruptured delivery chains and diminished supply while the money supply explodes. The decline of the euro robs citizens of purchasing power and prosperity.

Harsher climate goals and the forced build up of so-called renewable energies will not make us more independent, but will even more intensify the energy crisis. Harsher climate goals will plunder our household. They will burden our budget as we never before have seen.

And you will not be able to continue to make debts; since public debt ever more heats up the inflation and suppresses private demand.

The Russia sanctions packets are counter-productive. They harm Germany and Europe more than Russia. An oil and gas embargo against Russia would be completely ruinous; since a durable replacement for the omitted deliveries stays in the stars.

Highly dangerous are plans to abolish the unanimity principle in central questions. That is an anti-democratic interdiction of the national states.

Common debts for the reconstruction of the Ukraine are nothing other than a further construction of the debts union at the cost of the German taxpayer.

And under cover of the fight against disinformation and mis-use, the EU manages the total surveillance of private communication.

Beyond that is also planned an EU-wide assets register so as to encompass all private properties. That is a further step in the expropriation of the citizens so as to obstruct their flight from the diminishing inflation money to real assets.

Herr Chancellor, when you go to the EU Council meetings, your foremost duty then is to look after German interests and to oppose these efforts.

Give the highest priority to fighting inflation and to securing the energy supply. Inflation robs the citizens. It is the most unsozial of taxes. It is a cold tax on assets which affects before all the working and productive middle of the economy and society. Inflation is not fought with redistribution, but with less debt, tax reductions and a concentration on core duties of the state.

Thus forsake the wrong way of the energy transition. Take care that coal and nuclear power plants continue to run and shutdown reactors are again started up; since, according to the EU, atomic power is green and CO2 neutral.

And before all: Do everything to quickly end the war in Europe. We share your concern over an escalation. You have stated that Russia is not allowed to win, yet as an atomic power should not be pushed into a situation without an exit. The war in the Ukraine is not our war. We are not allowed to let ourselves be swept away by buzz words, propaganda and emotions, but we need to represent our own interests – and which are an armistice and peace. The Ukraine war has reached a stage at which, instead of continual new weapons deliveries, the path of negotiations needs to be pursued so as to prevent a years-long war of attrition.

Position yourself against the extreme green feelings politicians who without further ado have switched from an infantile pacifism to a moralizing bellicosity.

And remind your Minister that content-free phrases are not foreign policy. Who goes to Kiev needs also go to Moscow so as to again take up the lines of conversation. Please pursue the path of reason.

Many hearty thanks.


[trans: tem]