Friday, January 21, 2022

René Springer, January 13, 2022, Sozial

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/11, pp. 620-621.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Frau State Secretary.

Let us speak of present problems. The inflation has reached a state of 5.2 percent. That is the highest value in almost three decades. The energy prices are going through the roof. The heating becomes a luxury for ever more people. Diesel on Monday was never before so expensive in post-war history. Commuters are out of, in the the truest sense of the word, sprit [gas, spirit]. The foodstuff prices have climbed around 6 percent, the lines at the Tafel become ever longer. And in this regard, the only one to be heard from in the Federal government is Cem Özdemir who demands increasing food prices. What is still required so as to acknowledge that this country is governed by a satisfied elite which has completely uncoupled itself from the people?

That it may be otherwise is indicated by a glance at foreign countries – France has capped the electricity and gas prices and introduced energy checks for 6 million households. Hungary has reacted, Austria has reacted, Poland has reacted; there is a fuel tax reduction to zero and foodstuff assistance for the poorest families. And Germany? Up to today, the Federal government has made use of not a single measure. It was much more important to name a queer commissioner who represents the interests of trans-sexuals. And you, ladies and gentlemen, fight as if in a pre-school over the seating order. What an embarrassment!

Ladies and gentlemen, embarrassing also is the connection with a central question of justice in Germany. The average pension of a woman with three children is at 751 euros. An unemployed Afghan, who has never paid a cent into our social system,

            Hermann Gröhe (CDU/CSU): Shame on you!

            Gerold Otten (AfD): Those are nevertheless facts!

has a claim – let us take Hamburg – to 944 euros in social assistance, 200 euros more than a woman who has provided a life’s achievement, who has built up the country, who has paid taxes and who has cared for future contribution payers.

            Britta Haßelamnn (Greens): Shame on you!

That is a disgrace for politics!

            Hermann Gröhe (CDU/CSU): You are a disgrace!

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): That is unbelievable!

It is a disgrace for governments which over many years and decades have promised social justice to the voters.

            Britta Haßelamnn (Greens): This, what you are doing, is a disgrace!

Around 40 percent of all Hartz IV recipients are foreigners.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Stop with this agitation!

Almost 40 percent of all children living in Germany live in Hartz IV families – 40 percent! The increase in poverty in our country is almost completely the result of immigration.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): Rubbish!

Acknowledge this reality!

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): This is impossible!

The policy of open borders is an attack upon our social state.

And you learn nothing, you still continue: Still more immigration, still higher social benefits, omission of sanctions. All of this cannot be the solution. These grants of money are an enormous pull factor for attracting additional poverty migrants to Germany.

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, the tax money which you require for the financing of poverty migrants does not fall from heaven, but is produced by millions of normal earners who day by day are hard at work.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): If the migrant normal earner was no longer here,                    then you would look pretty old. Then here of course the lights go out!

At them for once you should take a look. You however do not take a look at these normal earners, you simply continue to fleece the people. Instead of offering measures against the inflation, you take yet more money out their pockets so as to finance your fantasies of rescuing the world. And in old age, you leave behind the people in poverty.             

            Britta Haßelamnn (Greens): Hate and agitation, that is the only thing you can do!                    Disgusting!

What a tragedy!

Ladies and gentlemen, it cannot thus continue. Follow the example of Denmark which is led by a social democratic government. Stop the poverty migration and finally make Sozialpolitik for your own people!

Many thanks for your attention.



[trans: tem]