Monday, January 10, 2022

Albrecht Glaser, January 7, 2022, “Fiscal Dominance” and the Euro

AfD Kompakt, January 7, 2022. 

The euro has led to greater economic and political instability. Herr Lindner and his colleagues are also implicitly responsible for this, since they consider the introduction of a comprehensive transfer union necessary for its maintenance. The creation of a transfer union and the surrender of national sovereignty in favor of an EU federal state nevertheless endangers the economic basis and the cohesion of the EU.

With the conception of the euro, a locomotive theory instead of a crowning theory was set up. The common currency should compel the convergence required for a functioning currency by means of the ban on monetary state financing and the ban on communitarization of liability (Art. 123 and 125, AEUV).

The years-long violations of the stability rules have nevertheless led to increased divergence and macroeconomic imbalances within the eurozone.

Up to 2019, the debt ratio (60 percent of GDP) in far over half the cases, and the deficit ratio in 109 cases, was not adhered to. Yet sanctions were never declared. Some euro crisis countries were convicted of even more serious manipulations of numbers.

As a result, in 2007 the hellish spiral of bank, public debt and euro crises broke out and the ECB proceeded to an open monetary state financing by means of the purchase of state loans and a low interest rate policy. Its monetary policy is now in a state of “fiscal dominance”. It can thus no longer independently direct the price level stability. All of this occurred on the backs of all savers by means of an expropriation of unimaginable volume.

With the so-called euro rescue coverage, the member states infringe upon the ban on liability communitarization. Under pressure of the Federal Constitutional Court, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) could only be subsequently legitimated by means of an alteration of EU primary law.

Price level stability and an expansive fiscal policy are only possible for durable state budgets. The so-called reconstruction funds, with over 800 billion euros of direct debt for the EU, violate EU law and lead to an additional indirect indebtedness for all EU states.

The euro project is stuck. An economic convergence of the participating states has not taken place. A way out of the affair is not visible. The Euro-minister’s celebration is the attempt to disguise the true situation of the euro disaster.


[trans: tem]