German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/12,
pp. 714-715.
Herr President. Good morning from here above to below in the
plenary hall.
Minister Lindner, you have just explained the guidelines of
your policy. Yet is it really your own policy? Have you spoken as an FDP
politician or only as handyman of a green-red coalition in which you actually
function merely as a majority maker?
Of the FDP positions prior to the election, almost nothing has
besides remained. Abolition of the Soli? Unfortunately, no. Relief in regards
the income tax? Refused. Maintenance of the debt brake? Nein, preferably instead an unconstitutional supplementary budget,
moreover 100 percent financed by debt. This you have even seriously designated
as generationally justified.
Then the labeling swindle of the eco-social market economy,
behind which is simply hid a planned economy under the dogma of the CO2
ideology. Germany already today has the world’s highest electricity prices. A CO2
zero emission means an extensive de-industrialization of Germany with
destructive consequences for workplaces and prosperity.
And the ostensible relief is trick packaging. The giant EEG
assessment will only be somewhat abolished pro forma, so as to then immediately increase by the roundabout of budget or duties. What is to be given
to the citizens according to bureaucratic redistribution will again be taken
from them around back.
Free market economy under the red-yellow-green climate
dictate is soon nothing more at all: Yet more compulsion for windmills, yet
more hydrogen utopias, a de facto obligation for E-autos, a ban on oil heating.
Germany in this regard is the only country worldwide which
manages the madness of a simultaneous withdrawal from coal and nuclear power.
While our neighbors construct green nuclear electricity with modern, risk-free
technology, we turn off all that is tried and true. The Ampel instead just simply discovers in the coalition contract new,
future markets on the ideological drawing board. As always in history, such
planned ideological feasibility madness must and will fail. The abandonment of
the private market economy will mis-allocate giant sums of capital as well as
drive German businesses, production capacity and, in the end, capable citizens
out of the country.
Yet thereby is not enough of the Unfreiheit. It appears no better in regards the theme of civil
rights. Abolition of censorship by means of the NetzDG? Nothing in sight; quite
the opposite. A no to compulsory vaccination? The FDP suddenly shares even in
this. For physicians, nurses, soldiers and police, that was the first of all
act of the Ampel. Shame on you!
Then the unspeakable 2G rule which compels us to speak here
from the gallery, which is not part of the plenary hall, only because we, like
millions of in any case discriminated people, persist in our right according to
Article 2 of the Basic Law to bodily integrity.
How did Guido Westerweile say it in his farewell speech in
2011? “The threat to freedom in Germany…comes imperceptibly thence” and
bureaucratically. So it is, and it comes from the interior of the FDP.
Many thanks.
[trans: tem]