Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Jörg Meuthen, October 5, 2021, EU-USA Relations – Picula Report

AfD Kompakt, October 5, 2021.

Good relations with Washington are in our interest. It is therefore important that our interests be respected by Washington. In the past, that was not always the case: One thinks of the U.S.A.’s attempt to hinder Nord Stream 2 or to entangle us in interventionist foreign policy adventure, the consequences of which have more harmed us than been of use. From there proceeds a not unfounded scepticism in regards U.S. foreign policy. This scepticism however ought not mislead to proceeding on a confrontation course with the U.S.A.

Trade is the key for good relations. If goods do not cross the borders, soldiers will, a French economist once said. And what the Picula Report on EU-US relations today discussed in the EU parliament here establishes is correct: Among other things, an intensification and improvement of trade relations between the EU and the U.S.A. and a reciprocal suspension and deconstruction of tariffs.

Nevertheless, the Picula Report cannot be agreed to because it mixes up interests policy with a leftist ideology: Where it should be about an adjustment of interests eye to eye, it deals with an LGBTIQ fetish, gender equality, an indirect forced vaccination, internet censorship on account of alleged hate speech, so-called racism, and climate dirigisme. Trade policy thus becomes a vehicle of a leftist cultural revolution.

We reject this and demand closer yet de-ideologized relations with the U.S.A.


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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 3, 2021, Debt Brake

AfD Kompakt, October 3, 2021.

The demand of the presidents of the Federal and State audit authorities for an observance of the debt brake is a last minute warning cry. Under pretense of overcoming the Corona crisis, state debt exploded and German state finances have been ruined. The inflation spiral gathers speed and threatens Mittlestand and middle-class with long-term expropriation and impoverishment in favor of a strengthening of the state’s power of expenditure which now already ruptures every reasonable standard.

The debt orgies of the last Merkel years are not allowed to become the permanent state of affairs. The next Federal government needs to once more turn around this development instead of concluding new, foul compromises at the cost of the savers and taxpayers. The debt brake is an important guarantee against the breaking of the last dams against fiscal redistribution from below to above and therefore needs be defended.

Required investments for resolving the reorganization and investments status are also possible under the debt brake conditions. For that, the state needs to set clear priorities which drive down consumptive expenditures and especially stop the exorbitant flow of means to the EU and international system. So as to preserve its prosperity, the German economy requires solid state finances and a hard currency. Neither is to be had in the present situation.


[trans: tem]




Monday, October 4, 2021

Martin Hess, October 1, 2021, Leftist Violence against Police

AfD Kompakt, October 1, 2021. 

Just as does the out-going Federal government, so also the leftist opposition parties bear responsibility that ever more police officers are victims of massive violence. Greens, SPD and Linke expose the police to a wholesale suspicion of rightist extremism and racism. The sad high point of this closing of ranks of politics and leftist extremism: In Leipzig, the terrorist sympathizers of the leader of the “Police Terror and Extremism Defense Center” are allowed to threaten a terror attack without their personal details being taken down. This atmosphere of hostility to the police must be ended. The state of law must defend our police with a zero-tolerance strategy and prevent extreme leftist violence from degenerating into terror!

With its newest Federal situation report, the Federal Criminal Office follows the trend of abbreviating and curating criminal statistical data. Instead of detailed breakdowns, we receive at the beginning of the situation report the presumably politically correct hint that most suspects are male, German and young. This control of the perception [Rezeption] is unacceptable. In view of the asylum immigrants’ heightened burden of criminality in regards violent crimes in general, this Federal situation report also needs to result in a breakdown of suspects according to residence status and citizenship.


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Friday, October 1, 2021

Jürgen Pohl, October 1, 2021, Auto Industry and Globalization

AfD Kompakt, October 1, 2021.

The planned closing at Eisenach shows: Those responsible in the leadership of the Opel concern and in politics have culpably neglected during the pandemic to re-organize the electronics supply chains vital to production. A constructive critique of globalization was omitted. That now takes its toll – with bitter consequences for employees at Eisenach, the recently modernized automobile hub. These however do not bear the guilt for the failed economic policy of the last years, whereby were neglected required investments in national research for the promotion of resilience in auto and industrial production. For the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag, it is clear that the Opel works urgently needs be maintained as an exemplar of the Thüringen economy as well as for a successful Aufbau Ost. An emigration of production to foreign countries and a thereby associated loss of workplaces must be unconditionally prevented. We correspondingly demand of the policy to today declare an existence guarantee for the Eisenach Opel works.

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