Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19128-19130.
honorable Frau President. Right honorable Chancellor. Right honorable ladies
and gentlemen.
Both of the
preceding speakers have impressively shown that in them is lacking the earnestness
for the true importance and problems of this country’s citizens. It is burning in
Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You’ve
certainly set it afire!
and this government
of overcharged miscasts and obstinate ideologues is the arsonist. This country’s
exploited achievers are going into the streets:
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Do
you actually pay taxes in Germany?
tradesmen, those of the Mittelstand,
hotel keepers, merchants, those in transport, they continue to protest because they
can do no more – silenced by the media.
Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Who do better
work than you can imagine!
of Germans stand behind the Mittelstand protesters, three-quarters want an end to this
You cut a
corridor of devastation through this country.
Saskia Esken (SPD): You should be an
author of children’s books!
– The children’s
books author sits there, Frau Esken. – Yet instead of correcting, you heighten
an unprecedented campaign of libel, as is here impressively displayed against
the Mittelstand protest and against
the opposition force upon which ever more citizens place their hope, frankly
according to the motto: “If the citizen becomes disagreeable, designate him as
extreme right”.
auxiliary Stasi, “Correctiv”, one of the many non-governmental organizations
which is provisioned by your government with ample tax money, has delivered to
you the matter for that with unbelievable lies, libel and the most wicked
Irene Mihalic (Greens): With
evidence, Frau Weidel.
The chief of “Correctiv”
now lies, they had never used the word “deportation”. So far has it come:
Tax-financed denunciations against a competing party!
You are not
at all ashamed
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You
are not ashamed!
to pervert
the right to demonstrate, a right of freedom of the citizens opposed to the
state and not the reverse, instead of listening to people who carry their
emergency into the public, you yourselves demonstrate against the opposition.
And you find nothing in that regard when at such demonstrations are quite openly
placed on display calls for murder against opposition politicians. “Kill the
AfDers” are there, and you applaud. The Federal President designates AfD voters
as rats and the FDP lead candidate, AfD voters as blow-flies. Shame on you!
Shame on you from top to bottom!
With your
unspeakable tax-financed libel and cries for murder campaign, you divide this
country only so as to cling to your own power.
The repair of
the repair of a miscarried and inflated budget draft is a document of your
arrogance and your incompetence. You speak of savings, yet you impose the costs
solely on the citizens. The businessmen’s morale is grounded. The Ampel is the greatest risk to Germany as
a business venue.
Mittelstand and businesses one by one throw in
the towel and take to flight. The list of firms which eliminate or displace
tens of thousands of positions to foreign countries becomes daily longer.
Resonant names are therein: From BASF, Bayer and Bosch, through Mercedes Continental
and Miele, to SAP and ZF. De-industrialization Minister Habeck, who is known to
always find love of country to be “nauseating”, now demands patriotism of the
businessmen – and thereby to go bankrupt. That is the concept of this
Germany is
stuck deep in a recession. It is the sole industrial country to shrink, and for
that neither Putin nor the world nor any conjured up world climate catastrophe
bears the responsibility. This incompetent government solely bears the
responsibility for this disaster in our country, and indeed with its
destructive policy of artificial energy scarcity and energy of increased
expense, the incessant turning of the tax screws, the ban policy, the expropriation,
the money squandering, while you tell the people fairy tales of a rich country.
Rich in Germany is only the overfed, over-reaching state, but not the taxpayers.
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens):
Where do you pay taxes, Frau Weidel?
Hundreds of
thousands of Germans receive in these days their heating cost bill, and often
do not know how they shall pay it. Normal earners, pensioners, families, those
of the Mittelstand, independents,
year for year need to restrict themselves more so as still be able to make ends
meet. You however certainly do not think of restricting yourselves. You grant
yourselves new helicopters and motor pools. Your cabinet members expend untold
sums for hairstyling and photographs. The Foreign Minister flies with a grand
entourage on embarrassing missions worldwide, while the average earner does not
know what at all he still can do. And you hold fast to your snob Chancellor’s
Office for, believe it or not, almost 800 million euros. The giganto-maniac
expansion construction alone costs almost as much as the yearly special
sacrifice which you want to exact from the farmers.
You have
inflated the officials’ apparatus in just two years by around 11,500 positions.
Nice for your favorites, bad for the taxpayer for whom all the fun costs eight
billion euros.
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet
you pay no taxes!
Where other
governments reconsider and recoil their international engagements, you intrude
everywhere with German tax money.
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes
here, Frau Weidel. You still pay taxes in Switzerland!
You threaten
the livelihoods of your own farmers so as to save scarcely a billion euros; yet
for senseless agriculture projects in the world, you expend additional hundreds
of millions of euros. The much cited bike paths in Peru are only one of
hundreds of superfluous development aid proposals which cost the taxpayer to
the sum of 33 billions euros – for nothing, only for your NGO favorites.
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You
are no taxpayer in Germany!
You squander
this money, without consideration, for eco-refrigerators in Colombia, feminist
foreign policy in South Africa, for the Taliban in Afghanistan and for Hamas
terrorists in Gaza.
Bettina Hagedorn (SPD): That is a
Even to India
go billions, even though India flies to the moon while, with us, infrastructure
falls apart, the schools spoil and the students in part are no longer able to
read, write and figure correctly.
Against the
laws of physics and logic, you further drive forward the planned economy and
subventions monster of the energy transition. In energy policy, Germany is the
world’s wrong-way driver. The costs explode in all dimensions. They are the
principal reason for the budget crisis. They sum up to almost a trillion euros.
That is a one with how many zeros, Herr Habeck? – He does not know. Those are
no investments in the future, that is the most expensive destruction of a
functioning infrastructure which the world has ever seen!
You further
flood the country with illegal immigrants. Everyone can come, none need go. You
naturalize in an accord new voters, obtain a pseudo-legality for illegals
through the residence opportunity law. Your deportation acceleration law is a deportation
prevention law when the taxpayers must pay for a lawyer for rejected asylum
applicants so as to continue to bring process against the overdue departure.
Wiebke Esdar (SPD): That is called
the state of law!
With this
policy, you drive the local governments to despair, explode the social system,
intensify the housing emergency and undermine the domestic security. Yet,
before all, you take from the Germans their Heimat.
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet
you do not reside in Germany.
Over 1,000 women
every year become victims of sexual violence by an immigrant,
Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Has your
co-worker written the speech?
7,000 since
the 2015 welcome putsch by the CDU Chancellor. Yet of that, you are silent; of
that also, the media is silent. Under the swindle label of “Bürgergeld”, you have created a
migration magnet the costs of which are long since out of control. The next
budget gap already stands at the door.
You leave the
citizens in the lurch where the state would be urgently needed. What has become
of the compensation for the many of those harmed by the vaccine of your Covid
vaccination? What actually has become of it? What at all has become of the
reappraisal of this entire disaster?
Again and
again I have here presented what is required to bring this country to the front
rank. Again: Closing and control of borders, sending back illegal immigrants,
following up rejected and criminal asylum applicants and anyone who has no
right of residency – that is the enforcement of law and statute after years of
the rule of injustice; you want to criminalize deportations; that we have seen
in your campaign – a stop of energy transition, a restriction of state spending
and of course an elimination of Bürgergeld
for foreign citizens who have never paid into the social accounts; benefits in
kind instead of money benefits is the watchword.
Yet rational
arguments clearly no longer suffice for you. You cannot well govern Germany, and
you do not want to. You are ruining it. And I say to you, why: Because you your own
country, because Germany, you hate.
Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You
do not live in Germany!
government hates Germany. At least accept the possibility of a democratic
change of power, and make the way free for new elections!
I am
[trans: tem]