Monday, January 22, 2024

Bernd Schattner, January 18, 2024, Farmers’ Protests

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/147, pp. 18622-18623. 

Many thanks. Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Since 18 December 2023, tens of thousands in Germany again go into the streets for their right to a self-determined future. 

            Karl Bär (Greens): Against the AfD!

Ever fewer people want to allow their lives to be dictated by a removed, left-green political elite. The people have recognized that this Ampel does not represent their interests, but pursues one-sided ideological goals without regard to this country and its citizens. 

If the income figures from 2021-22 are superficially looked at, which have been identified in the 2023 agriculture report, one could gain the impression that for the farmers it doesn’t go so bad. After all, an income increase of 50 percent in the conventional area was again attained; in the eco area, still more four percent was earned. Yet who now says: “These figures show that it goes well for the German agriculture”, completely fails to recognize the seriousness of the situation. These profits only still occur because the farmers meanwhile no longer carry out urgently necessary investments. No one still invests in a stable or tractor when he does not know whether this investment is accounted long-term. Many farmers today do not know whether tomorrow their stable construction fulfills the animal welfare prerequisites. Thus ever more agricultural entrepreneurs consider giving up. 

So it sounds harsh: Regrettably, many farmers have decided for surrender. After all, since the year 2020, 7,800 agricultural operations have closed for ever; that is five and a half operations per day, a tendency strongly rising. The present figures also show this. Thus meanwhile the profits of the high-earning operations in the 2023-24 year have again in part broken down by 53 percent. 

And what does our Agriculture Minister do? 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Where is he, actually? He’s gone already! He’s                                afraid of you!

He demands that our farmers make their contribution to the savings measures. – Ja gut, substantive themes apparently do not interest him. – It is inexplicable that the farmers in times of higher fuel prices should also accept the most massive tax increases for farm diesel. At the same time, our neighbors from Belgium and Luxemburg, without any taxation on farm diesel, drive with their tows. After the elimination of the reimbursement, beside the Dutch, the German farmers drive with Europe’s most expensive diesel. 

At this point, a look at the CDU is worthwhile. For a good year, they have rejected an AfD motion which has the goal of doubling the refund. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): The CDU rejects all that is good! 

            Johannes Steiniger (CDU/CSU): You want to abolish all subventions!

Interesting before all is the reason why the motion was rejected. It is said in the conclusion that the CDU rejects the motion since it regards diesel as an environmentally harmful material. Now at once, the great change: The CDU commits itself to the maintenance of the diesel refund. 

Alfred Stegemann (CDU/CSU):  The AfD wants to abolish all subventions!

That shows the hypocrisy of this party in the face of the farmers and the working population; since, for all that, it is the Union which introduced the idling of acreage and has pushed forward the bureaucratization of agriculture. To now portray themselves as saviors of agriculture is to the highest degree untrustworthy. 

Ladies and gentlemen, now to the enemies of the Mittelstand and the working class. The Ampel government plans to introduce the farmer soli, and would thereby burden the German consumer with an additional 3.6 billion euros per year – an absolutely scandalous plan which hits those who are least able. Meat and milk will thereby become still more expensive. The money will trickle into the trade, and never arrive at the producer. 

Herr Özdemir, with this measure you make the country’s Tafeln [food banks] into the new supermarkets, because no one can longer afford the meals. The cheap imports from the Mercosur states and eastern Europe will further weaken the domestic farmers. The Ampel government again demonstrates that it wants to ruin its own people. 

We therefore demand: No alibi motions, but authentic solutions for our farmers’ problems. The farmers want to live by the work of their hands, without continual patronization by the Politik, especially by the Greens. Germany has the best soils, the cleverest heads – with exception of the government – 

            Lisa Badum (Greens): Unfortunately not in the AfD!

and the best technique to manage agriculture. Yet sadly we have a government which does not know how to value these resources. 

I would like to close with a new farmer’s rule: Who knows nothing and can do nothing, he then joins the Greens. 

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]