Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Maximilian Krah, November 17, 2023, Attacks against Christians

AfD Kompakt, November 17, 2023. 

The [OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and OIDAC (Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians)] reports on the rise of attacks against Christians in Europe are themselves already alarming. The scant resonance in the press however reflects a disturbing ignorance of the political-media mainstream. 

All lip service for tolerance is of no value when it does not also pertain to Christians. Thus why this deafening silence? Perhaps it has something to do with that the anti-Christian attacks all too often proceed from leftist ideologues or those supposedly “seeking protection”. 

The AfD is resolutely committed to heightening the awareness in society as well in the European governments of this abuse. We will not allow that Christians in Europe can no longer freely live their faith without being attacked. 


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Monday, December 11, 2023

Peter Boehringer, November 28, 2023, Budget Crisis

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/139, pp. 17659-17660. 

Frau President. 

We experience historic weeks. Years of law-breaking and false decisions culminate in a budget crisis behind which is hid a crisis of government and also one of reason. The Chancellor’s conclusions from a compelling decision of the Constitutional Court are deviant and illogical. The government cannot in 2023 retroactively assert the continuation of an uncontrollable emergency situation which in 2022 itself had declared to be ended. That doesn’t go.   

It might have been strained as to whether this time it would be based on an energy emergency, or a foreign war, or a newly inflamed Corona rage, or the immediately impending over-heating of the Earth, – we have heard even that from Herr Kindler – or like a storm flood of the previous week in Schleswig-Holstein, it needed to be held out as an emergency basis for 2024. Yesterday evening came the solution: The war of February 2022 and even the Ahrtal flood of 2021 are the culprits for the emergency of 2023. All of this you discover directly after the decision and quite suddenly in November 2023, retroactive to January. At which embarrassing level should we here still be deceived? 

To expect a vote in favor of this reasoning in the Bundestag will similarly be the next breach of the constitution. Neither in 2023 nor 2024 arises an emergency situation in the sense of Article 115 of the Basic Law. One breach of the constitution is not healed by another, Herr Chancellor. And your demonstrative exit from the hall at this sentence in my speech therein alters nothing at all. 

You decided on, – you still adhere to it – in one of your first acts in office as Chancellor together with the new Finance Minister Lindner, the absurd 2021 supplementary budget in January 2022 and therein also the quite clearly unconstitutional accounting system. The special funds’ illegal credits of many billions should be the cash box for the implementation of the red-green goals altering society. The entire policy of the CO2 hysteria energy guidelines, the mass immigration, the woke transformation of society, the hostility to industry, the Corona lockdowns costing billions, and gifts of weapons to foreign countries, would not have been thinkable without this money. 

Unfortunately, the Constitutional Court has withdrawn from you the financial operations basis just now, dozens of billions too late. For four years already, Germany is governed by financial emergency. There is a whiff of Weimar; from 1930, there was emergency government, mostly supported by emergency decrees. Since 2020, by the Groko and by the Ampel were generally declared “emergency situations”. In this way is the debt brake shredded, the Basic Law circumvented – the people need to know this! 

The Greens chief Ricarda Lang even demands the permanent suspension of the constitutional debt brake. Herr Mützenich has also plainly more than implied it. It is desired to declare a permanent emergency. “We will also need to discuss the suspension for next year, that is a debate which now…is next”, said Frau Lang. The Ampel stands before political, moral and financial bankruptcy. 

The country can be governed according to the constitution only with a fundamental change of course. The self-named democratic middle – the oh so democratic middle! – has with at least three budgets governed beyond the constitution. And the SPD delegation chief here in this place has a few minutes ago designated the Basic Law as a monstrance, as an embarrassing relic! Shame on you, Herr Mützenich! Where is the Constitution Defense when it is needed? Where is it? These are attacks on the free democratic basic order, here from this podium! 

One cannot be permanently pressured by a crisis. The decades-long, lies-of-a-lifetime policy of all the old parties cannot be compensated by debts and tax money. I here in this place in the Bundestag said exactly so at the proclamation of the first emergency situation in March 2020. It still does not go. 

Herr Scholz, from the beginning, your uncovered, deliberately illegal checks have even worsened the German misery. Had this money not been expended, Germany today would be not only financially but generally better, because then a mass of social-political nonsense would not have been able to be financed. And all of you have participated since the Kohl’schen checkbook times! 

The AfD is ready to clear away this debris, yet only when you put away the false decisions and make free the way for a new beginning, for finally a once more rational-, national-led  government. Then, despite the horrendous damages resulting from eight years of borders given up and billions of interest-bearing indebtedness which will burden the budget until 2070, 

            Vice-president Yvonne Magwas: Please come to a conclusion.

exists the opportunity for a rescue of Germany. – My last sentence. – Yet initially required is your exit as a purifying catharsis which, yes as in classical tragedy, is the prerequisite for a healing. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Albrecht Glaser, November 10, 2023, Global Minimum Tax

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/135, p. 17103. 

Hearty thanks, Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

The progressive coalition discovers a new tax and the CDU naturally joins in. It is to be granted – and therefore also praised – that after lengthy negotiations an agreement has been reached, and also an international law treaty is tucked behind. To the extent one now tries to lead the work to an end. The new tax law has over a hundred paragraphs and a complexity which is as high as our presently existing income tax law. There is however one other thing which stands beside. The experts see it also. The talk is of the greatest tax project in decades. It is for the representatives of German industry and trades a fully new tax law. A citation from the hearings: The tax consulting profession speaks of a “lack of embedding in the German tax system” and of legal insecurities resulting therefrom.   

Besides a minimum tax declaration at the local finance office and a minimum tax report at the Federal Central Office for Taxes, the affected businesses need to develop and operate their own controlling system so as to account for, control and evaluate the tax burdens and effective taxes of all domestic and foreign subsidiaries on the basis of local accounting guidelines, the international IFRS [International Financial Reporting Standards] regulations and the respective national tax guidelines. Moreover, the goal of a higher tax intake – which is now relativized; it was however always a quite important goal – is not achieved. 

            Deborah Düring (Greens): It is certainly not about a higher tax intake!

For that, there is a study of the ifo Institute which demonstrates that nothing in that regard is forthcoming. It is therefore shifted to the aspect of an improvement of competitiveness. 

The bureaucracy in Germany further increases, despite affirmations otherwise by the entire great coalition in this house. Between July 2021 and 2022, the current bureaucracy expenditure was increased by means of a new law from 6.7 billion euros to a total 17.4 billion euros; ergo, around 11 billion euros, as stated by the national norms control council; that is thus not some number from some journalist. The FDP member Herbrand expressly complained of this phenomenon in a guest contribution in the Wirtschafts Woche in these days where he speaks of a fulfillment expenditure of 44 billion euros which still needs to be added to this latest engrossment of bureaucracy.   

            Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): He is right!

The initiative for a worldwide minimum tax proceeds from the OECD, a union of 38 developed countries which feel themselves obligated to the market economy. There emerges the question whether the U.S.A. or China – this has been indicated, it is much more dramatic than was indicated – thus seriously introduces the minimum tax, as would have gladly Germany the model boy or the EU. 

            Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): That is the look in the crystal ball!

Add to this that some states even today are considering defensive measures. Thus the Americans will make tax credits. These tax credits will not lead to that they will be accounted for the minimum tax, but that is a trick so as to relativize the effects in a petty cash fund. It will come, as at the Paris climate agreement, to where only Europeans are obligated to something; others however wait awhile, and think of optimizing their individual national interests. 

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, you are today driving this country against the wall; there, holiday speeches are of little use. If we do not solve the problems of the high taxation of businesses at over 30 percent, of bearable energy costs, the education failures in primary schools to the creation of hazelnut subjects in the universities, the fading work ethic and the lack of identification with the German virtues, a sustained improvement of the situation in Germany will not enter into it. It requires a change of times, ladies and gentlemen, but a right one. 

Hearty thanks. 


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Monday, December 4, 2023

Martin Hess, November 9, 2023, Islamism in Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/134, pp. 16873-16874. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Political Islam in Germany posits the power question – and the Ampel coalition gives the wrong answer. That violent and aggressive Islamist groups in the last weeks move through our streets is a disgrace for our state of law and again proves that this Ampel coalition needs to be terminated as quickly as possible in the interest of our security. 

Yet also the CDU, which,  ja, governs in some of the Federal states, reveals, in a way shameful for our state of law, its incompetence in regards the fight against violent and anti-semitic Islamists. Its Minister-president in Nordrein-Westfalen, Herr Wust, pretentiously announced Islamist marches will no longer be permitted in the future, and not four weeks later Islamist enemies of the state in Essen and Düsseldorf have shown what is contained in the words of a CDU Minister-president; namely, simply nothing. They freely moved about, utterly unrestricted and thus is confirmed: The CDU is demonstrably not in the position to provide security in Germany. 

And when all others fail in regards defense of our democracy and our citizens, no way leads past the AfD. Since we are the only ones with the unconditional will to fight with all rigor political Islam. There can be credible defense of our society and our democracy only with the AfD. Especially the failures of the Ampel government are primarily founded on a fully failed security policy focusing on rightist extremism. Yet every citizen in this country with his own eyes sees in the last weeks what is in fact the security problem in our country; namely, as a result of your destructive migration policy, an Islamism becoming ever stronger in our country, which becomes ever more radical, ever more brutal and shows its true disposition hostile to the state, in which, as happened in Essen, it demands the struggle of all Moslems against the rest of the world and the proclamation of a califate. 

In the face of this massive danger for us all, the AfD as always has a clear standpoint which today is more important than ever. There must now be an end to your appeasement of political Islam. We must make clear, once and for all, to these enemies of the state who is master in the house [wer Herr in Haus ist]. And if you are not in a position to do that, then make room for those who can! The AfD stands ready. 

We must now finally posit a clear sign of strength. We must prove that our state is strong [wehrhaft]. I say to you how Islamist deployments are to be dealt with, which want to demonstrate Islamist power in our state and thereby commit massive punishable offenses: These are to be immediately terminated, the participants arrested and deported without delay. This besides applies to all Islamist hate preachers and those posing a danger. Our country, our rules! And who does not adhere to that, he has nothing to seek here. Where deportations are not possible, there the justice has to issue hard verdicts. Probationary sentences here do not suffice. Such people need to be in custody. 

And your false naturalization policy needs to be immediately corrected. From Islamists who still possess additional citizenship besides ours, the German is to be withdrawn without if and but. And for that, care is to be taken that in the future not one, single Islamist more receives German citizenship. 

Of course we also need to effectively prevent that Islamists continue to stream in great number into our country. For that, effective border protection which sends back all illegal entrants at the border, as demanded by the AfD since 2015, must finally be implemented. 

If we do not now act, political Islam will ever further spread in our country. Political Islam does not belong to Germany. In the interest of our children, we cannot and may not permit that. Therefore also any cooperation and any state promotion of Islam associations which represent, promote or support this ideology is to be immediately stopped and foreign financing is to be thwarted. When the state courts and finances it own enemies, it naturally not only makes itself ridiculous, but it also endangers and damages our democracy. 

            Till Steffen (Greens): Of that, we speak tomorrow in regards                                                    foundation financing! 

And please do not continually come to me with that the demands of the AfD would not be legally realizable. I can no longer listen to this thesis. Politicians are here so to create the legal groundwork required for the solution of a problem. In that you continually refuse this, your duty, you act as gravediggers of our state of law. For exactly that reason, the security of Germany is no longer to be left to you. 


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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Alice Weidel, November 28, 2023, Crisis

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/139 pp. 17646-17648. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Not two years Ampel, and Germany is stuck in a permanent crisis and stands on the edge of insolvency. This breach of the constitution is unexampled in the history of Germany. 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): Unexampled is your stupidity!

The citizens in this situation did not await your government declaration, Herr Scholz, but your resignation declaration. Two-thirds of Germans want there finally be an end to this Ampel. That this government is still in office shows your contempt for the sovereign, the citizens. 

They have enough of a Chancellor who with ostensible memory lapses wants to wiggle out of his entanglement in one of the Republic’s largest tax fraud scandals where evidence vanishes. 

They have enough of an economic illiterate as Economy Minister who ruins the economy and who expropriates the citizens by means of a heating diktat

They have enough of a Foreign Minister who expends 100,000 euros per year for her styling, yet stumbles from one diplomatic disaster to the next. 

            Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): We have enough of you, Frau Weidel!

It is wondrous that you of the FDP again bellow there. They also of course have enough of an FDP Finance Minister who issues unconstitutional budgets so as to finance this green ship of fools and who wants to abolish the debt brake. 

            Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus (FDP): Such idiocy!

And they have enough of an Interior Minister who herself is the greatest security risk because she does not want to defend the borders and the citizens. 

This coalition governs against reason, against reality, against the will and the welfare of the citizens. 

            Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): Against you!

And it governs against our constitution. 

We are stuck in the deepest economic crisis since there was a Federal Republic of Germany. The de-industrialization is fully underway. One insolvency tsunami after another rolls across our country. That is your work, the work of your planned economy minister and your highly subsidized energy transition and climate policy. 

You make energy more expensive by means of state intervention, then distribute subventions to parts of industry, while you leave the Mittelstand hanging with horrendous energy prices and, by means of CO2 duties and a transportation fee increase, additionally raise the prices. This intervention spiral leads directly to impoverishment. Businesses, normal earners and pensioners bleed for your transformation. You yourselves break your promise not to again raise the value-added tax for the restaurant trade. You thereby give the death blow to the hospitality industry. 

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): She’s right, there!

Your citizens wage [Bürgergeld] makes the social crisis acute: The diligent are punished. No wonder that in entire branches valuable labor forces flee from the tax and duties spiral into the Bürgergeld

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): That is just rubbish!

He who works is the dummy and no longer bends his back for himself and his, but for profiteers from all the world. 

62 percent of families receiving Bürgergeld have no German passport. Your Bürgergeld is a labeling swindle. It is migrant money, an immigration magnet. 

The migration crisis brings our country to the edge of collapse. Almost half a million social migrants this year alone, figuring together the asylum applications and family reunification – according to official numbers, that costs 50 billion euros per year. You shelter these masses of  people in luxury hotels and quarter them in old folks homes, while the normal earner and pensioner scarcely make ends meet. 

Despite that, you leave the door wide open and believe you can again pacify the people by ineffective action for action’s sake. Yet citizens feel in their bones that uncontrolled mass immigration has led to an encompassing security crisis. 

Many more Germans than immigrants become victims of crimes of homicide, violence and brutality than the reverse. Violent crime explodes, the number of foreign perpetrators also. 

For women, the public space has become an area of risk which they prefer to avoid. The crime statistics record more than two brutal gang rapes per day. What have you let loose on our people? For the decay of the domestic security, you of the CDU and CSU bear exactly so the responsibility. 

And for once rouse yourselves over the imported, Islamist Judenhass; that it, as you might have noticed, exists. You have hauled hundreds of thousands of young men into the country who are socialized in violence-prone cultures hostile to Jews. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): With hostility to Jews, you of the AfD                                know best.

You allow that fundamentalist Islamic assemblies form a state within a state. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Shabby! So shabby!

The responsibility for growing anti-semitism you, with fake statistics, have ascribed to the home population. Your sudden activity is hypocritical as long as you continue to be silent concerning the everyday terror, hostile to Germans, against the home population. 

The crisis has long since become a comprehensive, manifest crisis of trust. Your policy delegitimizes democratic institutions in the eyes of honest citizens. You do so as if the devastating decision of the Federal Constitutional Court had not been given. You want to have this breach of the constitution followed by the next. 

Yet you certainly have no gap in the billions; that is ridiculous. It is absurd considering a record total tax intake of one trillion euros. 

            Christoph Meyer (FDP): Just in 2025. 

That needs be imagined: One trillion euros. That means, you have not too little. You have a record total tax intake with which you are unable to deal, like all socialists. 

The way out of the crisis leads through a return to reason. Stop the mass migration, by which you close the borders and turn off immigration magnets like Bürgergeld, children’s basic security, cut-rate passports and residency for all.

Abolish the climate funds and end the energy and mobility transition grab in the billions. It is so simple. Renounce distributing tens of billions to all the world for ideological development aid, for climate defense in India, and for the Ukraine. 

Reduce the payments to the EU. Commit yourselves to a free reform of the European community of states. Then money also remains for our country’s urgent problems: Lowering taxes and duties, promotion of families, secure pensions, healing the healthcare system, housing construction, better schools, secure inner cities and borders and a functioning army. 

Yet you risk control collapse, chaos, and state bankruptcy. We therefore need a new government so as to come out of this crisis swamp. Open the way to new elections and redeem this country from the Ampel government. 

I am grateful. 


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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, November 24, 2023, Debt Brake

AfD Kompakt, November 24, 2023. 

Lindner’s decision leads to a breach in the dyke. Already next morning there are demands to also suspend the debt brake next year, or to entirely annul it. SPD and CDU/CSU thus make themselves fulfillment helpers for green lobby interests and put in play the citizens’ prosperity. We are committed in the Bundestag to the the interests of citizens. An audit is now required so that we can identify and eliminate superfluous expenditures. 


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