Monday, December 4, 2023

Martin Hess, November 9, 2023, Islamism in Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/134, pp. 16873-16874. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Political Islam in Germany posits the power question – and the Ampel coalition gives the wrong answer. That violent and aggressive Islamist groups in the last weeks move through our streets is a disgrace for our state of law and again proves that this Ampel coalition needs to be terminated as quickly as possible in the interest of our security. 

Yet also the CDU, which,  ja, governs in some of the Federal states, reveals, in a way shameful for our state of law, its incompetence in regards the fight against violent and anti-semitic Islamists. Its Minister-president in Nordrein-Westfalen, Herr Wust, pretentiously announced Islamist marches will no longer be permitted in the future, and not four weeks later Islamist enemies of the state in Essen and Düsseldorf have shown what is contained in the words of a CDU Minister-president; namely, simply nothing. They freely moved about, utterly unrestricted and thus is confirmed: The CDU is demonstrably not in the position to provide security in Germany. 

And when all others fail in regards defense of our democracy and our citizens, no way leads past the AfD. Since we are the only ones with the unconditional will to fight with all rigor political Islam. There can be credible defense of our society and our democracy only with the AfD. Especially the failures of the Ampel government are primarily founded on a fully failed security policy focusing on rightist extremism. Yet every citizen in this country with his own eyes sees in the last weeks what is in fact the security problem in our country; namely, as a result of your destructive migration policy, an Islamism becoming ever stronger in our country, which becomes ever more radical, ever more brutal and shows its true disposition hostile to the state, in which, as happened in Essen, it demands the struggle of all Moslems against the rest of the world and the proclamation of a califate. 

In the face of this massive danger for us all, the AfD as always has a clear standpoint which today is more important than ever. There must now be an end to your appeasement of political Islam. We must make clear, once and for all, to these enemies of the state who is master in the house [wer Herr in Haus ist]. And if you are not in a position to do that, then make room for those who can! The AfD stands ready. 

We must now finally posit a clear sign of strength. We must prove that our state is strong [wehrhaft]. I say to you how Islamist deployments are to be dealt with, which want to demonstrate Islamist power in our state and thereby commit massive punishable offenses: These are to be immediately terminated, the participants arrested and deported without delay. This besides applies to all Islamist hate preachers and those posing a danger. Our country, our rules! And who does not adhere to that, he has nothing to seek here. Where deportations are not possible, there the justice has to issue hard verdicts. Probationary sentences here do not suffice. Such people need to be in custody. 

And your false naturalization policy needs to be immediately corrected. From Islamists who still possess additional citizenship besides ours, the German is to be withdrawn without if and but. And for that, care is to be taken that in the future not one, single Islamist more receives German citizenship. 

Of course we also need to effectively prevent that Islamists continue to stream in great number into our country. For that, effective border protection which sends back all illegal entrants at the border, as demanded by the AfD since 2015, must finally be implemented. 

If we do not now act, political Islam will ever further spread in our country. Political Islam does not belong to Germany. In the interest of our children, we cannot and may not permit that. Therefore also any cooperation and any state promotion of Islam associations which represent, promote or support this ideology is to be immediately stopped and foreign financing is to be thwarted. When the state courts and finances it own enemies, it naturally not only makes itself ridiculous, but it also endangers and damages our democracy. 

            Till Steffen (Greens): Of that, we speak tomorrow in regards                                                    foundation financing! 

And please do not continually come to me with that the demands of the AfD would not be legally realizable. I can no longer listen to this thesis. Politicians are here so to create the legal groundwork required for the solution of a problem. In that you continually refuse this, your duty, you act as gravediggers of our state of law. For exactly that reason, the security of Germany is no longer to be left to you. 


[trans: tem]