Showing posts with label Maximilian Krah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maximilian Krah. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Maximilian Krah, December 13, 2023, Multipolarity

AfD Kompakt, December 13, 2023. 

The world increasingly changes and das ist gut so. It is unfortunate that EU elites do not understand this. They are suspended in forms of thought from the Cold War and evidently continue to stubbornly proceed from an intensification [Zuspitzung] between the U.S.A. and China. Yet the world is larger! Many growing nations gaining strength, like Brazil, Russia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Korea, yet also Japan, are a great opportunity for Germany, since this multipolarity leads to a balancing equilibrium between the states. This in turn restricts the abuse of power by a single one, reduces the danger of arbitrary military intervention and reduces tensions and conflicts between states on the basis of the multiplicity of actors. Multipolarity leads to competition and innovation through rivalry [Konkurrenz]. Multipolarity promotes economic flexibility through a changing geo-political circumstance and thus can lead to prosperity and peace. 


[trans: tem]


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Maximilian Krah, November 17, 2023, Attacks against Christians

AfD Kompakt, November 17, 2023. 

The [OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and OIDAC (Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians)] reports on the rise of attacks against Christians in Europe are themselves already alarming. The scant resonance in the press however reflects a disturbing ignorance of the political-media mainstream. 

All lip service for tolerance is of no value when it does not also pertain to Christians. Thus why this deafening silence? Perhaps it has something to do with that the anti-Christian attacks all too often proceed from leftist ideologues or those supposedly “seeking protection”. 

The AfD is resolutely committed to heightening the awareness in society as well in the European governments of this abuse. We will not allow that Christians in Europe can no longer freely live their faith without being attacked. 


[trans: tem]