Monday, November 6, 2023

Stephan Brandner, October 19, 2023, Migrant Trafficking

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/131, pp. 16391-16392. 

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

You, Herr President, have correctly read the theme of this point of the daily order. It is not called “private rescue at sea”, but is directed against traffickers [Schlepper] and smugglers [Schleuser]. Eduard Zimmerman – who one or another still know – created the television series “Aktenzeichen XY…ungelöst” and mal ranVorsicht, Falle!” and there warned of swindlers, traffickers and confidence men. This we of the AfD also do in regards to you of the old parties 

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): Nazi speech!

and indeed nearly every day and rightly so. Yet not only you yourselves are those, but you even still support traffickers and smugglers in the Mediterranean. As it is only about Germany, so it is only about you of the old parties. And is actually what must be immediately halted and stopped. 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Lies! Lies!

A few days ago, on October 13, a ship by the name of Sea-Eye 4 departed so as to bring still more refugees to Germany. It is the first time that the taxpayer financially supports quite official smuggling activities and smuggling and human trafficking in the Mediterranean, embellished and camouflaged under the name of “private rescue at sea”. 

A dubious mesh of criminal associations in Germany, state and non-state organizations, churches, associations and so-called rescue ships shall in the coming four years receive eight million euros which the Federal government of Greens, Yellows and Reds has let loose. In the midst of this mesh is an association with the name of “United 4 Rescue” of which the founder and director is a Herr Thies Gundlach and who furthermore is by chance the life partner of the Green Vice-president of the German Bundestag, Göring-Eckhardt. Ladies and gentlemen, that stinks, that stinks bad, and is an additional prime example of how Green sleeze functions in Germany. Here, we think of Habeck and Graichen; we not only think thereof but therefrom draw parallels, an additional example of which is besides that the Greens and the other old parties have looted the state and distribute this loot among one another without restraint. That German tax money will be used to finance smugglers and human traffickers in the Mediterranean, and to thereby further incite this dangerous business in the millions, is to be justified by nothing but simply nothing.   

In that regard, for us of the AfD it is fully beyond question that people who are in an emergency at sea of course need to be saved; you do not believe it, but it is in fact so. 

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Nay, we really do not believe it.

A true rescue at sea however means a shipwreck and to save people found to be in an acute emergency at sea, and to bring them to the nearest safe harbor. 

            Julian Pahlke (Greens): Right. Ten points.

It does not mean to ship people hundreds of kilometers across the Mediterranean to a previously made meeting point where the fully overloaded so-called rescue boats, intentionally brought to an emergency at sea, will be overhauled by the rescue ships. That is an abuse of the rescue at sea. That has nothing at all to do with rescue at sea. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Your descriptions have nothing to do with it!

We can authenticate that there are radio conversations to meet off the coast of North Africa, and then the refugees will be transferred. 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Lies! Lies! 

They will then make for Italy, for the most part illegally, and from there they are quite quickly in Germany and become a component of the asylum industry in the billions in Germany which in our view is in broad parts actually nothing other than organized criminality to the burden of the taxpayers who need to cope with hundreds of billions in costs by the migration into Germany, the society of which all of you of the old parties are destroying. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): That is inhuman, what you say here!

We of the Alternative für Deutschland strongly stand for: The criminal smuggling business needs to be dried out. German state attorneys need to engage with the activists, with the actions, with actors of these so-called NGOs in Germany and ascertain whether not, for example, assistance for human trafficking is a question of a punishable offense.   

Here, the German state attorneys need to have a go, need to be encouraged to look for once at the whole under the aspect of German criminal law.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not want to continue to make of the Mediterranean a mass grave for people, follow our motions [Drucksachen 20/8872, 8873]. We stop the migration across the Mediterranean, thereby save many lives, and also the German society. 


Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Alice Weidel, October 24, 2023, Deportation

AfD Kompakt, October 24, 2023. 

It apparently required two crushing election defeats and massive, anti-semitic migrant rioting for Olaf Scholz and Nancy Faeser to at all take notice of the continual failure of the state in regards the deportation of rejected asylum applicants and the return of migrants with no right of residence. Without a fundamental migration change, which comes to grips with the roots of the problem and also has acts follow the announcements, their emphatic words are nevertheless to remain patchwork. 

Chancellor and Interior Minister want to tread lightly [einen schlanken Fuss machen] while they guide the attention on the deportation deficit so as to be able to shove off a large part of the responsibility onto the States. Yet as before, the Federal government, with eased residence and naturalization regulations, high social benefits and open borders, entices illegal migrants to immigration into the German social system. 

As long as the Federal government does not close the German borders and consistently sends back illegal migrants, refuses an effective securing of the EU external borders, and isolates itself in a Europe in which it wants to require of other EU countries the acceptance of undesired migrants, the announcements of Scholz and Faeser are to remain pure alibi politics. Germany needs a unified [aus einem Guss] remigration policy, and not just declarations of intention which will foreseeably remain without consequence. 


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Monday, October 30, 2023

Petr Bystron, October 19, 2023, Migrant Trafficking

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/131, pp. 16398-16399. 

Right honorable Herr President. Dear colleagues. 

We speak here today of the worst case of organized criminality since the Second World War. For it is an octopus which entwines billions, which costs human lives. It is no rescue at sea; it is human trafficking [Menschenschlepperei], and it is criminal. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Yes, what then do you dream at nights?

It begins with you enticing the migrants onto the high seas and plainly inducing them into an emergency at sea. 

Jamila Schäfer (Greens): Would you please for once read a scientific study? That would be total super!

This occurs with the aid of an app, which is called Alarm Phone. No one is so dumb as to climb into a rubber boat 

            Jamila Schäfer (Greens): Shame on you!

with benzine for 10 kilometers and to believe that he thereby comes 400 kilometers to Europe. 

Lamya Kaddor (Greens): What do you believe, where you live? Have you once made an impression of it? Quite honestly, it is shameless how you come forward here. 

The migrants do it just then when they see they are fished out of your boats 10 kilometers from the African coast. 

            Sebastian Fiedler (SPD): Who are desperate! Only one here is dumb!

And this app is financed by whom? By the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Robert Bosch Foundation and Soros. For that alone ought the common use be withdrawn and the money eliminated. 

Julian Pahlke (Greens): Aha, and now even anti-semitism! That you are not ashamed, Herr Bystron! You are an embarrassment! 

This year alone – you yourself have said it – this has cost the lives of 2,000 people. 

Point two: Maritime law. What is the maritime law? To bring those rescued to the nearest harbor. 

            Derya Türk-Nachbauer (SPD): Secure harbor!

These trafficking boats do exactly the opposite: They do not bring them to Africa; they bring them 400 kilometers to Europe, intentionally, with announcement. That is trafficking. 

These inhuman doings are best documented by the incident of 2022. The migrants were already rescued by the Libyan coast guard. Then Sea-Watch came around and the migrants jumped into the sea because they wanted Europe. Twenty people thus died, among them children and women. For those deaths, you are co-responsible. 

If these ships would bring the migrants back to Africa – 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): For your sake! They will certainly not be asked!

for my sake to Algeria, Tunisia or Egypt, then thirty times more people could be helped for the same money than in Germany. Yet the salient point is: You do not want precisely that, because you want these people as care cases for your asylum industry. So it is. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You have no idea!

Vera Lengsfeld of the CDU has already worked this out wonderfully. She has shown that the Red Cross alone has more employees than BASF – and BASF is the world’s largest chemical concern – and Caritas more employees than BMW. Yet all these people produce nothing, do nothing constructive, build no autos; yet they cost, and for that you need the money. 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): What? Caritas?

The costs for one refugee approach 57,000 euros per year. You are hereby creating care cases and tax money for them. That is the case. 


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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Gerrit Huy, October 17, 2023, Citizens’ Wage

AfD Kompakt, October 17, 2023. 

Ever more employees, especially in the low-wage sector, quit their work because the citizens’ wage [Bürgergeld] promises a performance-free income. We of the AfD delegation have quite early warned that the Ampel’s Bürgergeld has been framed too abundantly and thereby lies dangerously near the applicable minimum wage. An optional increase of the statutory minimum wage needs to be carefully weighed and continually take into consideration that already today many Mittelstand operations and businesses in eastern Germany are under an enormous wage pressure and simply cannot pay a higher minimum wage. And the assertion circulating in the area of the Bürgergeld debate that there exists in this country no wage disparity requirement [Lohnabstandsgebot] is false. So decided the Federal Constitutional Court in 2020 that civil servants in the lowest pay grades need to be better off than recipients of the basic security. They should have 15 percent more net so that their work pays. And for the normal employees, who are not civil service, work should also pay. Labor market policy decisions following the Federal Constitutional Court’s ruling appear to be sensible. In this sense, future wage development should anticipate Bürgergeld development. Otherwise will still more employees wander away to the Bürgergeld


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Monday, October 23, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, October 19, 2023, Peace

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 210/131, pp. 16344-16345. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear citizens. 

One almost feels returned back to February 2022 and the subsequent time. The world security situation has again intensified, and again a new war is ignited. Each war situation is different; similar consequences nevertheless yield death, destruction, flight and suffering. We thus mourn with the relatives of all innocent victims of this war. I also want to wish the relatives present all the best, united with a hope that they can again enclose their loved ones in their arms. 

We most sharply condemn the attack of Hamas on Israel. For the murder and kidnapping of civilians, there is no justification, on any side. We all therefore need to endeavor to avoid one thing: That the war in the Near East powder keg not be allowed to expand into a wildfire. To that also pertains resisting the war incitement and, even when it is awkward, to give a voice to diplomacy. And yes, Israel self-evidently is allowed to defend itself against attack. The right of self-defense is provided for in international law and is coherent with the UN Charter. Yet Israel in this regard needs to pay heed to proportionality. Humanitarian catastrophes are not permitted to arise, and the regional states need to avert this escalation. The Federal government therefore needs to work helpfully and supportively, instead of further heating up the atmosphere. 

Chancellor Scholz this time proceeds in exactly this way. With his visits in Tel Aviv and Cairo, he has shown that negotiation and mediation are the order of the hour. The basic provision for the civil population in Israel and Palestine is to be secured. Hamas must free its hostages, and the Federal government needs to commit itself to the immediate release and secure return of removed Germans. For that, you so far have done too little. 

I am nevertheless concerned over voices which push outward from the Union delegation. Herr Merz, you have spoken of “jargon”. It appears here as if one simply could not wait for the intensification of the war. Colleague Kiesewetter blusters through the world with his words, We should be ready “to defend Israel’s security with our lives”. This verbal warmongering, which is a matter of discord even in the CDU, we hitherto knew in the Ukraine war only from the Free Democrats, from Frau Strack-Zimmermann. For my delegation and me, in the case of Israel and Palestine, it is proximately about that peace be reconstructed in this region worn down for decades by conflict. In Herr Kiesewetter’s direction: Understand please, we want peace. We do not want to send our children into a military intervention [Kriegseinsätze]. Yes, we also want solidarity. Yet your words are irresponsible and not reconcilable with our values. 

Look around, how the world community reacts, and primarily at what that could mean for Germany and Europe. Politicians need to understand what happens if the Near East powder keg is set afire, what happens if Lebanon or Iran are involved in this war. Then quite quickly are the U.S.A. and the BRICS states at hand. This situation no one can or wants to put forward even just in estimates. Since how shall Israel then again be able to live in the region in security and peace? I ask everyone in the parliament to answer for himself this question and to verbally disarm. 

Valued colleagues, let us also include in the situation analysis the reactions, the opinions of the the affected regions. Thus, Egyptian President el-Sisi is opposed to the resettlement of Palestinians in Sinai; the peninsula would become a base for attacks against Israel. The normalization process of Israel’s relations to Saudi Arabia is stopped. The Iranian foreign minister calls on members of the organization of Islamic cooperation for an oil embargo and for an expulsion of Israeli ambassadors. Saudi Arabia calls on its citizens to leave Lebanon. Therefore, here there is allowed no further escalation. 

In this place, I demand of the Federal government to find just so clear words. Finally place in the foreground our own, the German interests! Additional or new migration waves to Europe and Germany are not in our interest. You must in any case prevent that, Herr Scholz. I ask you to work in that regard in Brussels at the European Council. Terror organizations and anti-semitism have no place in Germany. And in addition: Those posing a potential danger need to be immediately and consistently deported. Hamas and structures close to Hamas are allowed neither to be financed from Germany nor become a security risk for Germany. Therefore, finally examine a ban, and issue it in a timely fashion! 

With regards to the war regions, it concerns humanitarian support and durable solution possibilities. Thus China and Russia have proposed a humanitarian ceasefire. This resolution was indeed rejected in the UN Security Council. An overriding objective – this is surely beyond an all-party consensus – is nevertheless that further deaths must be prevented. A peaceful solution must be further pursued beyond political differences. Only so will the bloodshed be ended and long-term structure projects in the region be possible. The goal of diplomacy must be to find a durable solution for long-term peace in the Near East. This also is in the German interest.   

The only means which Germany, which the German Bundestag can here effect is the call for peace. The Federal government should not be able to be made co-responsible for a war in the Near East. We need an interests-led policy. We need free and peaceful commerce with oil and gas. We need trade routes and secure corridors instead of war and enmity. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Beatrix von Storch, October 11, 2023, Palestinian Terrorism

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/127, pp. 15871-15872. 

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Israel’s President Itzschak Herzog has declared: Not since the Holocaust have so many Jews been killed in one day as now by the Hamas massacre in Israel. – The aim of the Islamic barbarism is not military. With them, it is about one thing alone, to murder as many Jews as possible. They behead babies. 

And the UN Human Rights Council? It introduces a minute of silence, yet not for the victims, but so as to complain about Israel. And the German representative rises and actually remembers the mass murderers. 

            Till Steffen (Greens): That is rubbish! Unbelievable! 

            Erhard Grundl (Green): A lie!

Lower we cannot sink. 

At home, it appears not much better. Nancy Faeser strengthens the security measures for Jewish establishments. Why actually? Na? Because many too many of the barbarians and their  supporters and followers meanwhile live in the midst of us. Thanks to your immigration policy, terror organizations like Hezbollah, Hamas and PFLP have a growing throng. 

And they have the power in our streets, when they want it, whenever they want it, where they want it, how they want it. And they wanted it last Saturday in Berlin-Neuköln in the Sonnenallee. For the celebration of the massacre in Israel, Arab supporters of terror distributed sweets on our streets, organized by the Samidoun group, and we look on. Samidoun ought to be banned; we demand that in our motion [Drucksache 20/8738]. 

Samidoun is an offshoot of the PFLP, the Palestinian terror organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This organization for decades draws a trail of blood with airplane hijackings and terror attacks. It is on the EU terror list, yet in Germany it is not banned. The PFLP ought to be banned; we demand that in our motion [Drucksache 20/8738]. The PFLP is a marxist-leninist movement. The Hamas is Islamist. Yet in Germany this ideological contrast is all the same. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): It is not all the same!

Their Judenhass unites them. 

Merkel certainly did nothing: The Hezbollah was not banned. You of the Union have issued only an activity ban. We wanted to ban them. The result: Nothing. The persons are still here, the structures are still here, there are not deportations. You work together with Islamic associations. Have you once seen the declaration of the Central Council of Moslems? Or heard the declaration of other protagonists? These deafening silences? 

The PFLP is the bridge between Islamist terror and German leftist extremism. “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” – translation: Jews into the sea. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): And now you also repeat this propaganda trash!

Even the leftist taz now admits: Behind here gather no Nazis, but leftists. Those are not anti-fascists, those are fascists. 

The axis between German leftists and Palestinian terrorists has a decades-long tradition. Joschka Fischer took part in a PLO congress at which the final victory over Israel was demanded. Entebbe airplane hijacking: German leftist extremists separated so as to allow Jewish passengers to be murdered. Landshut airplane hijacking: PFLP wanted to release RAF terrorists. First Iraqi War: Green chairman Ströbele said: The Iraqi rocket attacks on Israel were the compulsory consequence of Israel’s policy. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Speak faster! Then we no longer understand you!

And Claudia Roth – keyword: “BDS-Movement Documenta” – joyfully high-fives with convinced annihilators of Israel. For her, all has been said. Her solidarity with Israel is exhausted in sermons, hashtags and empty demands. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Now no one understands anymore!

In practice you finance to this day Judenhass in Israel. Over a hundred million euros to the Hamas-directed, so-called refugee organization UNRWA. Humanitarian help is not allowed to flow through Hamas. And in Germany you do nothing at all just once to ban and then to break up the structures of Hezbollah, Hamas, PFLP and Samidoun. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): When do you start with the truth?

Nothing. We see the horrors in Israel and we see the Arabs in Germany 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): They are not “the Arabs in Germany”!

celebrate these horrors. 

Who knows that better than Frau Güner Bilic, the integration commissioner of Neuköln? 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): She is called Balci! You cannot even pronounce                            the name!

A citation today in Spiegel: Broad parts of the Arabic-speaking population of Neuköln preserve sympathies for Hamas – which beheads babies. 

Herr Chancellor, in view of this horror in Israel and of the growing and public support among us of the horror, act! Eliminate the means for the UNRWA [Drucksache 20/8739]. UNRWA is Hamas, and Hamas are terrorists, not state actors. One does not negotiate with them, and one is to give them no money. 

Lamya Kaddor (Greens): That is a piece of insolence! That is simply false, what you assert here!

Ban the terror organizations and – still more important – then destroy their structures! 

Marianne Schieder (SPD): Do you know what bad is? That today in the German Bundestag one is allowed to roll out so much trash!

We need less Scholz, and we need more Helmut Schmidt! 

Many thanks. 


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