Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Alice Weidel, October 24, 2023, Deportation

AfD Kompakt, October 24, 2023. 

It apparently required two crushing election defeats and massive, anti-semitic migrant rioting for Olaf Scholz and Nancy Faeser to at all take notice of the continual failure of the state in regards the deportation of rejected asylum applicants and the return of migrants with no right of residence. Without a fundamental migration change, which comes to grips with the roots of the problem and also has acts follow the announcements, their emphatic words are nevertheless to remain patchwork. 

Chancellor and Interior Minister want to tread lightly [einen schlanken Fuss machen] while they guide the attention on the deportation deficit so as to be able to shove off a large part of the responsibility onto the States. Yet as before, the Federal government, with eased residence and naturalization regulations, high social benefits and open borders, entices illegal migrants to immigration into the German social system. 

As long as the Federal government does not close the German borders and consistently sends back illegal migrants, refuses an effective securing of the EU external borders, and isolates itself in a Europe in which it wants to require of other EU countries the acceptance of undesired migrants, the announcements of Scholz and Faeser are to remain pure alibi politics. Germany needs a unified [aus einem Guss] remigration policy, and not just declarations of intention which will foreseeably remain without consequence. 


[trans: tem]