Monday, October 30, 2023

Petr Bystron, October 19, 2023, Migrant Trafficking

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/131, pp. 16398-16399. 

Right honorable Herr President. Dear colleagues. 

We speak here today of the worst case of organized criminality since the Second World War. For it is an octopus which entwines billions, which costs human lives. It is no rescue at sea; it is human trafficking [Menschenschlepperei], and it is criminal. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Yes, what then do you dream at nights?

It begins with you enticing the migrants onto the high seas and plainly inducing them into an emergency at sea. 

Jamila Schäfer (Greens): Would you please for once read a scientific study? That would be total super!

This occurs with the aid of an app, which is called Alarm Phone. No one is so dumb as to climb into a rubber boat 

            Jamila Schäfer (Greens): Shame on you!

with benzine for 10 kilometers and to believe that he thereby comes 400 kilometers to Europe. 

Lamya Kaddor (Greens): What do you believe, where you live? Have you once made an impression of it? Quite honestly, it is shameless how you come forward here. 

The migrants do it just then when they see they are fished out of your boats 10 kilometers from the African coast. 

            Sebastian Fiedler (SPD): Who are desperate! Only one here is dumb!

And this app is financed by whom? By the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Robert Bosch Foundation and Soros. For that alone ought the common use be withdrawn and the money eliminated. 

Julian Pahlke (Greens): Aha, and now even anti-semitism! That you are not ashamed, Herr Bystron! You are an embarrassment! 

This year alone – you yourself have said it – this has cost the lives of 2,000 people. 

Point two: Maritime law. What is the maritime law? To bring those rescued to the nearest harbor. 

            Derya Türk-Nachbauer (SPD): Secure harbor!

These trafficking boats do exactly the opposite: They do not bring them to Africa; they bring them 400 kilometers to Europe, intentionally, with announcement. That is trafficking. 

These inhuman doings are best documented by the incident of 2022. The migrants were already rescued by the Libyan coast guard. Then Sea-Watch came around and the migrants jumped into the sea because they wanted Europe. Twenty people thus died, among them children and women. For those deaths, you are co-responsible. 

If these ships would bring the migrants back to Africa – 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): For your sake! They will certainly not be asked!

for my sake to Algeria, Tunisia or Egypt, then thirty times more people could be helped for the same money than in Germany. Yet the salient point is: You do not want precisely that, because you want these people as care cases for your asylum industry. So it is. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You have no idea!

Vera Lengsfeld of the CDU has already worked this out wonderfully. She has shown that the Red Cross alone has more employees than BASF – and BASF is the world’s largest chemical concern – and Caritas more employees than BMW. Yet all these people produce nothing, do nothing constructive, build no autos; yet they cost, and for that you need the money. 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): What? Caritas?

The costs for one refugee approach 57,000 euros per year. You are hereby creating care cases and tax money for them. That is the case. 


[trans: tem]