Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Gottfried Curio, October 18, 2021, Coalition, Immigration and FDP

AfD Kompakt, October 18, 2021.

The statement on the start of coalition negotiations confirms the fear that the red-green project for a massive expansion of immigration shall now go on the offensive with the assistance of the FDP: Germany shall be re-built as “a modern immigration country”. By modern is meant: To chase after the political fashion of a leftist compass, to orient oneself away from one’s own country, its history and people, in favor of a nihilistic globalism. When the talk is of “adapting to the social reality” the right of citizenship, hidden behind that is a further hollowing-out and arbitrary rendering [Beliebigmachung] of German citizenship.

And the notorious lane change for those obliged to depart is found in the coalition statement under the formula for creating “more quickly a legally secure residence status”. Apparently the FDP, the pseudo state-of-law party, deems it appropriate to additionally reward the embezzlement of residence and thereby increase it. On one side, the FDP stands as the representative of the employer who, without regard to the long-term consequences, wants to increase the labor supply in the short-term and thus suppress wages. On the other side stand the SPD and the Greens for whom it is about a transformation of Germany into a test laboratory for leftist social experiments. Immigration shall no longer be oriented to the workforce requirement, even with mass unemployment, but by means of a point system shall the floodgates remain open. The assumption then is of scarcely any control of alibi qualifications from the highly corrupt home countries.

With a cost-use analysis of previous immigration, these parties will also go further astray. A corresponding point system in Australia and Canada has led to the most rapid alteration of the ethnic majority proportion worldwide. The hereditary population will be increasingly driven out of the inner cities. Domestic migration and segregation show that this kind of forced immigration will not for the most part be looked upon as an enrichment. While Canada and Australia also economically are no success models worthy of imitation, in Germany it is well known that in the end an immigration into the social system remains predominant.

Yet the FDP is clearly proud of itself: There shall be no speed limit. That needs be so understood that the Germany lead by the traffic light government will, without limit of speed, be dashed into the ground.


[trans: tem]


Monday, October 18, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 14, 2021, Economy and Coalition

AfD Kompakt, October 14, 2021.

With eyes open, Germany slides straight into the next economic crisis. The effects of the seriously distorted global supply chains and the intensified shortages in key raw materials and intermediate products are not quite yet to be seen in their entire impetus.

Mittelstand and middle-class run this winter into a mill of wide-ranging price increases, exploding energy costs and grinding high taxes and duties on one side, and on the other a menacing unemployment as a result of the decline and upheaval of entire branches.

In such a situation, it must be of the highest political priority to minimize the state pressure on the citizens, to set aside costly, ideological projects with dubious outcomes like the “energy transition” and CO2 taxation, and to give citizens, taxpayers and the Mittelstand economy more air to breathe.

In the sounding-out negotiations for the formation of the next government, instead of tax reduction and the return to pragmatic reason, the talk is primarily of new costs, prohibitions and ideo-political planning, while additional billions will be blithely distributed to all the world and the public will be kept at a trot with absurd discourses over “racism”, gender gaga, new, incomprehensible Corona regulations and an extortionary pressure upon those not vaccinated.

The denial of reality by establishment politics and mainstream media, in view of the real and concrete problems and challenges for our country, is by degrees rupturing every imaginative power [sprengt allmählich jede Vorstellungskraft].


[trans: tem]


Saturday, October 16, 2021

Stephan Brandner, October 15, 2021, Coalition Talks

AfD Kompakt, October 15, 2021.

No matter the FDP, the twelve-page paper shows where the journey goes. What has been listed under the harmless sounding heading, “Freedom and Security, Equalization and Variety in the Modern Democracy”, lets the worst be presumed and every warning of the AfD become true. The likely traffic light coalitioners will govern with a left-green knout and, for a majority of its citizens, disfigure the country beyond recognition.

Citizenship will be granted even more easily, the normal, bürgerlichen majority must yield to “woke” minorities, primarily from the LGBT world. Gender lunacy, quota rules and the intense surveillance of those who think differently will determine the living together. The voting age will even be reduced to 16. The future coalitioners have hope in the easily manipulated young voters.

In view of a hollowed-out, drifting and purposeless CDU, one thing is clear: Only the AfD with a consistent policy of opposition will make way against this extremist course harmful to Germany. That, with all power for our country.


[trans: tem]

Friday, October 15, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, October 14, 2021, Volkswagen

AfD Kompakt, October 14, 2021.

The VW concern is a one of a kind German success story. Volkswagen stands for engineering art, business foresight and the diligence of hundreds of thousands of employees. The firm is an important pillar of our economy. Rinsed in the left-green Zeitgeist of the firm’s leadership, Diess now threatens to inflict immense damages on the concern.

He is the heedless executioner of the nitwitted plan to commit to an immature, ineffective and ultimately environmentally harmful technology like electro-mobility. His mind games over the job losses of tens of thousands of co-workers grant a glance into the concern’s future so long as persons like Diess are at its head. Before the threatened mass unemployment, the firm should first separate itself as quickly as possible from this man.


[trans: tem]


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, October 12, 2021, Child Marriage in Germany

AfD Kompakt, October 12, 2021.

Presently in Germany are already known to be more than 800 child marriages. The hidden number may lie far above that. The state undertakes practically nothing to obviate this problem. Ineffective laws cannot defend girls and children who, below the radar of the authorities, are forced to marry. Like all the problems arising from uncontrolled migration, this also is extensively swept under the rug.

“Save the Children” in its current survey shows the consequences of this development, from which not even German policy may longer stand aloof.

In Germany, there is permitted no child marriage. The protection of the children must have the highest priority. Perpetrators who have themselves married to children, as well as any who illegally contract these marriages, must be punished with the full harshness of the law and to that pertains immediate expulsion from our country.


[trans: tem]