Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Rüdiger Lucassen, September 30, 2020, 2021 Budget – Defense

German Bundestag, September 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/179, p. 22583.

Frau President. Right honorable members.

Who wishes to be a constitution patriot, as the CDU claims to be, should for once read the constitution. In case the Union should still be interested in the Bundeswehr, I recommend Article 87a:

            The Federation shall establish armed forces for purposes of defense.

The CDU’s 15 year administration of the Bundeswehr has made of this article a hollow phrase. The Bundeswehr can no longer fulfill its duty to defend the states and the Federal union. This situation is generally acknowledged by the parties. The AfD, however, is the only party which will not accept that.

The Federal government has failed in all core areas of defense policy.

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): Where do you get the proof? That is rubbish!

Seven years ago, Frau Kramp-Karrenbauer’s predecessor began proclaiming trend changes; you remember. The present minister today plainly avoids this term like the devil does holy water: Understandably, since nothing has worked. The procurement system is, as before, dysfunctional. All follow-on procurement is stuck somewhere between dreamland and reality loss.

Let us take the Future Combat Air System: France and Germany have completely different roles for their future fighter jets. Already since the Eurofighter, the European aerospace industry has lost contact with the development. I prophesy to you: The FCAS will be a grave for billions without one aircraft ever attaining mission readiness.

The Main Ground Combat System: Again German-French and again to the considerable disadvantage of the respective defense industry. For 80 years is German tank production a leader in the world market. Now this key technology will be given away to France, with an utterly unknown end result. The drama of that is: What is from Germany once gone, never again comes back. The Federal government’s armament policy is permanently demolishing German industrial proficiency.           

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): My goodness!

This formula of failure also goes for the development of armed drones, for the digitalization of the armed forces and much more. The heavy transport helicopter was as of yesterday officially renounced, just as was the successor to the Tornado.

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): The AfD failed in Lower Saxony!

The next major area: Personnel. On the average, 15,000 soldiers are lacking. That is the size of an entire division. However much the BMVg [defense ministry] leadership may trouble itself to convey to outsiders its modern, gender-neutral and diverse image, simply not enough young Germans want the Bundeswehr. Despite that, the BMVg holds fast to this infantile image campaign. The ship of fools sails stubbornly on.

The BMVg, however, in other areas is as busy as a bee. The gender of the service grades was a major theme. As it was clear that our female soldiers were unwilling to be addressed as “Frau Oberfeldwebelin” or “Frau Hauptfrau”, the Defense Minister withdrew. Project “Gender Justice” was stopped, for the time being. Yet I can prophesy to the soldiers that, from them, this chalice has not yet been passed.

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): Hohmann would have said it!

If next year it in fact comes to a black-green coalition, the Bundeswehr will be as thoroughly gendered as an edition of the “taz’.

            Tobias Lindner (Greens): You are worried about that! That is clear!

That would nevertheless be the least of problems. The Federal government’s incompetence in defense policy cannot be compensated for by the good 46 billion euros in Section 14. As before, the AfD stands for an increase in the defense estimate; since the damages inflicted on the Bundeswehr by the government are immense. The repair may cost much money. Just so, it is right to ask what the Grand Coalition is doing with all the money. I say: The Federal government deals with the citizens’ tax money just as irresponsibly as it does with the Bundeswehr itself. Over 46 billion euros for the Bundeswehr: The entire result is simply a disgrace.

Ladies and gentlemen, who is unwilling to accept the system of the armed forces is unsuitable for the orderly leadership of the Bundeswehr.

            Henning Otte (CDU/CSU): Herr Hohmann would have said it!

A state does not maintain armed forces to bore a well somewhere or lead a grandma across the street. Armed forces must be willing and be in a position to employ deadly, military violence. For that, the Bundeswehr requires esprit de corps, pride and a unique vocational ethic – period – and nothing more.




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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, September 30, 2020, 2021 Budget – Foreign Office

German Bundestag, September 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/179, pp. 22570-22571.

Right honorable Frau President. Worthy members.

You all know the film “The Never-ending Story” – a perfect title for the troubles in and with the Foreign Office. It could also be named “The Announcements Ministry”.

But in order. As we of the AfD, ever again the only party, have reproved: According to a report of the Federal Audit Office from the year 2018 – mark well: 2018 – the Foreign Office had no knowledge concerning the processing status of its application and proof of employment procedures [Zuwendungsverfahren und Verwendungnachweise] of around 2.5 billion euros in the area of humanitarian aid and crisis prevention. Has anything essentially changed? No, and we are now writing of the year 2020, the end of September.

Nevertheless, the Foreign Office, meanwhile and in any case with a more precise viewpoint, has attempted – in the words of the witness, “troubled itself” – to draft a law for the establishment of a Federal office of foreign affairs because the applications and proofs of employment in the future are to be handled by its newly created officials as non-ministerial duties. I repeat: Attempted!

The Federal Audit Office presented a report on this on February 27, 2020. This report is scarcely to be surpassed in regards its catastrophic evaluation.

First of all, the Foreign Office has undertaken no economic examination. Which duties shall be taken over by the new Federal office and which shall remain with the Foreign Office itself, the draft law simply leaves open. It should also be stated, Why is a completely new set of officials needed and which duties shall these assume?

If it is not then known what all the new officials shall do, it is naturally also not known which financial or personnel effects the whole endeavor shall have. Accordingly, the draft law allows to be ascertained neither what the personnel assignments should be nor what effect the new establishment has on the personnel assignments of the Foreign Office itself. In addition, the new Federal office shall be able to form branch offices. And as to why that at all shall be and why the number and size of these shall possibly need be unlimited, there is lacking in the draft law any reason. Is there being set up something of a new officials’ octopus?

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): What rubbish!

Beyond that, it is thought that a ministerial supplement could be retained for non-ministerial basic duties – obviously not under the designation “ministerial supplement”. Nevertheless, the Foreign Office recognized that this designation for non-ministerial duties, those moreover outside the ministry, could indeed be illegal.

Yet when it is about the acquisition and retention of funding, the Federal cabinet, along with the Foreign Office, suddenly becomes intellectually flexible and discovers the wondrous word “Aufbauzulage” [construction supplement]. A droll idea, thinks the Foreign Office. Since there is still not one legal text for this wonder word, here can one’s own inspiration be allowed to work to full extent.

And the result of this quite individual, ja, peculiar thought process of the Foreign Office was that the total of the so-called construction supplement initially correspond to the full extent of the ministerial supplement, and then over a time period of five years will be melted down at 10 percent per year and then remain at 50 percent. That shall naturally be for all employees. Even for the couriers. What an insult to all honorable taxpayers. Is the Foreign Office, shall we say, a self-service store?

Thereupon the Federal Audit Office – fully according to the law – intervened and the Foreign Office complied by putting forward an economics examination. Yet this was again so insufficient that the Budget Committee with a measures decision on May 13, 2020, charged the Foreign Office to finally ascertain the personnel, material and overhead costs and verify the financial expenditures with serviceable figures.

And quite remarkably: According to the measures decision, only the administration and central office should be in Brandenburg. In other words: You all wish in the future to create a kind of officials’ octopus;

            Franziska Brantner (Greens): That is all in the compensation!

since the branch offices remain untouched. You wish to merely examine the so-called construction supplement. No, ladies and gentlemen, a construction supplement is to be rejected. Since how do you wish to substantiate that to the taxpayers?

And last, but not least: For the fulfillment of this measures decision, the Foreign Office allows itself time; generally understood, from May of this year. Keyword: “Officials’ Mikado”. He who first makes a move, loses.

And in the interim time will furthermore be expended – more or less unexamined – around 2 billion euros per year for humanitarian aid and crisis prevention, and no person knows where essentially this money actually lands.

            Jürgen Hardt (CDU/CSU): You know that guaranteed!

            Ulrich Lechte (FDP): What nonsense!

Which NGOs with fine-sounding names might here rejoice over German tax money? To be continued, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you.

            Jürgen Hardt (CDU/CSU): “Never-ending Story”.

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Fake news!



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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, October 1, 2020, 2021 Budget – Family

German Bundestag, October 1, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/180, pp. 22968-22969.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Year after year, one has the naïve hope that the next budget will be better than the previous one.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Your speech is naïve!

And, year after year, one is disillusioned. That is because, year after year, you set false priorities.

Actually, it should be about – as made plain by the name of the ministry – Families, Seniors, Women and Youth and about their future. And it is actually your primary duty to make policy for the future of our country and its citizens. Actually, the tax money should be used to encourage young couples to have children. And, actually, the increasing childhood and old age poverty should thereby be halted – actually.

Yet instead of relief of the citizens for which, for example, family splitting might be introduced and charges like the broadcasting contribution might be abolished, there is 150 million euros for measures to guarantee variety, tolerance and democracy, 85 million euros more than before, and that in the time of Corona. This money will be expended on programs like “Democracy Alive! Action against rightist extremism, violence and misanthropy”. More means for the fight against leftist extremism or Islamism – zilch! The money is preferably expended for leftist propaganda projects like the Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, the head of which, Kahane, has said – I cite: The greatest declaration of bankruptcy of German politics following unification [Wende] was to have allowed a third of the state territory to remain white. – This ethno-masochism per se is pathetic, yet to further promote it with many millions and thereby make policy against one’s own people is simply a scandal.  

           Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Frau colleague, do you consent to an                                                interim question?

No. – And then you supply this policy with fine attributes like “variety” and “tolerance”. Thomas Mann once said, “Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to the wicked.” And we experience daily the consequences of your false tolerance: Parallel societies, clan criminality and violence. Or, in your words: A flourishing Party and Event Scene. Since your variety is nothing other than a leftist simpleness and your tolerance plainly applies only to the like-minded. I gladly ever again repeat that. You are lacking in esteem for the normal, for the natural. You prefer to expend the money of your citizens on what is unnatural, like early sexualization and the gender nonsense.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Oh, Gott!

Your budget plan even sets for itself the goal of overcoming traditional role models. We do not want women and men to be re-educated as mixed creatures and children to be early sexualized. We do not want our language to be gendered. Every cent spent on this nonsense is one cent too many. 

Yet you? You throw away the money even though we are already the front runners, the front runners when it comes to the load of OECD taxes and duties. It is this tax burden which takes from young couples the family spirit. It is this tax burden which intensifies the demographic catastrophe. It is owing to this tax burden that childhood and old age poverty increases.

We of the AfD demand: Relief of families, reduction of duties, esteem for seniors, a welcome for children. That for once would be a policy for one’s own people.


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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Stephan Brandner, October 1, 2020, 2021 Budget – Justice

 German Bundestag, October 1, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/180, pp. 22653-22654.

Ladies and gentlemen. Herr President.

The Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection which – according to the committee name – should actually be the Ministry of Law and Consumer Protection, under the aegis of the last six ministers, and especially under the last three ministers – I recall Herr Maas, Frau Barley and Frau Lambrecht – has become a ministry that does all possible things, only it does not strengthen the state of law and defend the rights of freedom and of the citizens.

It much more gives itself over to ideological spin doctors of every art. To be sure, you must be red-green and diverse. Let us consider the past: Internet Enforcement Law, the unconstitutional “marriage for all” law – not at all milestones. Let us leave the past in peace, ladies and gentlemen.

Ideological entanglements and obscurity unfortunately do not otherwise allow the clarification of Frau Lambrecht’s appearances and assertions. So what currently worries Frau Lambrecht in the time of the economic crisis, the immigration crisis, the state of law crisis, the Corona crisis and other challenges? How in family law mother one and mother two should be dealt with. Quite important according to the interpretation of Frau Lambrecht: How the legal quality of the birth mother to the other mother should be regulated. So is seen, Frau Lambrecht, that even biology, according to which there is always a mother and a father for us people,

            Mechthild Rawert (SPD): Apparently not in a few years!

will be sacrificed on the altar of your left-green madness.    

Suddenly, there is a mother one and a mother two. Many other mothers will apparently follow, parent one and parent two. Of fathers, there is certainly not a word. You are thereby working on the nationalization of the children. Nothing other, according to Article 6, which you wish to amend – children’s rights – is to be understood…

Frau Lambrecht, supported by the public media, you fight all rights like one possessed. Frau Lambrecht also devotes herself to internet censorship. One may only consider the unspeakable Internet Enforcement Law which devours millions of euros. You ponder over upload filters and wish to permit clarification of conspiracy theories in the schools. A good idea, if the central point would perhaps for once be those of the Federal government in Corona matters.

The hysterias of the old parties should just there be uncovered. That apparently will not be the case. Conspiracy theorists are always those who deviate from the straight and current opinion of the state media. Previously, conspiracy theorists were those who warned of Corona. Today, conspiracy theorists are those who criticize the Corona measures. You are very flexible there, Frau Lambrecht, you and your Federal government.

            Niema Movassat (Linke): Would that you simply remained in the toilet!

Yet, Frau Lambrecht also gladly denounces and denigrates the citizens of our country, ladies and gentlemen, primarily such as those who wish to exercise their freedom to demonstrate in the streets, as guaranteed by the Basic Law. For her, those are the extremists.

Finally, Frau Lambrecht devotes herself – she has here previously again done so – with great gusto to the topic of hate and agitation.

            Niema Movassat (Linke): You are the experts!

I surmise that soon “HassundHetze” as the new one word creation will be found in Duden. Hate and agitation, Frau Lambrecht: Diction from the thank God past times of the old, downfallen DDR. With you, criminal acts from the DDR are enjoying a revival.

Frau Lambrecht, in pushing through your hate and agitation laws, you have apparently overlooked the unconstitutionality which we of the AfD designated from the beginning. Embarrassed, you should actually resign, Frau Lambrecht, or be dismissed by Frau Merkel. Yet in fact you have heard from a previous speaker of the FDP that evidently with Frau Merkel not only failed CSU politicians are a protected species. Evidently, that also goes for SPD politicians.

It was now to be heard that it shall be necessary for the Federal president to sign this unconstitutional law. I personally have no doubt that Herr Steinmeier, whose vita exhibits relations in the extreme left milieu and who is familiar with Constitution Defense observation, will sign this law. Nevertheless, I attempt here to prevent the worst. I call upon Herr Steinmeier, wherever he may be: Herr Steinmeier, do not sign this hate and agitation law! Do not make it possible for the Federal government to once again break constitutional law.

Finally – I come to an end, Herr President: Try, Frau Lambrecht – to close the circle – to again make your ministry one for for Law and Consumer Protection, and do not further pervert it into a ministry against rights, against the state of law and for ideology.

Many thanks.


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Friday, October 9, 2020

Gottfried Curio, October 1, 2020, 2021 Budget – Interior

German Bundestag, October 1, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/180, p. 22624. 

Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The minister has recently praised the planned EU migration pact with its new, everlasting costs for the budget. The hitherto false policy shall there receive statutory form. By means of fairy-tale social services and the recognition of fantasy refugees, masses of illegal migrants from African and Islamic lands will be attracted by the hundreds of thousands into the country. All key points of this plan have failed, from the unlimited, intra-European asylum tourism to the fundamentals.

Fake news is, the EU is responsible for illegal migrants on its borders. The truth: The wide-spread wars in the east are over. Out of Africa, economic migrants are coming. Those allegedly requiring protection have already been taken in by secure third states and thus are no longer in flight, if that ever was the case.

Fake news: Solidarity with initial entry states is required. The truth: Germany in proportion has already accepted more, yet Merkel’s continuing, law-breaking violation of Dublin III shall be legalized, the way to Germany made automatic.

Fake news: This was humanitarian. The truth: Those suffering no emergency pay much higher smuggler charges. Those really in need of aid never float to the surface. The same money at the local level helps a hundred times more people.

Fake news: European money excursions in the home countries would combat the origins of flight. A theft of 25 billion euros in the next four years. The truth: European social standards will never be attained there, yet more travel means for the smuggler ways will be delivered.

Fake news: The states of origin must be offered something with which they may take back the illegals. The truth: They are obligated. Pressure may be applied with economic aid and visa limitations.

Fake news: The plan would unify the EU. Who is unwilling to accept should consider deportation. The truth: That not succeeding, as in Germany, they shall remain seated on the migrants. A lunatic offer.

Fake news: Migration might help the labor market. The truth: A large portion are not employable and will be fed here until life’s end, ruining the social system.

Fake news: Social problems would be solved by integration. The truth: The foreseeable demographic development indicates to this clientele that integration is not necessary and so they hold back. We are seeing the occupation of public areas by groups of aggressive men, increasing rates of criminality. Women can no longer safely set foot in the public area, Jews certainly not – a disgrace for Germany, ladies and gentlemen.  

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): You are a disgrace for Germany!

Nothing of that is in the interest of Germany, nothing in the interest of any of the European states. The European solution is called: Shut the door – testing in all cases abroad. The problem is called: Germany, with its browbeaten dance of dreams.

We turn to oppose the high-toned terms of deceit, “Responsibility”, “Solidarity”, “Humanity”, which shall garnish the political and financial disenfranchisement of the citizens, against the deification of an exploitative EU super-state, against the drawing-board utopias of a globalized society. What we in Germany do not need are people who continually call out to mankind yet who no longer pay heed to their own people.

Responsibility means the securing of Germany’s values for the future. It would be an act of solidarity not to allow our people to work ever longer for others. Humanity means guarding our citizens from the 300,000 criminal acts committed yearly by immigrants.   

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Guarding against the AfD, that would be right!

Yet the chair farce in front of the Reichstag, along with the subsequent acts of arson and extortion, was only a beginning. To divert the African population explosion to Europe is a false goal, a madness. The import of the anthropology of Islam and of the clan societies – a notice of combat against our freedom. Democracy is incompatible with Islam. To it, religion and state are a unity. Violence against women and those believing otherwise is a teaching of Islam. Therefore: Away with the government’s resettlement mafia!

            Carsten Schneider (SPD): My goodness!

The way to the future does not lead through the ordained renunciation of previous history. The denial of one’s own nation is a false path. A future requires a heritage. Instead of a continual fawning over the foreign, a self-aware representation of interests is again needed. Instead of your eternal “One heart for Africa”, we say: More smarts for Germany, more commitment to Germany!



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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Joana Cotar, September 30, 2020, 2021 Budget – Digitalization

German Bundestag, September 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/179, p. 22556.

Herr President. Worthy colleagues.

Today we again have heard in epic breadth how important digitalization is to the government and of all that it has ostensibly learned from Corona. All the slogans have been put to use. Declarations of intent and promises have ensued. Funds have been budgeted. The chapter will be closed until next year. Honestly for once: Who still takes seriously what the Frau Chancellor has said here?

                Harald Weinberg (Linke): It is always so during budget week.

Yet let us look for once at the facts of digital Germany, away from Merkel’s story hour, and at the digital truth! The portion of fiberglass connections to all stationary broadband connections in the OECD countries: South Korea leads with 82.8 percent, followed by Japan, Lithuania and Sweden. Germany lies in the fifth to last place with a ridiculous 4.1 percent. Even Mexico and Colombia are ahead of us.

4-G mobile phone: Germany last year in international comparison was in place 70. The internet area  coverage came to 65.5 percent. The United States, the Benelux countries, Scandinavia and parts of eastern Europe obtain a coverage of more than 80 percent. In the availability of 4-G and LTE, we rank behind countries like Lebanon, Vietnam and Senegal.

Let us remain with mobile telephony: In Switzerland, the median download speed comes to 30 mbits per second, in Austria it is 24 mbs, in Germany 14. Yet, for that, the mobile internet costs us very much more. We in Germany pay an average of 3.60 euros for one gigabyte of data, yet the Austrians only 96 cents. In the IMD Top Ten ranking of countries with the most competitive digitalization, we are far surpassed. We are in place 17. In the 2020 Digital Quality of Life Index, in place 16.

Let us look at the schools – Frau Merkel mentioned them – : Only 26 percent of German schools have a functioning WLAN connection. In Denmark, it is 100 percent; in Kazakhstan, it is 58 percent. The ICILS study shows: A third of young people in Germany can barely open and work with e-mail. Computer knowledge is rudimentary. In the schools in Estonia, ten year olds are learning to program.

In the EU Commission’s current E-Government ranking – that is, for digital administration – in the utilization of these services, Germany has subsided into the 26th rank of these 28 countries. Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus – all are ahead of us.

And our country is losing contact with the new technologies. Among the top 50 of the world’s most innovative companies, the first German one is in 21st place; it is Siemens. At the top are Apple, Alphabet, Amazon, Samsung, Facebook.  

A firm like Apple? In Germany, impossible. The firm’s founding took place in a garage.

For once demonstrate that you are the officials here! The ceiling heights are not right, there is no concept of fire prevention, no parking places and gender-specific toilets are completely lacking. Rejected! Das is Deutschland 2020!

Of the most powerful of the world’s super-computers, 226 are in China, 114 in the U.S.A. and only 16 in Germany.

Investments in artificial intelligence: The Chinese city of Tianjin alone plans 12.8 billion euros for AI promotion, all of China 300 billion, and we are proud of 5 billion, ladies and gentlemen.

Dear Federal government, thus nothing will come of AI and thus nothing will come of digitalization. On the contrary: You have put Germany into a digital coma and thereby put into play the future of our country. We can simply no longer live only on der Substanz. Finally wake up and put some horsepower on the street! Down shift the bureaucratization, put more areas at the disposal of those who experiment, invest more, and please take care that the money can also be recalled. Accelerate the net construction, close the dead zones, unleash the real skilled labor with lower taxes and appropriate salaries, make our kids fit for the future! Finally drive forward the themes of E-Government and E-Health structures, finally take cyber security seriously and bundle up the responsibilities for this!

Corona has made clear how important digital solutions are for Germany. Other countries for years have shown what these could look like. Take an example, copy anything at all from me! But finally do something for this country!

Many thanks.



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