German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/209, pp. 27050-27052.
Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.
Herr Scholz, you have made an outrageous speech. That is democracy without a people. That is democracy without voters. Whose thinking is so authoritarian should not be Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Your red-green rump government is a concentrate of all those negative forces which ruin our country. That even exceeds, at the height of the driven migration chaos for which you have to be responsible, the catastrophic effects of the arbitrary loss of control over our borders by the former CDU Chancellor Angela Merkel. This politically-willed loss of control costs human lives and leaves behind wounded, oppressed, traumatized bodies and souls, day by day, week by week, month by month, for ten years now.
The extremist fanatics of the unrestrained migration are not troubled that the victims of this criminal policy suffer and relatives weep; in Aschaffenburg, in Magdeburg, in Solingen, in Mannheim and in countless other places in west and east, north and south, city and country.
You arrange tasteless rallies against rightists on the backs of the victims, and Green top functionaries even rejoice there, with smirking, self-satisfied photos. Where actually were your demonstrations against the knife assailants? Where were your memorials to the victims?
Britta Haßelmann
(Greens): I’ve already indicated the Hildesheim AfD!
What a mockery for the people of this country, just so for native citizens as for law-abiding and well integrated naturalized Germans with a migration background who primarily expect one thing from the Politik: Ending the illegal migration and lawlessness, deporting criminals and those who come into the country illegally, reconstructing security in the public space; in short, the enforcement of law and statute.
Do you seriously believe, Herr Merz, you could inveigle the citizens, that something would be better, if you at the same time yet again pander to the Greens and the SPD and commit yourself to form a coalition with these parties? Since precisely there you run straight into the dogma of the undemocratic firewall, unmindful of the Basic Law. The so-called firewall is nothing other than an anti-democratic cartel arrangement to undermine the will of the voters and exclude millions of voters. You shall guarantee to the Greens and the SPD – we heard it here – the continuation in power even though they have long since lost the assent of the majority for their ruinous policy of mass migration and economic and energy destruction.
You’ve had your chance to demonstrate an authentic Chancellor format. “I peek not right and not left. In these questions I peek straight ahead.” You said that at the presentation of the five-point plan.
Yet you do not look straight ahead. You look left, and you look backwards in your own ranks. Your CDU Minister-president Günther from Schleswig-Holstein has already announced to let laws for the limitation of migration fail in the Bundesrat if they are here accepted with the votes of the AfD. That is your CDU.
What a pitiful understanding of democracy! As if there were no dead children, partisan political games will be set over the lives of innocent citizens. With this Union, there is in fact no state to make.
Your five-point plan which you today put forward, you have copied from us. A non-binding resolution motion – this you also know – is still by far no migration change. Copying instead of deporting; with you, that is method. For in the States in which you sit in government – whether Bavaria, Nordrein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Baden-Württemberg, Schleswig-Holstein –the deportation balance is just so miserable or still worse as in the SPD-governed Federal States.
Thorstein Frei (CDU/CSU): In Baden-Württemberg, it has risen by around 37 percent!
That the Union, following the dreadful knife attack of an Afghan on small children, misuses the reasoning of your motion so as to belabor the AfD, is disturbing and shows that you still have not understood the signs of the time. We do not want to need mourn additional dead children. Do you understand that? – You laugh, Herr Frei.
Frei (CDU/CSU): Yes, exactly!
Your irresponsible and infantile maneuver – infantile! –
Frei (CDU/CSU): Yes, quite clearly!
will not restrain us from doing the right thing and voting for every reasonable initiative. Thus have we always maintained.
Since the welfare of the country and its citizens always has priority with us before egoistic party tactics, and distinguishes us from the Union.
We will also vote for the influx limitation law [Zustrombegrenzunggesetz] which you in any case have copied from us. A few weeks ago, you took this law, ja, from the daily order, out of fear of accidental majorities. Now you have again set it up – after of course we announced to put it to a vote. This law would have been long since been able to be concluded.
We will continue to enlist for a real migration change with a closing of the borders, turning back and deportation of illegal foreigners. And the longer you struggle against concluding in common the required laws, just so greater will be the harm. You thereby harm not the AfD; you thereby harm the entire country and its citizens, every child who therefore still needs die, every innocent person who therefore will be wounded, raped or murdered.
The Union’s insincerity is best read in the number of AfD motions for a limitation of migration and for border controls which you in the past years – seven years – here in this house have rejected. It thus so appears.
Merz (CDU/CSU): Which we will continue to reject!
That is insincere.
As long as you cling to your firewall, so will there also be firewall dead.
Katharina Dröge (Greens, to the CDU/CSU): You were advised in the case of the Nazis! This is a serious failure which you today make!
It cannot so continue. It is already for long much too much. The time for symbol politics finally needs be over following the Aschaffenburg murders. This country lies prostrate. Germany can no longer wait. The migration change and economic change must come, and this will only come with the Alternative für Deutschland!
I am grateful.
[trans: tem]