Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gunnar Beck, October 4, 2023, Green Bonds

AfD Kompakt, October 4, 2023. 

How deficient actually is the so-called Green Economy is seen not only in the horrendous promotion programs for windpower and photovoltaic at the cost of the citizens and consumers, but also in the so-called Green Bonds. So as to be even only rudimentarily competitive, these loans require a green EU mark of quality so that they will at all be purchased and traded in large quantities. 

Under normal circumstances – without this unspeakable EU economy planned around the Green Deal – the current loans would scarcely arouse an interest. And this mark of quality shows how stubborn and aloof the EU elites act, far from any connection to reality. We of the AfD work for the citizens and want to return a sense of freedom, prosperity and growth to the expensive as sin Green Deal. 


[trans: tem]