Monday, October 16, 2023

Alexander Gauland, October 12, 2023, Israel and Hamas

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/128, pp. 15903-15904. 

Frau President. Herr Ambassador. Ladies and gentlemen. 

When it is about Israel, the hour of well-meaning lip-service begins. The German Chancellor has today repeated the most famous of all. It stems from Herr Scholz’s predecessor in office and runs: The defense of Israel is a German reason of state. – As articulated by Frau Merkel: German tax money also flowed to anti-semitic NGOs and aid functions, and the security of Jews in German streets the German government could not guarantee. It has unfortunately remained so until today. 

Now there are new announcements. Declarations of solidarity neither help the Israelis nor make the slightest impression on terrorists and their supporters. This barbaric attack, with almost exclusively civilian victims, needs to be radically answered. Terror needs to be struck at its life’s nerve: At the money. That a portion of these rockets, a portion of these weapons used by Hamas, were paid for where possible with German tax money is an unbelievable scandal. If the so-called reason of state should be more than a fine phrase, the German payments to Palestinian organizations need to immediately stop, ladies and gentlemen. That applies to all these payments. 

The Foreign Minister has assured no terror will be financed with German money. 

            Susanne Menge (Greens): ”Vogelschiss” of history! You should start                                    with yourself!

Pardon, Frau Baerbock: The proposition that money flows exclusively to humanitarian projects is at best naïve. Hamas controls Gaza. As surely as a portion of German development aid arrives at a motor park of an African dictator, just as surely a portion of this so-called aid money also lands at Hamas. That, ladies and gentlemen, needs to change. 

For with this money, the Palestinians are not aided, but their leaders who make life for them in  Gaza a hell and ever again plunge them into senseless wars. The Hamas butchers and child murderers are not victims. Hamas is an organization which was founded for one, single purpose: To kill Jews. Its leaders have ever again quite unashamedly declared this. The attack on Israel is no revolt of the oppressed, but of gruesome fanatics. 

That it finds public support on German streets, that in Germany is recited: “Hamas, Hamas, Juden ins Gas” is unbearable. How many of these festivals and appeals for Judenmord have there been in Germany? And what police and juridical measures are there opposed to it? I hope, Herr Chancellor, that your announcements today change that. 

Ladies and gentlemen, with this is meant not only Israel, with this we have meant the entire Western world. Israel, that is the West in an environment in which the West is rejected and fought. When we place ourselves on the side of Israel, we also defend our way [Art] of living and thinking against a politicized Islam. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a quite definite German reason of state. 

I am grateful. 


[trans: tem]