German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/75,
pp. 8872-8874.
Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and
gentlemen. Dear countrymen.
Herr Merz, you have replied to the Herr Chancellor’s speech
that you are amazed because parts were lacking. What I with all my previous
speakers have not heard in regards your speech is that you have scarcely a word
for our own country, that you have scarcely a word for the worries and needs of
the German people. That actually expresses all.
The past EU-ASEAN summit meetings have of course already
shown us one thing: The states do not want to decide between two trading
partners. They meanwhile therein have some advantage over us and Europe. They
of course consider the cooperation to be led by interests, instead of being
separated by sanctions.
China, ladies and gentlemen, belongs to Asia: Geographically,
culturally and economically. There are generally also differences there. Which
nevertheless can be considered in common, without instrumentalizing the entire
publicity in one direction or the other. Thus can each keep face and thus will
misunderstanding be avoided. These in the last months have been perceived quite
often enough as confrontations. Precisely that, dear colleagues, is to be
avoided. We need cooperation eye-to-eye. No one wants to first occupy himself
with the ideological approaches of his counterparts. For a peaceful world, a
respectful acquaintance is the first step.
Certainly the present situation in Germany shows that we as
a country without raw materials and with high inflation cannot generally allow
ourselves to issue fixed economic sanctions in the name of a so-called – we have,
ja, heard it again today – feminist foreign
policy. This instrument harms Germany even so effectively as its citizens. And
exactly that must have an end.
Already for long we no longer speak just of Russia. By means
of reporting on domestic policy confrontations, the Federal government sends
out signals to unfavored countries. This at the least provides for astonishment
to the point of incomprehension there; since for decades – this also needs for
once to be said – one communicated reasonably, diplomatic standards were
maintained and economic exchange was fostered. Those were the guidelines of
German foreign policy in the last decades.
At the latest with this Ampel
government, ideological teaching hours vis-à-vis other nations and cultures are
meanwhile on the daily order. One just decides between good and bad, between
black and white. So I ask you: Can you, ladies and gentlemen, actually imagine
that this vote will meanwhile be taken as hostile?
Timon Gremmels (SPD): Therefore we obtain LNG from Qatar, or what? This is just rubbish!
I ask you: To whose use is that? Do you think that helps the
local people in the countries?
Yes, the conducted conflicts are in parts also violent,
which we as the Alternative für Deutschland also do not defend. Yet is one a
better, more trustworthy partner when one wants to actually cause from without
a perhaps violent regime change? Of course not. You position yourselves – and thereby
Germany – permanently and completely apart. That contributes to peace neither in
the region nor the world, yet it exploits the German citizens. With your policy
you separate the world into two halves, unilaterally shoot down Germany and
thus drive further forward the de-industrialization.
You meanwhile continue the long since agreed upon course of
the Merkel government. That Germany as a business venue is already for years
ever less attractive is shown by the rising number of firms which have already
emigrated or plan to do so. These numbers are alarming and needed meanwhile
also to be a matter for the Ministry for the Economy. Thus could be read in the
FAZ of November 30 of this year that,
according to a survey of the Federal Statistics Office of 600 Mittelstand businesses, 20 percent already
have concrete plans to leave Germany and that is not the beginning: From 2018
to 2020, 1.6 percent of German firms already went that way – thus, long before
the events of the year 2022.
Timon Gremmels (SPD): Following the entrance of the AfD, the businesses left the country!
Götz Frömming
(AfD): That was obviously the reason!
Very considerable for the business sectors are those which
with priority were shipped out, among which were goods production and its
sales; yet also research and development. The last know-how, the last raw
material – research and development – thus meanwhile emigrates.
Do you really understand the signals? I do not know. First
were production processes shipped out of Germany, and the policy said: We are
becoming a service society; that was the announcement here.
Christian Petry (SPD): Nonsense!
Yet that too meanwhile belongs to the past. And service
providers will be shipped out more and more. So I ask you: Why at all should a
business still settle in Germany? This question can you no longer at all
answer. The causes of course are clear – though you scarcely mention them: High
social duties, the tax burden which is too high, bureaucracy and of course not
least the high energy prices which directly contribute to that soon this
economic sector no longer exists and that Germany will no more be in the circumstance
of an economic nation.
We indeed daily see examples here in Berlin. Manual work
operations like bakeries close and the restaurant trade can no longer make an
offer because the workforce is lacking – and in a major city of the Bund.
Daniela De Ridder (SPD): A reason for migration!
Go to your constituency, in so far as you at all have one,
and look for once at the local situation. Can you still at all actually
reconcile your voters to this downfall? If the emigration which, ja, will no longer be put in context is
for once considered, it is seen: Since 2014, almost 250,000 Germans each year
leave this country. That was up to the year 2020, 2 million German contributors
Daniela De Ridder (SPD): Still a reason for migration!
who have left this country. And you ever again speak of
immigration. The reasons for that you should for once ascertain; since it is a
You may believe me that the citizens day by day see and
experience the consequences of your destructive policy; since this policy also
leads our country into the energy policy deadend. With your decision to ban
from Germany baseload-capable energy carriers like coal, gas, yet also nuclear
power, you withhold from citizens and businesses a continuous energy supply.
And no, you can plainly not influence the present dark doldrums as well as a
reasonable energy mix which we of the AfD have ever again demanded. You of the
Federal government more and more become the drivers of the inflation.
Timon Gremmels (SPD): Atomic power is no energy mix!
You are the principal cause of inflation in Germany.
Therefore: Make the energy policy turnabout! Finally make
policy for Germany and for the citizens! You have the duty, even in difficult
times, to work for realistic political solutions. Stop; instead of wanting to
ever again enforce your ideologies with new, threatening scenarios. We, the
opposition, will ever again obligate you to make policy for the welfare of the
German people. We, the opposition of this sovereign house, have the duty to
critically accompany your government policy. That is the core of our democratic
parliamentary order, and not to flatter you on the government bench with warm
words. You yourselves do that well enough every day.
Many thanks for your attention.
[trans: tem]