Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Götz Frömming, January 18, 2023, Education and Immigration

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/78, pp. 9339-9340.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues. Right honorable Frau Minister.

We today discuss the National Education Report put forward by the authors’ group in May 2022. It is therefore no longer quite dewy fresh, yet that actually is not so bad, ladies and gentlemen; since what we read in this National Education Report, we all actually knew quite well before. And, yes, it is not the only report we have in the area of education. It would be well to be named: Today, the School Barometer is to appear. We have the IQB Education Trend, we have the PISA Countries Comparison, etc. etc. Only, ladies and gentlemen, it needs be said: …the sow, alas, becomes no fatter, and we for long already, Frau Minister, have no knowledge deficit but, dear colleagues, we have a management deficit.

In that regard, I want to mention a couple of points to you. Not far from here, in Pankow, recently schoolchildren with their parents demonstrated for the renovation of their school. What then is that about? I thought that was only in a third-world country, yet it occurs in the middle of Germany. The renovation backlog for school buildings is figured at some 40 billion euros. One billion – we have just now heard – shall now be grandiosely made ready. Yet recently there was 100 billion for weapons. That is a disproportion, ladies and gentlemen.

In addition, we have a massive deficit in personnel. And here it is lamented that 40,000 teachers are lacking. That has not only to do with the Corona preventive measures, but also with the massive influx from the Ukraine. 200,000 students plus x more: The colleagues in the schools cannot simply teach these with the left hand. Here, something must urgently happen, ladies and gentlemen.  

I cannot omit mentioning the following case which goes back just a few weeks. In Ibrenbüren, Nordrein-Westfalen, a 17 year-old young man stabbed his teacher. The silence in this case is deafening, ladies and gentlemen. I unfortunately need also say to you: That is not a single instance. As we know, violence against teachers in the schools massively increases. A third of principals in a survey have reported that they know of violence by students against teachers – it is besides frequently female teachers. In Nordrein-Westfalen, where this young man, by chance with a migration background, stabbed his teacher, it is even almost half of all schools. Also here must something urgently happen, ladies and gentlemen.

What you do, in this and in other cases, can actually only be named continual assistance [unterlassene Hilfeleistung]. In that regard, there are opportunities to improve the situation in the schools.

Let us come to speak of what in fact happens in education in the schools. We know in which States it is working. Those are by happenstance the States in the south of our country. Bavaria and Saxony are dong quite well. In all comparisons, Bavaria and Saxony are at the fore. Yet now for once it needs be recognized: What makes Bavaria and Saxony different? There is there a differentiated school system. There, the Hauptschulen have not been thrown into the waste basket

            Daniela Ludwig (CDU/CSU): Nay!

and outside just the shield is unscrewed in the belief that thereby everything will be better.  

            Daniela Ludwig (CDU/CSU): Exactly!

It is differentiated. There is a Grundschul recommendation and there is at least a minimal standard of authority and discipline. That is, I think, also a key for learning success.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, respect for the teacher belongs to that,

            Daniela Ludwig (CDU/CSU): Right!

exactly of course as respect for the student belongs to that. Yet of these things, apparently in your view out-dated, you want nothing more to know.

Beyond that, we need to return to education and knowledge instead of gender and inclusion at any price. In concluding – and this well accords with the debate: We also need to provide our immigration policy with education criteria.

            Vice-president Yvonne Magwas: Please come to a conclusion.

A further immigration from uneducated classes can our education system no longer bear [Eine weitere Zuwanderung aus bildungsfernen Schichten kann unser Bildungssystem nicht mehr vertragen]. And thereby is no one served.

Many thanks for your attention.


[trans: tem]