German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/76,
p. 8993.
Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and
The demolition Ampel coalition marches further in the direction of an energy and social policy abyss and into fiscal madness. The sums of the transfer payments are now no longer realistically covered. We thus have an inflation of 10 percent so that, with the therefrom resulting contraction, the citizens are to be saddled with the loss of value. The self-made scarcity economy is administered as in a dictatorship and the citizens will be bled, ladies and gentlemen. As per planned economics, holes will now be plugged with tax monies which we would not have in a functioning social market economy without this dumb and naive sanctions policy.
Despite the price brake, the command energy cost are nevertheless
paid, although now plainly in regards the so-called energy transition by the
taxpayer. The situation might be immediately defused with nuclear energy, with
coal electricity, by ending the useless sanctions. Yet because the Ampel does not do that, we must confirm
that we here have to do with a misappropriation of the tax money.
The Ampel, sadly
no longer obligated to the people, shovels the Germans’ money by the handful
beyond the actual energy costs to foreign countries: In the U.S.A. for
over-priced liquid gas, to India for Russian oil,
Götz Frömming (AfD): Hear, hear!
now to France and Belgium for Russian LNG.
And Russia nevertheless received additional money, even
though the Ampel propaganda wanted to
prevent precisely that with these sanctions. Yet the left-green rupture Ampel coalition thereby unfortunately
makes us hostages to its hypocritical moral propaganda, ladies and gentlemen.
Normally, there would be a termination when things do not
function – yet sadly, plainly not with the Left-Greens. The hindering of lower
electricity prices thus must have a reason. Which indeed lies in the intention
to financially damage us Germans, to quasi reduce [verdünnen] our economic power, as had been plausibly said by the
former Green war minister, Joschka Fischer: To quasi verdünnen.
Kassem Taher Saleh (Green): Eijeijei!
One instrument for that is to not directly purchase Russian
oil and gas of good value, but roundabout and via middlemen.Thus then can this
wrecking crew of course make additional money in foreign countries, with for
example, the interpolation of the U.S. American firm Conoco Phillips for Qatari
gas, of the Belgian Fluxys, of the French Total Energy.
Ladies and gentlemen, with a culpable act of misappropriation of tax money, the entire Federal
government sits presumably in the defendants’ box. The citizens bravely pay
their high taxes and the government routinely squanders it. That must stop. Therefore,
with the AfD, this will be a criminal act of misappropriation of tax money.
Kathrin Vogler (Linke): Who themselves all sit in jail!
Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus (FDP): Mein Gott! Who wrote this speech?
The left-green politburo with its planned economy transfer
payments not only does not solve the problems in our country, but also
intensifies them for the future. The price reduction for customers – now codified
in this package of laws – not only does not solve the problems but it effects
an incentive for baseless price increases by the businesses themselves, by the
suppliers. In the next year, Russian pipeline gas is eliminated and a
replacement is lacking. The begging tours of Scholz and Habeck were, as is
known, not very productive. When the world economy increases then, ja, LNG will in general be in demand and
for us will also be scarcer and more expensive.
Ladies and gentlemen, the damage to Deutschland AG sadly
Kathrin Vogler (Linke): That is Reichsbürger propaganda which you are spreading here!
The people in our country will however recognize that and
then is an end with this politics directed against our people.
Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus (FDP): Mein Gott! You are embarrassing!
Timon Gremmels (SPD): Reichsbürger speech!
– You naturally could not restrain yourselves from saying
something here.
Timon Gremmels (SPD): To that, you have not once a good answer!
Lukas Köhler (FDP): You would have better said something reasonable!
Merz (CDU/CSU): The Legal Institute of Self-stupefaction.
[trans: tem]