Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Malte Kaufmann, September 28, 2022, Russia, Weapons and Diplomacy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/56, p. 6179.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Let me at the beginning over and over again quite clearly say: The AfD delegation most sharply condemns Russia's war against the Ukraine. We have ever again given expression to this, here in plenary session as well as in the committees. This war is dreadful for all people participating; it produces unspeakable suffering and indeed on both sides. Each additional day of this war brings with it much suffering and death. We therefore must do all that is sensible so that this military confrontation stops as soon as possible.

The way by which the Union wants to go with its motion for ever more intensive weapons deliveries is however wrong.

It leads directly to additional military escalation and it contradicts the decades-long, established strategy of Germany to deliver no weapons to areas of acute crisis. Those who want to walk along this incendiary path sadly do not know what they in reality are thereby preparing. They believe that Russian President Putin is meantime “weakened”, it soon comes to an “overthrow” there, and then all will be good again. I recommend to these oblivious ones an interview appearing yesterday with Professor Baberowski who is one of the most renowned German historians of eastern Europe. He in all clarity said that the ranks around Putin have meanwhile closed and the war aims will adhered to with more determination by the Russian government the greater is the affliction from outside. Thus as the military pressure which the NATO states build up in favor of the non-NATO member Ukraine becomes greater, the more incalculable will be the reaction, to the point of a nuclear dimension which needs be urgently prevented. 

So as to not now allow the war to further escalate but to end it as quickly as possible, the hour of diplomacy has now come.

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Diplomacy for six months, 24 hours a day! It hasn’t                                worked!

Unfortunately, Germany has lost its earlier achieved position as a nation which maintains good relations with all countries of this Earth. 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Weapons, weapons, weapons!

Today we have a Foreign Minister who flatters herself in rhetorical rearmament. Russia will be “ruined” by means of the sanctions – thus for example spoke Frau Baerbock with complete self-assurance to the running cameras. Oddly enough, the energy prices for us nevertheless climb to the unmeasurable while energy concerns in Russia take in record profits.

We of the AfD are committed to diplomacy. The resolution motion put forward by the CDU/CSU is drawn up for military escalation. In your motion, valued colleagues, on scarcely two and a half pages, the words ‘weapons” or “weapons systems” are to be read 19 times – 7 times the formulation is “heavy weapons” – yet not a single time the so important word of diplomacy. How can that be? In this regard, the aim of diplomatic efforts must be to bring about an immediate end of combat operations followed by peace negotiations for a long-term, stable co-existence of Russia and the Ukraine.

Instead of a further escalation, we desire a peace initiative – you could for once propose that to the Federal government – for example in the context of the OSCE as well as of humanitarian assistance.   

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Spoken with the OSCE?

Let us do everything so as to reconstruct peace in Europe!

Many hearty thanks.



[trans: tem]