Monday, October 24, 2022

Jörn König, October 14, 2022, Heating: Tax Relief vs Direct Subsidy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/61, pp. 6913-6914. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable colleagues. Dear citizens.

The CDU recently had its national party day with us in Hannover. The principal theme was not about the heating change as in the motion put forward, not Russia’s war, not the energy shortage, not the wave of bankruptcy of many businesses; no, the principal theme was the women’s quota. It succeeded, you passed the introduction of the women’s quota. Congratulations; for thus does the Alternative für Deutschland, free of quotas and discrimination, once again have one more unique position.

            Michael Donth (CDU/CSU): Tätä, tätä, tätä!

You demand in your motion new tax relief for the construction and reconstruction of buildings as well as in regards the establishment of photovoltaic installations. Amazingly, what you do not demand is a women’s quota at construction sites. Generally in recent years, construction and reconstruction have become significantly more expensive. The principal reason for that is the ever more rigid construction guidelines, primarily in the energy area. In addition come further problems like the homemade inflation, the homemade energy crisis by way of power plant disconnections and supply chain problems.

In your motion, you wish to fight the symptoms, the origins of which you yourselves in great part have furnished by tolerance of the ECB debts policy and the atomic withdrawal. With this fight against the symptoms, you reach back to tax advantages; that in our view is false.

Tax advantages in comparison to a direct means of promotion are unfavorable; since the advantages are only remunerative at a far above average income. It is indeed nice that in the first three years a twice as high tax reduction of 40 percent instead of 20 percent shall apply. Yet who really has an income tax burden of 80,000 euros in three years?

The payment of the tax promotion also results clearly later than would be the case with direct subsidies, and only long after the costs fall due. The relief will further only be realized with the tax decision and plainly only partially for most citizens. These tax regulatory arrangements are complicated even for professional people – just what shall Otto Normal Consumer say?

What we need are simple solutions, and that calls for direct promotion of the hardworking citizen who with hard work has built or bought his own home and now must outfit it in terms of energy. To reverse the promotion program was the precisely wrong signal. The new government needs to be thoroughly criticized for that. One of the first measures of Herr Habeck was to stop the promotion program.

The demands in the CDU/CSU delegation’s motion are, for all that, also unsozial; since private persons with a small or moderate income, due to their smaller tax burden, have no opportunities to participate in these tax advantages. Once again: We need the direct promotion of the hardworking citizen who builds his own home or rebuilds in terms of energy. That is the better means to reconstruct as many as possible houses in terms of energy and to equip with photovoltaic.

            Bernhard Herrmann (Greens): Ach, take a look!

One thing was completely forgotten in the motion. It will become increasingly difficult to obtain appropriate, competent skilled labor from the trades [Handwerk] for the energy reconstruction. Already, the planned heating pump offensive is therein failing. We will put forward a motion concerned that expert trades work finally once again pays in this country.

Demand number 5 is sensible: That home ownership societies can also erect and operate photovoltaic installations without much bureaucracy – it is at this time a horror; I say this from personal experience – this demand we expressly support.

We are happy with the consultation on this motion in committee yet need realistically say that it is a very long way to an agreement by our delegation. Yet even a very long way begins with a first step.

            Bernhard Daldrup (SPD): Was that Mao Tse-Tung?

In that sense, there is still a little hope.

I am grateful for your attention.


[trans: tem]