Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Albrecht Glaser, September 30, 2022, The Germans’ Atom Bomb

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/58, p. 6461.

 Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The EU states are indebted far beyond the Maastricht criteria. This was in the year 2019, well before Corona. The numbers: Over 10 trillion euros, which corresponds to a debt ratio of 84 percent, instead of the required 60 percent consistent with the treaty.

In 1997, the stability and growth pact was decided on in the EU. Parallel to this, the manipulation of Greece’s debts situation, which was to make the country capable of accession, was known. The corresponding dossier on this manipulation still lies under lock and key at the ECB, although complaints were made; that has come out. The contradiction between treaty obligations on one side and the action of governments and states on the other side is since then the red thread of debts policy, and this benevolent consideration which we have just heard is an irony.

The 2008 financial crisis in the EU was principally a state debts crisis. Thus in 2012 a fiscal pact was concluded which obligated all treaty partners to create domestic regulations to prevent overflowing debts. Since then, the legal framework of debts policy is screwed around with until it is past recognition.

The consequences of that: France has debts of 113 percent, Spain of 118 percent, Portugal of 127 percent, Italy of 150 percent and Greece of 193 percent of gross domestic product. Wise heads in the Center for European Policy and at the Bundesbank state: Many members have never made the debts rule their own. Hundreds of violations have been committed by the states. That is around half of all possible treaty violations. The organs of the EU have imposed not one sanction – in regards this number of violations, ladies and gentlemen.

The CDU motion describes in numeral 1, letter a, a correct goal and it names many correct specific requirements, possibly in letters b to f. Yet it will surely find no majority in this house; it does not concern us. If it were found, it would not be enforceable in the EU. If it were enforceable in the EU, a majority of the member states would not adhere to it. That is your problem.

France, Italy and their retinue in southern Europe, which have a broad majority in all organs of the EU, from the Commission through the ECB to the EuGH [European High Court], because for example Cyprus and Malta have the same vote weight as Germany and the Netherlands, want the opposite of what the CDU motion wants. All of the “Club Med” states want the debts union and we are thereby at the crux of the matter.

At the beginning of the 90s, Mitterand spoke of the D-Mark as the Germans’ atom bomb. He said to Margaret Thatcher, I cite: Without a common currency, we are all, you and I, subject to the will of the Germans. – Therefore were Lagarde, who was a French minister prior to her ECB office, and Trichet, who previously was counselor to Giscard d’Estaing, sent into the running – we have left our candidates standing in the rain – and Draghi manages a limitless and illegal state financing of Italy by means of the ECB. That is the neutrality of the ECB for which you of the Union strongly stand, as you to this day write.   

We thus have in Germany not only a migration policy, a foreign and defense policy, an energy policy and a debts policy bankruptcy but also a euro policy one. That is the result of the years-long policy of all parties in this house. We therefore require a new one.


[trans: tem]