Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Tino Chrupalla, August 15, 2022, Economic War

AfD Kompakt, August 15, 2022.

The Federal government requests cash from the citizens alone. Had not Herr Habeck declared economic war on Russia, the rescue of the gas concerns would not at all be necessary. And the time limit is nothing more than a placebo for the citizens. A normalization of the energy trade is not at all in sight. The Green Economy Minister has buried Nord Stream 2 long-term. It would be right to immediately begin operation of the gas pipeline. Then there would be a surplus of good value gas.

Foreign Minister Baerbock uses war rhetoric against China even though Germany obtains important raw material and products for renewable energies from there. FDP Secretary-General Djir-Sarai has even brought China sanctions into play. No assessment can undo the damages which the Ampel inflicts with its values-led foreign policy. Chancellor Scholz must bring his coalition partners to reason and stop the economic war against our trade partners. What would help the citizens would be a policy guided by interests!


[trans: tem]