Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, August 2, 2022, Kindergeld

AfD Kompakt, August 2, 2022.

The European High Court [EuGH]’s decision increases the pressure on our social state and on those who must by their work generate the billions in tax money which here will be distributed on a grand scale. The EuGH no longer evaluates Kindergeld [child allowance] as a social benefit, since according to the opinion of the judges it does not serve for the guaranteeing of the living subsistence but for the compensation of the family costs [Ausgleich von Familienlastung]. The Court thereby again increases the incentive for abuse by migrants from southeast Europe and additional poor regions of the EU.

For comparison: The Kindergeld claim for three children for three months runs to some 2,000 euros in Germany. With a monthly average wage in Bulgaria of 800 euros, the income of German Kindergeld is more than lucrative. It is nevertheless the German taxpayers who finance the social state and not it happens Bulgarians seeking work. The basic idea of the freedom of movement in the EU is based on the employment of workers in other EU member states. Clearly not meant by that is the claim to more attractive social benefits. The Ampel is now obliged to find a sound legal solution so as to prevent further social tourism to Germany.


[trans: tem]