Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ralf Stadler, August 18, 2022, Bavarian Farmers' Protests

AfD Kompakt, August 18, 2022.

In a time of war in Ukraine, numerous export bans on agricultural goods, frequent breakdowns in supply chains and a steadily increasing inflation in regards foodstuffs, the EU’s environmental packet is a false signal. The professionally over-charged Minister Özdemir already needed to back-pedal and has signaled provisionally setting aside the non-cultivation obligation [Pflichtbrache] and the crop rotation for the 2023 harvest year. The unrealistic environmental policy of the Greens has thus failed all along the line. The farmers’ massive protests have thus shown effect.

From the Bavarian State government the farmers as usual receive no support. On the contrary: State Economy Minister Kaniber voted with the Greens in the Bundesrat for further restrictions on farming. She thereby endangers not only farm livelihoods but the population’s food supply. Only the AfD is strong for the farmers. Our food is not to become a luxury!


[trans: tem]