Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Alice Weidel, August 9, 2022, Chancellor’s Office

AfD Kompakt, August 9, 2022.

While the policy drives the people in the country to an ever greater emergency of livelihood, the Federal government indulges itself in luxury. The now already fully over-dimensioned Chancellor’s Office came after an expansion to a ground area of 50,000 square meters which nearly corresponds to the area of seven football fields.

Such plans are an affront in the face of the taxpayers who as a result of the Ampel’s policy have been bequeathed an extreme debt. Caused primarily by the Federal government, our country finds itself in one of the most serious crises of the recent past. The strived for expansion of the Chancellor’s Office once more makes clear how far the governing politicians have distanced themselves from the citizens.

In this regard, I demand of the Federal government and the Berlin Senat to comprehensively stop the reconstruction of the Chancellor’s Office into a Chancellor’s Park. The means thereby freed up are to be committed to the relief of citizens in the present energy crisis.


[trans: tem]