Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, June 21, 2022, Pension, Tax and Social Policies

AfD Kompakt, June 21, 2022.

The financial emergency appearing in the pension account comes as no surprise. The demographic development is strongly counter-productive and provides for that the income of ever fewer contribution payers needs to be distributed to ever more benefits recipients.

The Federal government intensifies this problem still further by its policy. Instead of relieving families in particular and thereby simply counteracting the demographic change by improving the financial situation of families, the tax burden, by means of among others climate duties, drastically increases.

Beyond that, the Ampel’s naturalization [Einbürgerungs] and migration policy breaks down the entire social system. Who adds ever more benefits recipients to not only the pension but also for example the statutory sickness account, who themselves pay not a cent into these, he deconstructs the social system of an entire state, especially against the background of the known numbers and facts, assuredly.

Germany needs finally a politics conscious of its responsibility, which makes our country secure for the future and dedicates itself to the real concerns and needs of the people!


[trans: tem]