Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sylvia Limmer, June 9, 2022, Combustion Engine

 AfD Kompakt, June 9, 2022.

With yesterday’s vote in the EU Parliament, the auto as we know it is history. The combustion engine at the latest by 2035 will be forbidden; yet well before, there will no longer be capable combustion engines, since the new EU legal situation does not permit this and businesses can no longer earn money with the sale of combustion engines but need to make penalty payments on account of allegedly higher CO2 emissions. Hundreds of thousands of employees will suffer, those who will lose their job in the coming years as a result of Brussels’s Green Deal hysteria and a pretended world rescue. The lie of an ostensible emissions-free mobility“ with battery autos will drive some families of the suppler industry into an existential emergency. Customers need to adjust themselves to dangerous, unreliable, poor performing and expensive E-autos. The dream of one’s own auto is increasingly obstructed due to the E-auto’s higher purchase price and operations costs.

It is long since no longer a secret that it is about the end of individual mobility and the abolition of the auto as private property. For even if the political will was at hand, it would alone fail due to the insufficiently at disposal, permanent resources for the traction batteries which are to replace the presently available combustion engine passenger vehicles by means of E-Mobile.

Germany’s competitiveness and business venue will also suffer. Instead of ourselves, with other European countries, building the world’s best combustion engines, we may now obtain batteries from the Far East and microchips from America. That thereby technological dependencies on autocratically led countries like China will increase massively is a given. That we will certainly not be able to produce the electricity for an auto fleet on today’s scale is for green climate fanatics a trifle.  

Done! Welcome to the new eco-socialism which in the last years, indeed decades, was powerfully promoted not only by the usual suspects like the Greens, the Social Democrats and the Linke but even by the Union and the FDP.

Only the AfD still stands credibly for innovation, industrial promotion, prosperity and competitiveness in Germany.


[trans: tem]