Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla, April 26, 2022, Weapons for the Ukraine

AfD Kompakt, April 26, 2022.

The motion of the CDU and the CSU for the delivery of heavy weapons to the Ukraine is incendiary. It is a further step in a dangerous over-bidding competition which threatens to ever further draw Germany into the war. At the same time, the implementation of the Union’s motion would additionally weaken the Bundeswehr, since many of the demanded weapons shall initially be delivered from the Bundeswehr’s stocks.

The AfD’s position is clear: We fundamentally reject the delivery of weapons to the war zone. We must avoid all which contributes to that the war in the Ukraine becomes a widespread conflagration, and a military and thus an atomic confrontation of NATO with Russia.

Instead of always speaking of new weapons deliveries, the Federal government needs to now start a broadly disposed diplomatic initiative, the purpose of which must be peace talks between the Ukraine and Russia under international mediation.


[trans: tem]