Monday, April 25, 2022

Tino Chrupalla, April 24, 2022, Elections in France and Hungary

AfD Kompakt, April 24, 2022.

In the name of the Alternative für Deutschland, I congratulate our partner Marine Le Pen on her strong result in the presidential election in France. She was able to considerably increase her share of the vote in comparison with 2017. And if, according to the first projections, it did not suffice this time for an election victory: The course alteration in the Europe has begun. And we are a part of this change!

The political spectrum has widened, and no longer lets itself be constricted. Following the parliamentary election in Hungary, the presidential election in France was the second direction election in Europe in 2022. The trend is clearly positive, Viktor Orban and Marine Le Pen arouse enormous agreement in their countries.

In regards the next Landtag elections, the Alternative für Deutschland needs to follow up and assert itself with good results in the parliaments. Together we will transform the continent of Europe and lead to a more secure future!


[trans: tem]