Friday, April 8, 2022

Alice Weidel, April 7, 2022, Vaccination Mandate

German Bundestag, April 7, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/28, pp. 2333-2334. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The purpose of the Basic Law is to guarantee the citizens’ rights of freedom. Prominent among these important and fundamental rights is the right to life and bodily inviolability. This is our last line of defense. If a government presumes to bend back as it pleases this foremost right, then we no longer need a Constitution Defense to tell us that this government is acting contrary to the Constitution.

The vaccination mandate is not only radically unconstitutional. It is a totalitarian usurpation, a degradation of the individual. The sole argumentative Krüppel for the vaccination mandate is a kind of collective self-defense. Because you allegedly endanger me with your antigen, you have forfeited the right to be allowed to freely decide. I therefore compel you for your own good. – A fear-inducing viewpoint.

At what point then does the human body present no danger? After the third, after the fourth, after the fifth vaccination? Who decides that? And what gives to the state the right to compel us, allegedly for our own good? Because the proponents are wiser than the rest?

To be reckoned as the first occupational group affected by the freedom-unfriendly vaccination mandate are doctors, nurses, those caring for the elderly, who besides are quitting their jobs in droves; that is, those who have the greatest knowledge. It is thus not about knowledge, about weighing the legal interests, but about the lust for an unrestricted power to dispose. Already at the lockdown was policy made fact. After our freedom, now our bodies are on the line.

The mRNA vaccines are not conventional vaccines, but a quantum leap in the science. None of these active substances has a regular authorization. To sweet talk this in an advertising campaign costing millions as a “prick” is an infantilization of citizens stayed by a legal interdiction. Entitled thought proceeds not with argument but with a pseudo-morality. The sole rational, sustainable basis for a vaccination mandate is the millions of vaccine doses upon which Professor Lauterbach remains seated. It is the problem of a Health Minister in over his head, not ours.

The government reaches decisions without reliable data bases. There were no durable numbers for a vaccination status, for side-effects, or for hospitalization rates. In addition, even those vaccinated twice are meanwhile considered as non-vaccinated if their last vaccination is past half a year. A half-year vaccination status – here, the government itself concedes the vaccination is worthless.

Numbers chaos also in regards the comprehension of vaccination side-effects: Indications are multiplying – and I want that you here take this seriously – of a dramatic lack of comprehension of the grave harms to health resulting from the new kinds of mRNA vaccine. The Marburg University clinic opened its own special outpatient clinic which is over-flowing; there is a waiting list there of over 800 patients; hundreds of e-mails per day.

The Ampel’s disgraceful haggling over the vaccination mandate is therefore not only blameworthy, it is irresponsible.

With your vaccination mandate law, you want to empower the Health Ministry to enforce any alteration of the law without a vote in the Bundestag. For you, the vaccination obligation at 60 serves as a Trojan Horse. It is in reality the vaccination mandate for all. It does not get more mendacious.


[trans: tem]