Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, December 3, 2021, Vaccination Obligation

AfD Kompakt, December 3, 2021.

The designated Chancellor Scholz is not yet sworn in and has already broken his word: Instead  of the promised new Corona policy courses without a lockdown, intensifications of the preventive measures and curtailments of basic rights on a hitherto unknown scale will now be announced to the citizens. Yet Scholz in November expressed himself as opposed to a general vaccination obligation. Now shall come the general compulsory vaccination which is nothing other than an unconstitutional government assault upon the bodily integrity of the people in this country who shall now pay for the striking failures of the German Corona policy since the beginning of the Corona crisis.

Germany, with Austria, would be practically the only country in Europe with a general vaccination obligation. This is the more absurd as the infection numbers already again decline and the ‘fourth wave” apparently already is again broken. Instead of vying with dubious infringements of basic rights, those governing in the Bund and States should preferably ask themselves why other countries, without such preventive measures and with comparable vaccination rates, are in a better position.

Scholz has now already completely lost his credibility. A general, direct, compulsory vaccination in Germany, as also with the 2G intensifications of a systematic ostracism and discrimination of healthy, non-vaccinated people and a forced division of our country, will be driven to the extreme – and will be with all power opposed by the AfD delegation.


[trans: tem]