Saturday, December 4, 2021

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, November 29, 2021, Family Ministry

AfD Kompakt, November 29, 2021.

[Anne] Spiegel has already done desolate work in Rheinland-Pfalz. Since 2016, the Minister bore responsibility in the Family as well as in the Environment Ministry. Here, she was primarily connected with failures resulting from the Ahr flooding.

Just hours before the catastrophe, her Ministry gave out fully false press announcements. Though the situation might be “tense”, no “extreme flooding” threatened. At that point in time, the scale of the approaching catastrophe was long since known; EFAS, the European flood warning authority, had in good time declared a warning. Instead of passing this along to the population so as to make it possible for people to convey goods and chattel to safety, Spiegel’s  Ministry played down the danger. A total of 134 people fell victim to the flooding. The investigating committee should now clarify Spiegel’s responsibility.

To arrive at the idea, at this point in time, to happen to convey to Spiegel responsibility for a Federal ministry is irresponsible. It would be urgently necessary to await the result of the investigating committee. There is already in Rheinland-Pfalz an abundance of irregularities; as for example in regards the appointment to positions or the commissioning of outside consultants. She did not understand her office as Family and Environment Minister as an opportunity to support our families but to drive forward the Greens’ migration policy. The Greens would not have been able to come upon a worse choice of personnel. With a regard to all the other Green ministries, a trend is here nevertheless pursued which will do maximum harm to our country.


[trans: tem]