Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Alice Weidel, December 7, 2021, Vaccination

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/4, pp. 201-202.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

This act is an unheard of over-stepping of boundaries. Hastily bungled, you want to push through important restrictions of basic rights. And that is a gross disregard of this parliament and the citizens which it represents. You thereby place yourselves in the ungute tradition of the preceding government.

Your choice of words, Herr Scholz, is revealing. “For my government, there are no more red lines”, you have said. That is the autocratic speech of those who scorn the constitution; this I need quite clearly say to you. The red lines are drawn by the Basic Law to which you wish to have yourself sworn in tomorrow. It is the citizens’ basic rights which you wish to shake off like a burdensome millstone around the neck because they are the citizens’ core rights of protection against encroaching actions of the state.

The repeated intensification of the infection protection laws is before all one thing: An epochal treachery and election fraud. Prior to the election, you promised the citizens something quite other – you, Herr Scholz, and primarily you, ladies and gentlemen of the FDP. At the beginning of September, you, Herr Scholz, had still said: A vaccination obligation is not proportionate. – You now present yourselves here and assert the plain opposite. You do quite a great honor to the FDP as a capitulation [Umfaller] party. For the grab for power, you have betrayed your voters. To be allowed to co-govern, you are ready to tread underfoot the basic right of bodily integrity, Article 2 of the Basic Law. And please do not ever again use the word “Freiheit”. You obviously do not know what it means.

The vaccination obligation for nursing staff, which you want to flog through here, is a slap in the face of those people who with self-sacrifice have done their work, those whom you have hypocritically applauded and who you now want to callously force out of their occupations if they do not subject themselves to these compulsory measures. A scandal!

As a result, the emergency situation in nursing is further intensified. This emergency situation is politically incurred and is already much longer than when we speak of Corona. The origins are a most badly botched hospital financing system as well as notoriously bad pay and work conditions. For years you know this.

The hospitals are not full on account of the non-vaccinated, but on account of your false policy due to which, in the middle of the crisis, thousands of intensive-care beds were simply removed, and to the 10,000 nursing staff already scared off.

And the society is not deeply divided on account of the non-vaccinated, but on account of your unseemly propaganda, your bureaucratic chicanery, senseless 2G, 3G-plus-minus rules, with which you discriminate against and ostracize a third of the population and play off the citizens one against the other – that is here nevertheless the truth –, and that on the basis of manipulated numbers in which patients with an unknown vaccination status are simply figured in with the non-vaccinated so that it appears more dramatic.

The citizens have every reason to scrutinize your chaotic policy and your contradictory preventive measures. The vaccination, which you here dogmatically extol as the only way out of the crisis, does not do what you and the manufacturers promised. And to divert from that, you want to stigmatize and criminalize citizens like me who decide against this medical encroachment upon their bodies.

            Martina Stamm-Fisch (SPD): Ja!

And on that account, we defend ourselves.

In a free democracy, blind obedience does not count but a citizen’s self-responsibility. Concern yourselves with your core duty, the maintenance of capable and crisis-proof healthcare, and leave it to the mature citizen how he protects himself and others.

I am grateful.


[trans: tem]