Monday, July 5, 2021

Marc Bernhard, June 24, 2021, CO2 and Economy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/236, p. 30719.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

In my first speech in the German Bundestag on November 21, 2021, there was a concern that ever more steel firms and other businesses need to shift their production to foreign countries because it becomes ever more difficult to produce competitively in Germany. In their motion, the SPD then demanded the securing of workplaces in Germany.  

Here it is almost four years – four years in which you of the SPD have co-governed. And what have you in fact done to prevent the shifting of workplaces to foreign countries? You have introduced a CO2 tax, since which the benzine prices have climbed 40 cents per liter. You have taken care that we in Germany have the world’s highest electricity prices. You have instituted an agitation hunt [Hetzjagd] of German lead technologies which in the end has led to bans on diesel transport.

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): That is just stupidity! Cheap populism!

With the enforcement of the dirtiest type of drive, namely the battery auto, you have thereby directly annihilated every second workplace in the automobile industry. Due to your climate law, the cost for an average dwelling will climb around 200 euros per month in the coming years. You thus in fact have done all that is humanly possible to destroy the competitiveness of our country.

With the Green Deal, you set the crown on the whole. You want unilaterally as one nation – ostensibly – to save the world and for that have undersigned a climate agreement in Paris which permits all rising and developing countries – like China and India, which together emit more than 65 percent of man-made CO2 – to further raise without any limit their CO2 output until 2030, while we – with a portion of just 1.8 percent of worldwide CO2 emissions – shall further reduce our output around 50 percent by 2030.

To what that leads, every kindergarten child now understands: The production centers in Germany will be serially closed, the co-workers let go. In China, the production newly opens, with co-workers who cost one-fourth. The final result is that, there, exactly as much CO2 – or even much more – will be blown into the air.

Many businesses display exactly this approach; for example, Daimler and BMW. They have already announced to no more produce in the future their engines in Germany, but in England or China.

In four years in government, you have achieved nothing other than to continue to rip off the citizens and so have taken care that ever more workplaces will be abolished and shifted to foreign countries. You have given away hundreds of millions of euros in foreign countries and issued driving bans. You have thereby taken care that our competitors in the world market, like China, laugh over us.

If the rest of the world, according to your own climate agreement, still has ten years before these countries need to restrict their CO2 output, then we should take these ten years and use them to invest in new technologies like synthetic fuels and new power plants, instead of destroying our children’s future in a blind climate hysteria.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]