Thursday, July 15, 2021

Jörg Meuthen, July 7, 2021, Hungary and EU

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV (2021)07-07(3-081-0000).

Herr President. Esteemed colleagues.

Hungary is once again the target of an EU campaign against its sovereignty. The pretext this time: The Hungarian child protection act. Many of you in the last days were so occupied with waving the rainbow flag that you evidently found no time to really for once look into the Hungarian law. If you did that, you would see: It in no way discriminates against homosexuals. It is certainly not homophobic. And no, it is not hateful, but it does apply to the sexual abuse of children. Thus please finally cease spreading mischief about this law.  

I would wish from the EU, yet also from many national governments, such a determination for the protection of our children as is manifested by the government in Budapest. If the EU Commission speaks of principles and treaties, then is subsidiarity the commanding principle of treaties. And it is thereby clear: It does not pertain to the EU and its institutions to involve themselves in the decisions democratically arrived at in member states. The Hungarian parliament has issued this act legally and democratically. The EU needs to accept that, whether it suits them or not.

Hungary, Poland, the treaty violation proceedings against Germany – it is not at all to be overlooked: In the EU, centralists become ever more intrusive. Ever more openly, they grasp for a centralization of power. And precisely this striving for power is an unacceptable assault on the Europe of Adenauer, Schuman and de Gaulle, on a Europe of Väterlander. Human rights in Hungary and Poland are surely not in danger, democracy in Europe as well, if the EU does not again go around the decisions of the parliaments and respects the courts in the sovereign member states.

Frau von der Leyen needs let it be said: Not some Hungarian law is a disgrace, but her power-hungry interference in our sovereign nations.


[trans: tem]