Sunday, December 29, 2024

Alice Weidel, December 16, 2024, Economy, Immigration, War

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/205, pp. 26517-26519. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Six full weeks have gone by since your failed government at last fell apart, Herr Scholz. Six weeks of delays, maneuvering, of the petty assignment of guilt as we have heard today, of sweet-talking and of denial of reality, until this Bundestag can finally vote on whether to withdraw from you the confidence which you have already long since lost amongst the people. 

Just for three years was your government in office. The damage which you in this time have inflicted, the Germans have to bear for decades: The automobile industry, thanks to gigantic false investments, in free fall, the machinery industry in decline, the chemical industry in flight from exploding energy costs, the electricity supply ruined, much too expensive, and from dark doldrum to dark doldrum on the edge of blackout, 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Oah!

the country flooded by migrants summoned to appear, who despise those encountered, the domestic security in collapse, the social system over-strained, while the tax burden and inflation rob the citizens of purchasing power and prosperity and smothers them. 

Yet when the German citizens remonstrate, they are stalked by the internet spies and reporting offices of a tax-funded NGO Stasi. And a political class, as panicked as over-sensitive, abuses the justice system so as to silence rebellious citizens following one of its own lèse-majesté articles with criminal sentences, money fines and house searches. 

That is your work, even if the Union in 16 years of Merkel achieved a powerful preparation. The time presses. The clearing away after two decades of the governments’ damage to Germany cannot wait. Six weeks are already wasted thanks to your delaying tactics, Herr Scholz. You ought to have immediately put the confidence question. 

And a further two months pass in the country until the notified date of the advanced Bundestag election. Yet the crisis does not wait: Neither the economic, financial and energy crisis in our own country, nor the escalating war danger in the Ukraine and the consequences of upheaval in the Near and Middle East. 

The change of power in Syria – of which nothing was spoken today – has from the German viewpoint two consequences: 

First, Syrian war refugees, who asserted to be fleeing from the Assad regime, who now celebrate on German streets in the tens of thousands the liberation of Syria, and march under Islamist war songs through Christmas markets and through our pedestrian zones, need to immediately return to the homeland. 

Second, needs be prevented that new streams of refugees, still in the shadow of the asylum storm of 2015, again bring into the country unrecognized, battle-ready soldiers, Islamists and djihadis. Required is an immediate stop of the reception, the naturalization and family re-unification of Syrians, and the preparation of return options. You however – you do this – belabor return options. Frau Faeser lets naturalization continue, and Frau Baerbock simply continues the visa issuance for the reunion of families. 

The election of Donald Trump as President of the U.S.A. opened a realistic opportunity of endng the death of hundreds of thousands in the Ukraine by means of a diplomatic settlement. What do you do? Instead of seeking the line to Washington and Moscow, where the key to peace lies, you and the wannabe Chancellor Merz make a pilgrimage to Kiev, and toss still more good money after that already burned. You play with the escalation danger. Frau Baerbock fantasizes of a mission of German troops in the Ukraine, while Herr Merz wants to risk a Third World War with the delivery of Taurus cruise missiles. It is nothing other. So as to for once perhaps explain it to you of the Union, because you somehow do not understand: German rockets in the Ukraine which can reach Moscow, including the dispatch of German soldiers for the servicing, makes Germany a direct war party and a target of threatening atomic war. The historic experience of the 20th Century should be warning enough to never again draw Germany and Europe into a war. That is our historic responsibility. 

            Gunther Krichbaum (CDU/CSU): Written down from Moscow!

Who chooses the fate of Germany in the hands of Friedrich Merz, he chooses war, right honorable ladies and gentlemen. And he chooses not only war, but he also chooses Robert Habeck – we heard it today – he receives a further so, the continuation of the Green politics of patronization, of de-industrialization, of impoverishment, of economic incompetence and the politically desired energy emergency. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Green): Yet you want out of the EU!

The worst wrong decisions of the last year – combustion engine ban, atomic withdrawal, heating Diktat, open borders – this Bundestag would have been able to immediately taken back. The majorities for that would have been possible after the end of the coalition. That also would have been a very strong signal of hope for the citizens, for the economy and the Mittelstand

            Britta Haßelmann (Green): You should not speak on the economy!

You, Herr Merz and the Union, have prevented that. With the rubble of the the failed Ampel, you have formed an undemocratic scheming circle so as to interdict this parliament and to prevent that initiatives for a correction of the red-green chaos politics can be undertaken. The CDU has thus, in the worst and most serious crisis of this country, paralyzed this parliament – so much for your understanding of democracy and your problem-solving competence. The leftist dogma of the firewall, the exclusion of millions of voters, is more important to you than Germany’s welfare. If it is up to you, the citizens have no choice: When they vote for the CDU, they again receive a Green government. And you will be able to implement nothing of what you here today have demanded. That belongs to the truth! 

            Friedrich Merz (CSU/CSU): Just you wait!

You can even imagine that Economy Destruction Minister Robert Habeck becomes Economy Minister. Thus the man who with chicanery, manipulation and obviously false statements forced through the final nuclear power withdrawal, who destroys the German energy supply, who ruins the Mittelstand and drives the industry out of the country. The man who with his incompetence ruins this country. 

A black-green coalition of war-obsessed and leftist destroyers of Germany is the last thing that Germany needs. Germany needs a new beginning: Freedom and a free entrepreneurship, 

            Britta Haßelmann (Green): Don’t you mouth that!

instead of climate socialism, an advantageous and secure energy supply instead of a transformation planned economy. And before all, we need reason instead of ideology, 

            Britta Haßelmann (Green): Thus says the righteous!

and a politics in the German interest instead of war-mongering. And this new beginning will only be with the AfD. 

I am grateful. 


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Monday, December 23, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, December 16, 2024, Confidence in Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/205, pp. 26525-26526. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

Following the elections for the 20th German Bundestag, was very quickly clear that a government of SPD, FDP, Bundnis 90/Greens will yield no policy in the interest of Germany, and we were more than confirmed in that. 

In regards the decision of conscience of the now to follow vote on the Chancellor’s confidence question, numerous origins of the Ampel government’s failure need to be considered. 

Herr Chancellor, to express confidence in you would be counter to the interests of the economy and the citizens. This coalition wanted to combine programs which are simply incompatible. Thus were entirely obvious compromises in statutory form carried through which only served the Ampel’s stability. In that regard, the future of German industry was never at the central point. As a result are over 20,000 business insolvencies in the year 2024. Germany declines economically, and international investors, due to the enormous tax burden, still come only when robust state promotion means are promised. 

Along with the one-sided and aggressive climate policy, there remains from this Ampel only a state becoming ever larger, more interventionist and more restrictive of innovation, which devours the citizens’ taxes. Consent for restrictions was expensively purchased with promises and gifts of money, as the heating law only too well demonstrated. 

In that regard, the Free Democrats have committed the truly greatest betrayal of their voters. Who, for a securing of power, so far distances himself from his program, needs also show no tenacity in regards resignation. That is not only too late, Herr Lindner, but simply unbelievable, just as you are as a person. That, Herr Mützenich has today wonderfully summarized. 

Yet now we also need be so honest and say that politics is a long-term business. Every Federal government knowingly takes up the inheritance of its preceding or penultimate government. Accordingly, it’s simply just ridiculous when the CDU/CSU again shows no humility and not once develops its own ideas. You copy AfD demands: Solve the migration question by border controls and deportations, re-name Bürgergeld in a new basic security, abolish the supply chain due diligence law, reduce the business taxes. Herr Merz, the question is: With whom do you want to actually implement all that? With whom do you want to actually do all that? 

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): With you, certainly not. Certainly not with you! 

That, you did not say today in your unsympathetic speech, Herr Merz.

            Friedrich Merz (CDU/CSU): With you not! 

So as to make our country competitive again, of course need be developed the infrastructures which were neglected for decades: Structural, personal, and of course also financial. In that regard, it’s also about efficiency. Finally look at what you expended for particular posts. For years already, I call [anmahne] for an audit and it would have been your duty as Finance Minister, Herr Lindner, to finally realize that. We of course may no longer fleece those who create value in Germany. And we need not do it if the Federal government finally had come or would come to decisions with a future. 

A successful state provides an infrastructure – streets, railways, schools, hospitals, etc. – in which firms gladly settle and create workplaces and also can expand. If however these firms are alienated by ever more bureaucratic demands and expensive energy, they will go to another country, as we, ja, presently see. 

Herr Chancellor, I nevertheless hold one thing of yours to be good: Your Nein to a delivery of Taurus cruise missiles. For the war-lovers of the FDP, the CDU, the Greens, you were hesitant; for me in this case prudent. It is really not to be imagined if a Friedrich Merz had decided in your place. 

            Hermann Gröhe (CDU/CSU): Radio Moscow!

We would have been drawn much deeper into war. For there is, ja, peace in every cemetery. There we can, with a CDU/CSU-led government under Friedrich Merz, then visit our children. 

            Alexander Dobrindt (CDU/CSU): That is unbelievable!

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, we finally need a politics in German and European interest. And that is only with a Chancellor candidate Alice Weidel and with the Alternative für Deutschland. 

Many thanks. 


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Friday, December 20, 2024

Marc Jongen, December 17, 2024, Roumania, TikTok, Democracy

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P10 CRE(2024)12-17(2-259-0000). 

Herr President. 

It cannot be conceived: Yesterday this parliament applauded the nullification of the democratic presidential election in Roumania. When the wrong candidate is in the lead, who does not suit the EU elites, then he obviously must go. We are on the way to a totalitarian system, ladies and gentlemen. And what is the reasoning? Manipulation of citizens on TikTok by foreign agents. 

You credit the citizens with so little discernment. You see the citizens as a manipulated mass. That is a declaration of bankruptcy. Following this logic, all elections in Germany need be nullified, since there the state media manipulates without end – but then nothing will be done. Yet when a 14-year-old posts something patriotic on TikTok, then in the morning the police are at the door. Where are we coming to? And following this logic, all elections could be nullified at will. Since how can the foreign influence ever be proved? 

Democracy enjoins accepting the will of the people, and even if it does not suit you. Respect that, if you want to be called democrats. 


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Monday, December 16, 2024

Stephan Brandner, December 6, 2024, Lèse-majesté

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/204, pp. 26472-26473. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

I find that we are quite well set. When I look at the ranks of the other delegations, it appears quite good in regards to us. 

Let me begin with a pre-Christmas fairy tale. There was once a kingdom, let us call it Collapsistan, with all that pertains thereto. There was a king, let us call him Olaf the Forgetful, a prince, let us call him Robert Feeble-minded [Schwachkopf] the First, his beautiful but rather dumb consort princess Anna the Clueless, a wicked, gruesome, cunning stepmother, Marie-Agnes, and a court jester by the name of Karl the Confused. There were also dark, corrupt powers: The BlackRockers, led by Fritz the Babbler and Jens “Allow us a villa” Spahn. 

This Collapsistan sank into chaos for want of qualified leaders. It was not at all on this account chased from the castle, because the secret service, the police and the media protected it. The social and economic chaos was so great that the people were continually impoverished and enraged; whereas the rulers lived in unimaginable, lavish luxury, riotously, made horrendous debts due to deficient income, and, despite that, tossed off hundreds of thousands for castle photos in which they should appear in shining lights, for hairdressing, which in one day cost as much as what many poor people in Collapsistan did not have available in a month. They flew with luxury jets which the people needed to finance – who else? – to and fro through world history, made flights of a distance walked by other people. The state religion paid homage to the climate pharaohs for which insane gifts and sacrifices were prepared. 

The result is clear: The world laughed over this incompetent barn of corruption. And the citizens in Collapsistan were offended, insulted and mocked. Yet the rulers made no better policy, but demanded draconian penalties for critical statements. 

Ladies and gentlemen, thus far a fairy tale; nevertheless with a present reference. 

In Germany also chaos governs. The citizens are disquieted; by rustic, pointed expressions make themselves noticeable and vent their feelings. Yet those who govern here govern no better, but have critical citizens persecuted by the police by means of warnings and legal intimidations. Through the years, a denunciation and spying network has been laid over Germany like a mildew, and those who govern have created for themselves protective, special laws, like section 188 of the criminal code which is here on the table and which only particularly punishes the insulting of politicians, and indeed with two to three years custody. Three years! If a simple citizen is insulted, a penalty of merely one year threatens the perpetrator. 

In addition, the normal citizen needs to trouble himself and file a criminal complaint. For a politician, in practice, that follows automatically, as per section 194 of the criminal code. And so it can well be that, in the morning in the residence of a supposed critic of the government, as for example in mid-November of a former soldier with a handicapped child, officially stand the police who almost kicked down the door just because he shared a funny photo of Robert Habeck. 

This special law was created in 2021 as a measure against hate and agitation and rightist extremism by politicians who now profit therefrom. It reminds me personally, I need quite honestly say, of the anti-state agitation in the DDR penal code, or the statute against malicious attacks on the state and party from the year 1934. 

And precisely the politicians who created this statute now profit therefrom, and thus earn for themselves a cornucopia. Comically, start-up businesses were founded which do nothing other than warn blameless citizens, demand warning fees and then make fifty-fifty with the politicians. Something is thus just so transparent, ladies and gentlemen. Robert Habeck alone has filed 800 criminal complaints [Strafanzeigen erstattet] during his time in office, a total of a thousand criminal complaints by Baerbock, Strack-Zimmermann and as they all are called. They do not defend themselves by means of good politics, they defend themselves by means of harassing measures. Especially is the FDP at the fore, have I read. The FDP manages such warning unions, such warning start-ups, and is proud of it. 

Katharina Willkomm (FDP): No, no no! We have nothing to do with that. Those are private people.

Ladies and gentlemen, we politicians are not especially worthy of protection. Publicity is part of our jobs. We seek publicity. We wallow in publicity. We go with joy into publicity. And why should we be better protected by the criminal code than normal people? 

We politicians are not weaklings who require the special protection of the criminal law. We are no majesties, no kings, no princes. We are employees of the citizens who elect us and pay us. There thus needs be an end to that you of the cartel parties lift yourselves above the citizens, an end to the special law for politicians, an end to section 188 of the criminal code, the lèse-majesté of modern times which is nothing other than an expression of a repressive, authoritarian understanding of the state. 

Likewise, go our way! Section 188 out of the penal code! This here is only a current hour, yet the corresponding draft law is done and will be brought in next. 

            Axel Müller (CDU/CSU): Where is it, then?

Many thanks and Merry Christmas if we should no more see one another. 


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Monday, December 9, 2024

Marc Bernhard, December 6, 2024, Heating Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/204, pp. 26450-26451. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Last year, the Ampel, against every sense and reason, come hell or high water, flogged the heating law through the Bundestag, without regard to loss, and thereby practically banned the new installation of oil and gas heating. 

Konrad Stockmeier (FDP): Wrong!

30 million households, thus around 64 million people, heat with oil and gas. That means that 75 percent of the people in Germany are directly affected by your heating hammer, and regardless whether owner or renter. Yet it was already clear prior to the passage that for many it will be unaffordable, that it destroys the old age provision of many millions of people, and is nothing other than a cold expropriation. Your heating hammer makes the costs of dwellings and heating unaffordable for many people. 

It was previously also fully clear that your heating hammer is absolutely ineffective; since even the most optimistic estimates of Habeck’s ministry proceed on a yearly savings of just one, single percent of the total German CO2 emissions – thus, the CO2 quantity which China blows into the air in just five hours. And for that, you destroy the savings, the old age provision and the prosperity of the people in our country? How crazy are you, actually? 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): That is a rhetorical question!

Had you simply done nothing, but simply just let the last three nuclear power plants continue to run, 

            Bernhard Herrmann (Greens): Ach, you heat with atomic power, or what?                            Nonsense!

we would each year – just listen for once – save 15 million tons of CO2, thus double as much as by your entire heating hammer. 

Even Construction Minister Geywitz has practically confirmed here in a questioning in the Bundestag that, with the heating hammer, what demonstrably works was forbidden, without really knowing, without having any functioning plan, as to how the people instead should heat in the future. 

Almost every second municipal utility considers an affordable heating supply no longer secure on account of your heating hammer. The city of Leipzig ascertained that the implementation of the heating hammer for Leipzig alone costs 30 billion euros. 

            Karsten Hilse (AfD): It’s only money!

That is 45,000 euros from infants to old men. No one can pay for this madness. 

Mannheim in 2035 as the first city in Germany completely disconnects people from the gas network. And thus happens exactly what I had said many times last year in the Bundestag: On account of your heating law, people now need to tear out new heating in the most brief time because it does not suit their city’s heating plan. 

Yet the crowning is that you of the FDP, then still in the government, yourselves had reckoned, before passage of the heating law, that the heating hammer will cost the people the unimaginable sum of 2,500 billion euros, and despite that, you in common with red-green, against better judgment, against every reason, simply forced through this law. 

And now? After the Chancellor showed you the door, you suddenly want to know nothing more at all of this. You, like the Chancellor, can remember nothing more, simply assert the opposite, and apparently want to rescind the law which you yourselves introduced. Thus, how credible your turnaround actually is, you can here and now give evidence by you voting for our motion [Drucksache 14031]. 

The same applies to you of the CDU. In all media, you announce that you want to rescind the heating law – exactly as Jens Spahn a couple of minutes ago here in the Bundestag confirmed – thus exactly what we today propose. 

If you of the CDU and the FDP thus really meant it seriously, then we would have for this today a majority. Yet you know quite precisely that with the reds and greens with whom you want to form a coalition in the future, there will never be a revocation. Thus show whether you mean it seriously, 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Many thanks.

or whether you are only once again lying to the people out there.

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Sunday, December 8, 2024

Christine Anderson, November 27, 2024, Ursula von der Leyen

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P10 CRE-REV(2024)11-27(3-0025-0000.). 

Frau President. 

Donald Trump presents his new cabinet: Highly competent patriots determined to Make America Great Again, determined to again make policy for the people. And what do we get? You, Frau von der Leyen –hearty thanks. The wrecking ball which mercilessly demolishes all that made the European peoples strong. I want a Europe which is strong, sovereign and successful; a Europe of success, a Europe of freedom, of democracy and of the state of law. With you, we receive nothing of all that. 

Frau von der Leyen, you alone would be bad enough. Yet the prospective commissioners which you have gathered, they are the purest wrecking crew as far as freedom and democracy and the state of law are concerned. For once make an accounting, Frau von der Leyen, of your unspeakable mRNA vaccine delivery contract. Otherwise, your commissioners proposal can take its hat. My delegation will not support it. Now, regrettably, I am not allowed to call you corrupt, else my microphone again be turned off – but even so: Frau von der Leyen, you are corrupt to the last fiber of your existence! 


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