Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Stefan Keuter, September 6, 2023, Foreign Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/118, pp. 14594-14595. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear guests in the gallery. 

The party is over. This drunkenness, this intoxication of the left-green money squandering is over. The accounts are empty. We are in the middle of a recession let loose by means of an utterly failed energy transition, the cutting off of Russian gas, the de-industrialization of our homeland and completely nonsensical heating insulation provisions which will bring the construction industry almost completely to ruin. The concerns emigrate to foreign countries, the tax revenues shrink. Here, climate and gender nonsense and a feminist and values-guided foreign policy are certainly of no moment. 

We trace the compulsory savings in this budget: Language promotion of German minorities in eastern Europe, arms control, German cultural work, financial support of the Goethe Institute – here, the red pencil will be applied. Where more money will be expended, it is for the care and feeding of your own, Frau Baerbock; the personnel costs increase and your administrative costs. For that, you spend money. 

This country has brought forward foreign ministers of the likes of a Willy Brandt and a Hans-Dietrich Genscher. For these, the achievement counted; for you, Frau Baerbock, the narrative obviously suffices, and that often badly told. As for example in your biography – correct me – which has arrived at its ninth version. Know, Frau Baerbock, that dissimilar to you, I indeed am not come from international law. Yet I have actually lived in Great Britain and am to some degree competent in the language of that place. I say to you: Please save on the tax-financed make-up artists, and preferably invest in English instruction. Otherwise, we will soon have “more beef” with our neighbors, which we all do not want, if you understand what I mean. 

I am grateful to the Russians in that they have not taken seriously your declaration of war, “We are in war with Russia”. We of course are not. This is not our war. 

And now once for all for those taking notes: In the Bundestag election campaign of 1957, Chancellor Adenauer attacked the SPD with the words: “The policy which the social-democratic leadership wants makes Germany into a Russian satellite.” And today: We are defenseless and dependent. Angela Merkel, zu Guttenberg, Steinmeier, Gabriel, Schwesig and many others from your ranks have driven this country into dependencies and for more than 16 long years brought it to economic ruin. 

Apart from a Bohemian corporal, no one has ever brought so much misfortune upon Germany like this former Federal Chancellor. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Now, that’s enough!

From 2016 to 2020, there were a total of around 2,000 fatal crimes in Germany in which at least one immigrant was questioned as a suspect, to say nothing at all of the appalling thousands of those wounded and raped. Not even the SED had so many people killed at the Wall, the successor party of which today sits here among us and projects itself as flawless democrats. 

In a few weeks we will celebrate the 33rd anniversary of German unity. 33 years later, Germany in a Europe of upheaval has developed itself from a refuge of stability into the sick man of Europe, indeed into a problem child. For a relatively long period of time the re-unified Germany, as once the old Federal Republic, found its place in Europe in harmony with its neighbors and to the satisfaction of its partners from Lisbon to Warsaw. For Paris and Warsaw, we as a neighbor stood quite high. This was unique in our long history, ladies and gentlemen. Here, steadily decisive were our credibility and our reliability. 

            Michael Brand (CSD/CSU-Fulda): Not yours!

What in more than 60 years Germany acquired in trust with our neighbors was our most valuable foreign policy good. 

What were the bases for that? I say it to you: First, the German anchoring in Europe; second, the partnership tie to Russia; and third, the maintenance of the historic bridge across the Atlantic. And today? In Europe, we are isolated. For Paris, we are the problem on the eastern border, and for Poland the problem on its western border – borders besides which your cabinet colleagues, who now already are gone again, do not want to defend. Konrad Adenauer’s tenet, whereby the best foreign policy is the protection of one’s own interests, is our incentive [Ansporn]. German interests, Frau Baerbock, you have never yet defended – quite the opposite. 

In conclusion, I want to here indicate that you routinely violate our right of parliamentary inquiry. We have in committee and in plenary session asked you in writing when you learned that your house issued an instruction to endorse falsified Afghan passports, and who was authorized to name persons from Afghanistan who were to be flown into Germany for a roundabout provision [Rundumversorgung]. You have prevented this. We have thereupon submitted a constitutional complaint. We remain on the ball. 

Frau Baerbock, in conclusion, I say to you: With this anti-democratic state of affairs, you would been thrown out of the polis of Pericles,           

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague, your speaking time                            is past.

the homeland of democracy. 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague.

Many thanks. 


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Monday, September 11, 2023

Alice Weidel, September 8, 2023, Building Energy Act

AfD Kompakt, September 8, 2023. 

While the alarm sounds for the construction business because there are scarcely any more orders for the erection of new dwelling space, the Ampel unperturbed further pursues the disposition of the GEG [Gebäudeenergiegesetz, Building Energy Act]. Especially Economy and Energy Minister Robert Habeck thereby shows how far distant he is from reality. Who, like Energy Minister Habeck with unbearable arrogance demands of the citizens to leave the “comfort zone of self-contentment”, he demonstrates with what contempt he regards Germany. The assertion that the Ampel solves problems “like never before” is the crowning touch. 

The GEG will expropriate home builders and demolish their pension plans. At the same time, it presents landlords and renters with unimagined additional costs while it offers not the least little added value – neither for climate nor for the citizens in Germany. And this law is a symptom of a Federal government exclusively motivated by ideology for which it cannot go fast enough to destroy our country. The AFD will, should it participate in a Federal government, revoke all of these laws and direct the focus on what is really important for the people in this country. 


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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Peter Boehringer, August 29, 2023, De-industrialization

AfD Kompakt, August 29, 2023. 

The wave of insolvency which presently rolls through Germany does not fall from Heaven and it is not a purely market event, but the result of an utterly failed policy. It thus borders on whitewashing when some economics experts now speak of an “overdue market settlement” in regards to the “lack of ability to compete of numerous firms”. Since this ability to compete was systematically destroyed by the policy by means of half-witted energy and tax policy, by means of deranged Corona preventive measures, by means of over-regulation and planned economy subventions. Who should believe that presently in Germany new businesses are being formed which replace the defunct firms? The fact is that we in Germany thus need to do everything to stop the advancing de-industrialization, for the Mittelstand’s economic substance will not return once it has been squandered. The political substance needed here is nevertheless found only with the AfD, since the AfD alone is in the position to introduce the political turnaround which is required for the revival of Germany as a business venue. The solution does not lie in support and stabilization measures and not in costly implantations of chip factories out of tax revenues, but in a profound alteration of the general conditions. Only under this prerequisite will there at all again be in the future investing in Germany worthy of the name. 


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Monday, September 4, 2023

Enrico Komning, July 6, 2023, Maritime Industry and Energy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14130-14131. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Minister. Ladies and gentlemen. Colleagues. Dear visitors from my constituency up in the gallery. 

It was once earlier said: The future is good for us all. – Yet that now is certainly at an end. Your Scholz Zeitenwende [change of times] lacks a “d”; it needs be said, Zeitendwende, if not to say: End times change. 

            Enak Ferlemann (CDU/CSU): Oh Gott!

Ladies and gentlemen, German shipbuilding lies prostrate. The insolvency of the Genting Werften in my home State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions on account of bad political decisions. 50 percent of the entire worldwide ship production meanwhile takes place in China, 40 percent in South Korea. And do you know how high is the portion of German shipbuilding worldwide? I will tell you: At just 0.3 percent. That is the result of your maritime industrial policy, ladies and gentlemen of the Ampel, yet also previously of the Union. 

Investors in droves flee from Germany – see the net 125 billion euro capital flight of last year. With your energy disaster, you drive the still halfway functioning Mittelstand supply industry to foreign countries and into bankruptcy. And what is your idea? A “climate neutral Federal fleet”, an environment symbolic “environmentally friendly sea-going ship design” 

            Lukas Benner (Greens): Super!

and the regulated examination of Federal waterway sluices. Na, hearty congratulations. Your Ampel motion is more a threat than an assistance for the maritime industry. 

Nevertheless, you now want to investigate the adjustment of the import turnover tax collection in other European states. Ja, good morning, ladies and gentlemen! We of the AfD proposed that already in May 2019! You assert keeping as much as possible value creation in country, yet, at the order of the Chancellor, sell off a part of the port of Hamburg to China. The truth nevertheless is that primarily large foreign concerns, which finance Habeck’s lobbyist network, make a fortune, while the people in Germany no more know how they can pay their electric or gas accounts. 

            Felix Banaszak (Green): I am sorry about your constituency.

You promise a growth of 400 gigawatts of offshore wind output in the next 20 years. Herr Westphal presently speaks of an output yielding 8 gigawatts. And in view of the just 38 new installations in the past year with a nominal output of 342 megawatts, that is nevertheless just a dream wish. At that tempo, you need 1200 years instead of 20 years. 

You assert to want to make the seaports into hubs of a renewable energy system, yet build an LNG terminal for expensive and before all dirty U.S. fracking gas in the middle of a nature preserve area at Rügen. Not even your expert, Felix Heilmann, – besides, formerly active for Graichen’s Agora Energiewende – holds that to be a good idea. 

And the Union motion clearly shows how you, ladies and gentlemen of the Union, are as before imprisoned in the woke embrace of the Greens. 

            Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU/CSU): We? Since when? Now I do not                                    understand that! 

            Enak Ferlemann (CDU/CSU): That is just ridiculous! 

Colleague Westpahl has also just approved of your motion. The Union motion throughout breathes the insecurity between compliant green obedience and the public pressure of needing just once to play at a little opposition. 

            Christoph Ploss (CDU/CSU): Name for once an example!

The crisis of the maritime industry is the crisis of German industry – a crisis created by all of you. Affordable energy: That is what Germany needs before all. 

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague, your speaking time                            is at an end.

            Felix Banaszak (Green): Yes, finally! 

And finally put an end to your bureaucracy crusade in unholy alliance with the EU.           

             Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague.

I thank you. Many thanks. 

            Michael Kruse (FDP): Rubbish Comedy Club for free!


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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Kay Gottschalk, July 11, 2023, Cum-Ex

AfD Kompakt, July 11, 2023. 

The transparent and comprehensive investigation of the Wirecard scandal is of great importance. Nevertheless, this presents merely a drop on the hot stone in relation to the explosive tax scandal of 2020. Since the citizens’ trust in the state of law is shaken to the limit and not only due to the latest scandals of the so-called “progressive coalition” of SPD, FDP and Greens. What is more, investigating committees were rejected for the clarification of the attacks on “Nordstream” as well as the Cum-Ex scandals. A motion for the appointment of a “Cum-Ex” investigating committee will again be brought in and decided, presumably in the middle of September. The Ampel’s postponement is the to highest degree alarming, since an appointment before the summer pause would have led to that already possible evidentiary motions are able to be presented so as to summon possible witnesses in September. Investigating committees are the sharpest “sword of the Opposition” and are not allowed to be blunted so as to perhaps destroy possible evidence. 


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Monday, August 28, 2023

Bernd Baumann, July 6, 2023, Criminal Clans

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/115, pp. 14233-14234. 

Frau President. 

Across all Europe, the consequences of a catastrophic migration policy are setting in. In France, the inner cities burned for one week long. With us, such an outbreak of violence has not yet arrived. Yet migrant violence and parallel societies are long since here also. Example NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen]: 500 armed men go at one another with iron bars and knives, countless victims lie in the streets with serious wounds. In the midst of our homeland, newly immigrated clans from Syria fight against long established Turkish-Arab clans. It is a fight for territory, a fight for mastery in entire quarters of the city. The Germans can only look on helplessly, they fear what is happening to their homeland. All of you here are to answer for this situation, ladies and gentlemen! 

The latest numbers indeed show: Clan criminality is rising; in Lower Saxony alone around 40 percent in just one year. 

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Please use absolute numbers! Absolute numbers!

How could it have come so far? In Germany there is just one, single scholar who for decades  researches the theme of clans: Dr. Ralph Ghadban. He is an Islam researcher and political scientist and himself comes from Lebanon, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Therefore he is an expert?

the place of origin of many clans. In the past weeks, he was questioned from ARD to ZDF. Ghadban said: The large families or clans form the basic unity of social life in all countries of the Near East and North Africa. Here, a man’s loyalty is directed primarily to his own large family. They thus form complete unities. Ghadban, further: When these large families come to us, then they bring these structures. Perhaps single individuals can still be integrated; in regards complete, large families, that is scarcely imaginable. 

Ghadban himself has lived it – at the end of the 70s, as a social worker – how several of the large families unfortunately developed as criminal. He himself saw how they began their predations; first, in a small grocery store with their, as Ghadban says, herd tactics [Rudeltaktiks]: One diverts the owner, the others rob him. When the police arrive, all are long since gone. Ghadban saw this and warned the Politik. Yet the multicultural fanatics, he said, did not want to acknowledge this, they looked away. – You are responsible for what has happened here!    

The clans learned therefrom: So easily does money come to hand in Germany. Now they rob quite large supermarkets. The criminal police wrote heated letters [Brandbriefe] to the Politik, demanded support. Yet the Politiker did nothing. Worse still: They did not once permit the police to even name the ethnic origin of the perpetrators. That for once needs to be brought forward, ladies and gentlemen. 

That of course strengthened the clans. They now entered into drug dealing, forced prostitution, extortion of protection money, spectacular break-ins, as in the Dresden Grüne Gewolbe. Through open borders, they coalesced into giant mafia organizations with hundreds of thousands of members. They live in luxury villas without ever having worked. They drive ostentatious limousines through German cities while on the side of the road pensioners, who toiled a lifetime, search for bottles in the trash. – What have we come to, ladies and gentlemen? Guilt for this frightening development is borne by those who permit all of this: CDU, SPD, FDP, Greens. Those are the ones responsible! 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): The Linke also.

More than a year ago here I put forward an 18 point plan [Drucksache 20/7576] for fighting the clans. Much of which the criminal police also demanded. Yet all of you here in the Interior Committee rejected every single point. 

Recently, the Interior politician Sebastian Fiedler of the SPD, 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Very good man!

himself a police officer, was asked in a ZDF talkshow: “ Why then have you politicians all the years done nothing about it?” Do you know what he answered? “We all of us simply did not dare to name the thing by name.” 

Herr Fiedler, did not dare? You as a police officer have sworn to defend the population, and as a Member to avert harm from the German people. Here is seen how irresponsible and cowardly the Politik can be. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Do not scream so! 

           Johannes Fechner (SPD): Do not bellow!

Take an example from Herr Ghadban! Ghadban named the thing by name – and for that, needs to live for decades under police protection. His courage shows that many migrants help us in Germany more than all the cowardly governing parties put together! 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): And you harm our country!

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Horrible! You can pat yourself on the back if you want.                                        No fine speech!

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): Impossible!



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