Monday, September 11, 2023

Alice Weidel, September 8, 2023, Building Energy Act

AfD Kompakt, September 8, 2023. 

While the alarm sounds for the construction business because there are scarcely any more orders for the erection of new dwelling space, the Ampel unperturbed further pursues the disposition of the GEG [Gebäudeenergiegesetz, Building Energy Act]. Especially Economy and Energy Minister Robert Habeck thereby shows how far distant he is from reality. Who, like Energy Minister Habeck with unbearable arrogance demands of the citizens to leave the “comfort zone of self-contentment”, he demonstrates with what contempt he regards Germany. The assertion that the Ampel solves problems “like never before” is the crowning touch. 

The GEG will expropriate home builders and demolish their pension plans. At the same time, it presents landlords and renters with unimagined additional costs while it offers not the least little added value – neither for climate nor for the citizens in Germany. And this law is a symptom of a Federal government exclusively motivated by ideology for which it cannot go fast enough to destroy our country. The AFD will, should it participate in a Federal government, revoke all of these laws and direct the focus on what is really important for the people in this country. 


[trans: tem]