Saturday, October 9, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, October 7, 2021, Corona and Constitution

AfD Kompakt, October 7, 2021.

Former Federal Constitutional Court President Hans-Jürgen Papier’s demand for a constitutional reworking of the Corona preventive measures regime confirms the line pursued by the AfD delegation as critical opposition to this policy of an undeclared state of exception not covered by the Constitution. The juridical and parliamentary examination of Corona policy and vaccination campaign needs be led at the Federal as well as at the States’ level so as to avoid in future crisis situations disproportionate infringement of the rights of freedom. The newly elected German Bundestag must urgently concern itself with this. The next Federal government is obliged to without delay and completely repeal the still existing restrictions of the basic rights.


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Friday, October 8, 2021

Alice Weidel, October 6, 2021, Automobile Industry

AfD Kompakt, October 6, 2021.

Within five years automobile production in Germany has been almost halved to just 2.9 million vehicles. Primarily the Mittelstand suppliers, who in Germany are in the area of hundreds of thousands of industrial workplaces, are thereby gravely affected.

Corona lockdowns, interrupted worldwide supply chains and the microchip shortage caused thereby have intensified the crisis of the automobile industry. The deeper origin of the downfall however is the ideological war against the combustion engine and individual mobility, and the presumptuousness of the policy for the planned economy regulation of the automobile market.

We need to most quickly leave this wrong way. Otherwise threatens the destruction of a key industry which represents the backbone of our prosperity and Germany’s status as an industrial country.


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Thursday, October 7, 2021

Sylvia Limmer, October 6, 2021, Energy Policy

AfD Kompakt, October 6, 2021.

It is inadvertently funny when the EU happens to concern itself over rising energy prices, a lack of energy efficiency and an energy poverty when its own energy policy, with the Green Deal and the Fit-for-55 program, nevertheless manifestly leads to precisely these problems.

The price of electricity in Germany since the EEG [Renewable Energy Law] has more than doubled and the taxes more than tripled: Over half the price of electricity consists of taxes, duties and assessments so that Germany has the highest electricity prices throughout Europe. Yet by means of the eco-dirigiste pressure which the EU also exercises in other countries, in these too electricity becomes ever more expensive.

This increasingly burdens consumers and businesses. The latter will pass on the higher electricity prices to the customers so that not only the electricity but also the products become more expensive. There threatens a loss of workplaces as a result of emigration of businesses with a high energy consumption which are scarcely still able to afford the horrendous energy costs.

In place of European solutions for the elimination of these problems, those of the market economy are to be sought: Stop with the subvention of forms of energy which are not market viable – the EU Climate Law needs to be unwound. Instead of this, we demand secure, economic and environmentally friendly electricity which is not at the cost of economic competitiveness and prosperity.

This will only succeed with a stable legal framework as a basis for a teamwork of a prospering economy and a smart innovations policy so as to be able to adapt to climate changes by means of technological development. The EU’s eco-planned economy and climate clientelism on the other hand weaken our ability to compete and innovate. Without a withdrawal from the withdrawal from nuclear energy, Germany slides ever further into its self-entangled energy crisis.


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