Monday, June 3, 2024

Martin Sichert, May 16, 2024, WHO Pandemic Treaty

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/169, pp. 21744-21745. 

Valued Praesidium. Ladies and gentlemen.

 “Bill Gates decides what is healthy”. Thus the Southwest Radio in 2019 captioned the WHO [World Health Organization]. Eighty percent of the WHO’s means comes from donations. The biggest donor is Bill Gates who also acquires distinct influence on the decisions. 

Yet not only the influence of lobbyists is a problem. For China also, the WHO has a quite special affinity.

             Johannes Fechner (SPD): You’re in good company, there.

China deserves the world’s thanks and respect for its conduct in the Corona time, says the WHO general-secretary Tedros. China, which brought Corona into the world, which forbade people access to their own dwellings, which from the beginning systematically mis-used Corona 

            Tina Rudolph (SPD): From China, you get your money!

to re-educate its own people. China wants to be a model for the WHO – or also for you, as you here demonstrate in interruptions; but as a free democrat, I defend myself against Mao’s spiritual descendants deciding over German policy. 

With the pandemic treaty shall be created international, unified procedural means during, following and primarily between pandemics. Thus essentially always. Against this is Article 20 of the Basic Law: “All state power proceeds from the people.” Not China, not Bill Gates, not Tedros, are to decide on Germany’s policy, 

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): What are you really saying here? Such rubbish!

but solely and alone the German people. 

Essential components of the planned WHO agreement are control of information and surveillance. Similarly, two basic rights are opposed to this: Article 3: “No one may be disadvantaged on account…of his political views.” Article 5: : “Each has the right… to freely express his opinion…A censorship may not occur.” Who loves freedom of opinion, needs to vote against the pandemic treaty. 

What’s more, the WHO wants to establish international digital evidence in healthcare. That is a massive intrusion in the basic right of informational self-determination which we decisively reject. Briefly stated, in regards the pandemic treaty, it’s about that sovereignty will be surrendered, freedom of opinion curtailed, and the transparent citizen [gläserne Bürger] established. 

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): That’s not right.

That is a storm assault on the free, democratic basic order which every informed member needs to oppose. 

Where is the Bundestag’s commanding war-monger, the howitzer of the FDP, the self-named “Grandma Courage”? Where is Frau Strack-Zimmermann when it’s a matter of defending against a real attack on the free, democratic basic order? 

Johannes Wagner (Greens): “Where is Petr Bystron”, I ask you. Where is Herr Bystron? I thought he wanted to speak this morning! 

Here, it’s quite easy. Instead of positioning oneself against the pandemic treaty, the kids all over the country prefer to terrorize with their gruesome placards. 

You designate yourselves ever again as democratic parties. Today you can for once show how democratic you really are. Democracy is put together from the words “Demos”, the people, and “Kratos”, the rule. 

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): You are paid by China and Russia! 

Democracy is thus the rule of the people. Any conveyance of power to international organizations is hostile to democracy, because it disempowers one’s own people. 

            Dirk-Ulrich Mende (SPD): Such nonsense.

It is entirely enough that we here have politicians like Karl Lauterbach who in all seriousness planned to forbid access to business for those not vaccinated, and wanted to compel injections for people. In other countries, people with such criminal energies sit behind bars; for us, on the government bench. 

            Heike Baehrens (SPD): That is an atrocity.

The Federal government is burden enough for Germany. We also do not need a conveyance of political influence to a marionet in the grasp of lobbyists and autocratic regimes like the WHO.   

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): You are paid by autocrats!

We today make a vote by name so that each of you shows whether he is for the German people, for sovereignty, democracy, freedom and data protection, or is opposed. 

            Tina Rudolph (SPD): That is awful. 

You remember each year on July 20 one of the famous German Resistance fighters. Vote today in the sense of his last words: Es lebe das heilige Deutschland!” 

            Dirk-Ulrich Mende (SPD): That you are not ashamed!


[trans: tem]