Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Jörg Urban, January 8, 2024, Farmers’ Protests

AfD Kompakt, January 8, 2024. 

In regards the protests, we stand on the side of the farmers. The enthusiastic participation of tradesmen, shippers and a large part of the citizens shows: Our country urgently needs a change of politics. The green course of the established parties and the “climate transformation” of all areas of life moreover lead Germany to the abyss. 

We also in the future want affordable foodstuffs from the homeland. By means of fertilizer bans and a steadily increasing load of charges, the Federal and State government drive the domestic farmers to ruin. If this negative development is not stopped, we will soon need to feed ourselves by foodstuff imports. 

The CDU’s support of the protests is more than hypocritical. Certainly it has enormously increased the problems for the Saxon farmers, in that it has installed the Green Agriculture Minister Wolfram Günther in Saxony. And the steadily increasing CO2 tax is an invention of the CDU. 


[trans: tem]