Monday, January 15, 2024

Dietmar Friedhoff, December 14, 2023, Food, Africa and the AfD

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/144, pp. 18370-18371. 

Herr President. Valued colleagues. 

Germany is stuck in a budget crisis, the people in Germany become poorer and the government distributes ever more money ever further to all the world. And the CDU now sets out to strengthen the worldwide food security, yet in that regard seemingly does not entirely grasp the realpolitischen facts. 

I first want to state that the 17 sustainability goals also apply for Germany. 

Deborah Düring (Green): Hä? You nevertheless normally do not want it. Be a bit congruent! 

Meaning: It is a top priority duty of the German government to also directly and successfully implement the 17 goals in Germany. Thus in this case: No hunger also in Germany. In Germany are presently six million people, of whom two million children, affected by nutrition poverty. According to the association of child and youth doctors, in Germany far over 500,000 children regularly suffer unallayed hunger – here, in Germany. Inflation, rising rent, benzine and energy prices, an ideological trucking fee and CO2 duties will further intensify this situation. Germany becomes more and more a problem child and even a developing country. 

Question: If a country does not fulfill its own sustainability goals, how can it then set out wanting to fulfill them elsewhere? It sounds like the “You’ll never walk alone” of our Chancellor. It sounds like weitere Häme. It sounds like Doppel-Wumms and “change of times” [Zeitenwende]. 

Yet where are now the most starved? In Ethiopia, for example, the former development policy exhibit country. Here will be built with assistance of the United Arab Emirates a palace on a grounds of 500 hectares; cost, 15 billion euros, which corresponds to the Ethiopian state budget. 

            Wolfgang Stefinger (CDU/CSU): Yet not with development monies! Mein Gott!

The UN presently investigates in Ethiopia because assistance deliveries have vanished into obscure channels and have been converted to money. Finally: In the last 20 years in Ethiopia, a man-made de-forestation of over 60 percent has taken place as a result of the high increase of population. That and not climate change is the principal problem in regards dried-out ground, water scarcity and the decrease of agricultural area. 

            Deborah Düring (Green): Ach Gottchen! 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Oje, oje!

How now is this challenge to be solved? Solution: An end to the classic development policy, into an economic cooperation guided by German interests for a sustainable strengthening of the African continent. To that pertains: Who says A, needs also say fD. AfD is the solution. 

Industrialization of Africa for A: Value-creating, sustainable work and training places. Which is concerned with f: Financial Freiheit, Fortschritt und Förderung [freedom, progress and promotion] of African industry and infrastructure. Which ultimately has positive effects on D: Democratic processes, demographic challenges and Durchhaltefähighkeit [perseverance], thus the countries’ resilience. 

            Vice-president Wolfgang Kubicki: Come to a conclusion, please. 

Exactly this provides for food security also in Germany. 

            Vice-president Wolfgang Kubicki: Herr colleague. 

Sustainable, stable and effective – plainly AfD. 

Thank you. 


[trans: tem]