Friday, June 23, 2023

Alice Weidel, June 22, 2023, Scholz Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/112, pp. 13642-13644.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

You have made of Germany a country which takes leave from the ranks of nations to be taken seriously and which abolishes itself as an industrial country. Your energy, economic and migration policy is seen by the rest of the world as just a frightening example. Even for our nominal allies, we are primarily a money automat and a provider of weapons to a war zone, while our own army has lost the capability for national defense.

 Why should others have respect for a government in front of whose nose vital infrastructure like the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline is blown up without remonstrance? And if soon the Russian natural gas no longer comes via the land route, because the Ukraine no longer wants to extend the current transit contract, then – explains to us the Federal Minister for De-industrialization and Destruction of the Economy – we just need to shut down our industry so that no one in neighboring countries need freeze. 

Herr Habeck, who in regards the national anthem shuts tight the mouth, clearly and distinctly signals to us that his policy serves neither this country nor its citizens. He himself said it: He can – I cite – “of Germany make” nothing, and finds love of this country, the citizens of which are besides paying him, – quote – “nauseating”. And so his policy appears thus.

For that, the heating law concocted by Herr Habeck’s gang of lobbyists is the best evidence. And with a couple of re-decorations, this law remains a frontal attack on the property of the citizens. Your great plan, your great leap forward, the Great De-carbonization, would cost our economy, according to thermal physicist André Thess, 10 trillion euros by 2045 – billion, mit “B” – around 500 billion per year.

You compel the energy-intensive, productive business into emigration or directly into insolvency – a term of which Herr Habeck knows not what to make. And you drive the automobile industry to suicide by means of your e-auto planned economy. From where shall come the additional electricity for the heating pumps and e-autos, no one knows.

And all of this for a green, grotesque ideology without connection back to reality. Since for neither the worldwide CO2 emissions nor the heating ban law will the German de-industrialization driven forward by you make a difference. Thus, talk nothing of climate defense! For otherwise you need to build and not disconnect the nuclear power plants. For the electricity which is lacking due to the disconnection of the last three modern German nuclear power plants, you now import from old, French clunker works. What an absurdity!

Your green transformation is no use to the citizens nor does it save the climate or the planet. Yet surely profit from this re-distribution from below to above the lobbyists who have a tight grip on this government. For the nepotism in the Economy Ministry, Herr Habeck would have long since needed to take his leave in any normal government.

You thereby manage the splitting of society, which you still intensify by means of the current out-of-control poverty migration which this government further incites. Even if on the EU level a satisfactory [bescheidener] compromise is found to at least somewhat check the asylum storm, your ministers have nothing better to do, Herr Scholz, than to sabotage this minimal solution.

You send further invitation signals for access into the social system: Who comes will be cared for, need fear no deportation and is allowed to speculate on a quick naturalization. The Federal Interior Minister refuses effective border controls despite all the cries for help from the overburdened local governments. And thus this government makes Germany an outsider in Europe.

The citizens bear the costs. They pay the price when the public space becomes a no-go area and brutal knife violence and sexual crime become everyday phenomena. Summing up the State statistics, there were in last year alone over 21,000 knife attacks, at least 60 every, single day.

– I can well understand why you here bellow.

            Jan Korte (Linke): We certainly do not!

The fact is: This government leaves the home population with this perverse – you scream, ja.

            Till Steffen (Greens): We laugh!

That you now laugh, speaks volumes. You leave in the lurch ice-cold the home population with this perverse, imported criminality. A total failure of this government and the foregoing government, lead besides by the CDU.

Yet it primarily affects the normal citizens when the housing market is picked clean – you laugh, that I know – because the public hand pays any price for the sheltering of migrants, tosses seniors out of their residences and new construction, due to political  manipulation,

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Pathetic populism!

            Anke Henning (SPD): That’s just not right! What are you saying?

– look, you are nonetheless screaming –

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Tell the truth for once! No fake news!

simply does not at all take place. The citizens – Can you please intervene, Frau President. I would anyway gladly continue my speech.

President Bärbel Bas: Colleagues, quiet now here again in the hall! Everyone quiet down a bit! Frau Weidel has the word.

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): She started it!

Many hearty thanks, Frau President. The citizens of this country are the ones suffering when they no longer receive doctors’ appointments, when medicines become scarce, yet the account contributions nevertheless increase because your irresponsible policy drives benefits recipients into the social system to which they generally make no contribution. The job centers report that more than half of the citizens’ wage [Bürgergeld] recipients have no German passport. Who actually gave you the right to so unrestrainedly distribute the citizens’ hard-earned money to economic refugees from all the world? This money does not belong to you.

This policy we ourselves can longer pursue. Germany for long is no more a rich country. You are making it a candidate for decline. We must do that for which we still have the means and power, to concentrate on averting the crash, and that means: A parting from the green ship of fools and the madness of saving the world; instead, to bury the energy transition, to secure the energy supply, a re-entry into nuclear energy, to close the borders, to prevent social migration, to finally deport those obliged to depart and criminals – yes, of course –

            Katharina Dröge (Greens): A nightmare, what you are saying here!

            Saskia Esken (SPD): When the criminals from your own ranks are also deported!

to lower taxes, to de-construct bureaucracy, to reduce state expenditures, to end checkbook politics, to toss out unqualified government officials, to strengthen Made in Germany [Standort Deutschland], instead of deliberately weakening it – back to normality!

Yet a word to the CDU. While this government runs this country into the ground, you squander resources and time on anti-democratic firewall debates. You are no opposition power; you are those who refuse to oppose!

The only firewall that we need

            President Bärbel Bas: Come please to a conclusion.

is the firewall against the Green policy which ruins our country and deprives [umbringt] the citizens of their prosperity and their freedom.

Many hearty thanks.

            Thorsten Frei (CDU/CSU): A superfluous excess speaking time!


[trans: tem]